Episode 13

September 18, 2024


SE04 EP13 - For The Greater Good

SE04 EP13 - For The Greater Good
Dungeons & Blaggards
SE04 EP13 - For The Greater Good

Sep 18 2024 | 01:28:08


Show Notes

Beleg flies high, Rook slap-chops, Steve breaks a favourite weapon, and Kaitoa has a major malfunction. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome, friends and adventurers, to another episode of Dungeons and Blackguards. I am your dungeon master, Robulon. Joining me in no particular order are the players. Brandon. [00:00:17] Speaker B: I am Ekaruk Unshlay, AP Orc, level six bloodhunter. [00:00:23] Speaker C: Caleb. I am Kaito Ochata. [00:00:27] Speaker D: I have an axe. I am a warforged barbarian. [00:00:33] Speaker E: Hey. I'm Steve Tedman. I am a level five gloom stalker ranger. [00:00:38] Speaker C: Level one rogue. [00:00:39] Speaker F: And I am a magic hour multiclasser. I'm Raiden. I am playing Bella de Garde, level six half elf warlock. [00:00:57] Speaker A: Previously on Dungeons and Blackguards. A chase on horseback through the night along the road from iz to pole. The party sets various traps and ambushes as they reach the bluffs leading to the Polba plains. There, they successfully string out their pursuers and begin to engage them at range, dismounting and killing almost a third of these mounted knowles and left alone out in front, the fellow with the yellow shield, identified mid battle by Kaitoa as the notorious figure in blue armor. But who is this figure, and what of the nature of this armor? The half elf warlock, appealing to the source of his power, drains nearly all of his energy to transform one of the riding horses into a dragon, the kinds of which have not been seen in Baheru since ancient times. And with this flying mount, he hoists the figure in blue into the sky. But the figure drops his shield mid takeoff as he is impaled by the dragons. Powerful but careless. [00:02:23] Speaker C: Claw. [00:02:25] Speaker E: Shit. Shit, man, get a Lionel beast. [00:02:32] Speaker D: Oh, shit. Yeah. [00:02:33] Speaker E: What the fuck is this guy? [00:02:35] Speaker F: I don't know, but hopefully we're gonna find out either way. [00:02:39] Speaker D: We won his armor, that's for sure. [00:02:42] Speaker B: We're not even gonna get a chance. We're gonna be at level eight by the time we get along. Rest in lovely. [00:02:50] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm worried for you guys. [00:02:53] Speaker B: Or will we rolling the camera? [00:02:54] Speaker D: We might not even make it. [00:02:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:00] Speaker F: I'm about to ditch you guys. [00:03:01] Speaker E: So at least we're doing better than this. [00:03:04] Speaker B: So, like, Bella. [00:03:07] Speaker F: F. You. [00:03:09] Speaker D: As is tradition. [00:03:13] Speaker F: Steve is the ditcher, not Bellic. [00:03:16] Speaker B: Says the guy who sold us into slavery. [00:03:20] Speaker F: That has nothing to do with anything. Let's go. [00:03:25] Speaker C: Let's. [00:03:25] Speaker F: Let's, uh. Let's fucking. [00:03:30] Speaker C: Or. Braden, you were saying you were cutting and running or something. Well, you did leave off beleg, half elf riding the dragon. And appropriately, you know what I grabbed tonight to drink. House sound. Sky pilot northwest pale ale. And you are heading roughly westwards. But as I understand it, by no means have you left the field of battle. You can't be more than one or two swoops away. So I suppose we would pick up with you. Whereas the Talon has clasped this figure and has impaled him, his shield has dropped. The battlefield is scattered with some gnolls still attacking your three companions. And there we are. [00:04:27] Speaker F: All right, I would like to turn around and do a quick turn around. Is it acid breath for my young black dragon? I'd like to do a breath attack on as many knowles as I can. [00:04:43] Speaker C: Well there are about seven that are kind of within your if you swooped. [00:04:49] Speaker F: Back around there's seven but I have a 30 foot line so I have to kind of like line up. I think I'd hit maybe three or four of them. [00:04:59] Speaker C: Okay. Yes. So if you're careful to swoop in and line up uh correct shot. Yeah you could try and catch uh quite a few of them here. Yeah maybe four or five but the. [00:05:13] Speaker D: Rating for that like 173 like that's huge back of the party I thought. [00:05:20] Speaker F: It was straight line there and I. [00:05:22] Speaker E: Wasn'T but that is some fucking cheating right there. [00:05:27] Speaker F: Yeah, I was trying to drag it across. [00:05:31] Speaker C: That's some interpreted straight line there. Well roughly though I see where you're going. [00:05:38] Speaker D: Follow the yellow brick road. [00:05:42] Speaker E: Is it acid or is it poison that this dragon shoots? Poison. Right because if it's acid then could you. It's acid I think three giant pool of it or stream of it that the horses would have trouble running. [00:05:57] Speaker C: Dragon exhales acid in a 30 foot line that's 5ft wide each creature in that line must make a DC 14 dexaving throw taking 40 911 d eight acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one so eleven d eight sounds good to me. Okay. [00:06:24] Speaker F: But yeah it's up to you to. [00:06:26] Speaker C: Decide who I hit almost five in a perfect line if you swoop towards the forward ranks along the battlefield here. [00:06:37] Speaker F: Yeah that would be the plan so. [00:06:39] Speaker C: Give it a shot buddy. You're trying to catch the first five. Some are dismounted, two are mounted, two are bloodied. [00:06:50] Speaker F: When I'm just rolling damage right now in Europe it's up to you for the dex checks right? [00:06:55] Speaker C: Yeah it seems to hit regardless so I'm just gonna roll on a Dex check here. No, they're not doing well today. 6510 1711 so what's your damage? How are you gonna calculate your eleven d eight? [00:07:16] Speaker F: I'm rolling it as we speak. I got eleven rolls here so I've got two four for six, six for twelve, four for 16, five for 21 seven for 28, one for 29. Four for 33. Five for 38. Eight for 46 and six for 52. Damage to each of them, 52. [00:07:49] Speaker C: And anybody who saved takes half. But the effect is devastating, bellic and sort of. Now what are you doing? As the devastation is horrifying, they are singed and bubbling under the dragon breath. [00:08:10] Speaker F: So my dragon has an action. And I also have an action. Correct? [00:08:16] Speaker C: Correct. [00:08:17] Speaker F: Okay, then I'd like to swoop back to closest to my party. And I would like to, if the DM will allow it. And I'll make a save for it. But I'd like to use the prayer of healing scroll that I have to cast on me, rook, Steve, Kaitoa, and the man in the blue yellow armor. [00:08:43] Speaker C: Whoa. This scroll you have there, beleg. Did you say all five of you? [00:08:51] Speaker F: Yeah. I'll read it out loud. Choose six creatures of your choice that you can see, regain hit points equal. [00:09:00] Speaker C: To plus your spell casting. [00:09:05] Speaker F: Yeah. Also, it has no effect on constructs. Sorry, Kaitoa. [00:09:09] Speaker C: Yeah, no, describe, I guess, how you are whipping out another scroll. This is the second time today that you've pulled out one of these scrolls and healing the party. [00:09:22] Speaker D: Sup, Kaitoa? [00:09:25] Speaker F: Sorry, Kaitoa. [00:09:26] Speaker C: Talk. What? [00:09:26] Speaker F: I want to talk. I didn't want to use this. I just want to make sure that the man in the armor doesn't die. So I swoop back and I reach into my bag. I pinch my thighs together to make sure I've got good grip on my dragon. And I unscroll the scroll and I read that shit down. I rolled a six and a five. So eleven. So it's eleven plus 617 healing to everybody that I can hit. So the man in the armor, Steve, rook and myself. [00:10:00] Speaker C: Well, Bella, a mighty wind from your dragon's wings beats down upon the ground as you like. You're not landing, as I understand it, but you're kind of trying to heal. Everybody, including this figure in blue armor pierced. Everybody regains those hit points. [00:10:24] Speaker E: How many hit points was that returned? [00:10:27] Speaker F: 1717. [00:10:30] Speaker B: So it maxed out. [00:10:34] Speaker F: Rob, how does the man in the armor look? [00:10:40] Speaker C: You guys said something at the same time. [00:10:43] Speaker B: I said, thanks, bel egg. You're the best. [00:10:46] Speaker F: Yay. [00:10:48] Speaker B: Totally redeemed yourself. [00:10:52] Speaker F: I asked how the man in the armor looked. [00:10:55] Speaker C: Oh, well, there's no change to the destruction in the armor. And in fact, because you have not removed him from the Talon, there's only these semblance of, you know, a restoration of some vitality. But I mean, seriously, Beleg. And I suppose party. If you're looking on as well. At this figure, there's not many signs of life here. It's always been hard to tell this figure in armor. I mean, last time you checked with Stolas eyes, you can affirmed there was a person within. And now they are still motionless. [00:11:48] Speaker F: Hmm. How about I didn't burn a fucking scroll? [00:11:55] Speaker C: Bella, as your wings. As the wings of your dragon beast beat about, and you're kind of hovering there, party, you receive arrows all around you. That second party that still had eight riding knolls has now approached within range of. [00:12:19] Speaker B: It. [00:12:19] Speaker C: Looks like they're short bows and perhaps one is armed with a long bow. There have been two hits. Rook, you are hit for six damage. [00:12:32] Speaker B: Son of a bitch. [00:12:34] Speaker C: Kaitoa, you are hit for five damage. And as you charge onwards, party, you do begin to circle around the same area here, I suppose, where the four of you, or five of you, have just been healed, but you are still under assault. Party, what are you doing? [00:12:58] Speaker E: Whose turn is shooting arrows? Shooting arrows? [00:13:02] Speaker B: I don't have my bow anymore. [00:13:06] Speaker D: It can't shoot shit. [00:13:08] Speaker F: It's not my turn. I'll wait. [00:13:11] Speaker C: If we were to go back to the top of the order, we would be seeing Steve and Stolas. [00:13:17] Speaker E: All right. All right. So all these horses are dead. The first batch. [00:13:23] Speaker C: Yeah. Moving back to roll 20 here. The whole second ride of gnolls here. I mean, they have been damaged throughout the pursuit, and they are looking worse for wear. About three of them. Five of them look, though, somewhat feisty and unmolested. [00:13:43] Speaker E: Okay. I guess Stolas is not gonna be able to move far enough. So I think what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna have Stolas continue to move ahead of us. So he's just gonna double, double move. I want to make sure that we're not riding into any. Any bullshit. [00:14:07] Speaker C: Okay. You would dispatch Stolas then? Still westwards? [00:14:12] Speaker E: Yeah, just to keep an eye. An eye out ahead of us. And as far as Steve is concerned, I mean, there's still things to shoot, so that's what I'm gonna do. [00:14:25] Speaker C: Dust off those D 20s. It's been a long time. [00:14:29] Speaker E: Jesus. [00:14:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:32] Speaker E: I'm gonna aim at guys with bows. Any. Anyone with a bow is gonna get shot first. [00:14:40] Speaker C: They all seem to be ranged. [00:14:42] Speaker E: Okay, so they're all gonna die. [00:14:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:14:51] Speaker E: Too far away to mark, so I'm just gonna be tossing arrows their way. All right, so closest. Closest horse. Noel. Guys, take an arrow. All right, 18 plus three. That hits nine and 1726 points. [00:15:13] Speaker C: You see an immediate casualty the rider and the horse. He'll go down to eight next. [00:15:23] Speaker E: Buddy up 15 to hit that hits. [00:15:29] Speaker C: All right, just. [00:15:34] Speaker E: That is 18 damage. [00:15:39] Speaker C: Then you have scored two casualties, Steve. [00:15:44] Speaker E: Sweet. I'm gonna keep riding. [00:15:48] Speaker C: Okay. As you ride on. Six now remain of those eight of the two dozen riders who have pursued you through the night under the moonlight, still the body of the figure in the talons of the Black Dragon. Rook, you are up next. As Stolis, Steve, is definitely within your view, and you can be assured is on patrol. [00:16:22] Speaker B: How far back are they from us? [00:16:25] Speaker C: You're looking at about 150ft to the scene of where the figure in blue was dismounted by Jewel Eldridge. Blasting shield on the ground, horse on the ground. Maybe not dead, but legs broken, and 200 or so feet to where Steve just scored a couple casualties. There are six riders right there. Then. [00:16:57] Speaker B: Well, I don't have my bow. How many? Long range stuff to do, unfortunately. [00:17:07] Speaker C: Yeah, there are bows all over the battlefield, but none are yours. [00:17:12] Speaker B: No. And they're behind me, right? [00:17:14] Speaker C: Correct. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:16] Speaker E: So it's not like, I mean, a certain time, at a certain point, there's only going to be a few left. I'm sure we can turn around and massacre them. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Is there just the six and there's none coming behind? [00:17:28] Speaker C: Yeah, there are six mounted knoll warriors and three or so horses that look to be still alive in some way, shape or form. And then there are destitute bodies in a horrible, bubbling orange green mess that's the remains of the first wave. So, I mean, I wouldn't even say that there's weapons left in there, but the, the battlefield is actually strewn with bucklers and bows and stirrups and bridles. [00:18:05] Speaker B: Okay, but I mean, beyond the six that are mounted or, well, six that are there, I mean, behind them or around them, there's, I would say you're. [00:18:17] Speaker C: Almost leveraging into like, a perception role, but as you look over that rise, Knowles know, you don't see any more. I mean, you can pretty safely assume that at this point in your pursuit, these are the only enemies who've sort of made it. [00:18:34] Speaker B: Okay, then I will take note of Steve's comment. Taking them, probably taking them on and discarding the rest of them. So I'm gonna pull out my, well, let's pull up the old voltaic machete and be at the ready and kind of turn back towards the knolls and face them and wait to see what the rest of the guys want to do. But I'm game to fight. Take these guys out. [00:19:09] Speaker C: Punslay turns his steed and exclaims, just that. Kaitoa, you are up. [00:19:18] Speaker D: I'm gonna use my vision as I see poonslei. Maybe, like, turn his feet around. I'm gonna look back and use my vision see a mile down to see unobstructed. Is there anyone else behind the party that's chasing us? [00:19:39] Speaker C: Okay, can you roll with advantage, and we'll use your zooming in eagle totem eyes. Yep. What do you want me to roll perception with? Advantageous. [00:20:01] Speaker D: Yeah, it's 13 even. [00:20:06] Speaker C: Well, hold it with advantage. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, this is not a difficult thing. We're essentially seeing how much information do you glean along your path? And you would now, see, I suppose, what Rook was also trying to glean in terms of information, which is yet downed knolls all along your path. You know, you're looking way, way back. There are no other pursuers, Kaitoa. Okay, all right, well, and I suppose that would be. That's kind of like your minor action, right? [00:20:42] Speaker D: Well, if I see Rook, like, turning his horse, moving backwards, I definitely am not gonna leave him there alone. So, after looking back and seeing that, yes, this is the only party we're dealing with. I'm gonna stop and maybe start, like, looking ahead a little more deeply as they approach to see if anyone follows. But, yeah, I'm gonna actually stop ready myself. [00:21:16] Speaker C: So that's. Sorry. That's Brandon and Caleb. That's both of you checking your advanced. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. If Rook stops, are gonna stop. I'm not gonna equal him. Kind of stand behind him a bit. [00:21:30] Speaker C: Sweet. [00:21:31] Speaker D: I definitely would move myself behind him. [00:21:38] Speaker B: So, I take the arrows. You're using me as a shield? [00:21:41] Speaker D: Hey, no, it's more just, like, the brunt of the force, and I will be the second wave. Taking that blunt force. [00:21:52] Speaker B: I feel like I'm in the South park movie. What did they call that? Project human shield or whatever? [00:21:59] Speaker D: Yeah, project human shield. Yeah. [00:22:05] Speaker C: Oh, man. Okay, so, Kaitoa, anything else in your move? You and prickly pea, you know, this stunning war beast of a mare have checked your advance. You, rook, as well, atop your steed. [00:22:25] Speaker D: I'd like to move prickly Pete ahead a little bit of, like, me hopping off, staying on the road, but, like, prickly Pete, like, ten to 20ft away from me, just so I have, like, a bit of an outlandish. And he's not gonna, like, fight with me. [00:22:44] Speaker C: He. You mean she? Yeah, the. The command that you give Kaitoa is received immediately, and. Yeah. So now prickly Pete has receded back about 15, 20ft and. Whoa, look at you. You're starting to do your, like, steaming haka in the middle of the road there. [00:23:03] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:23:05] Speaker C: Can you roll an intimidation Kaitoa? Yeah. And that will conclude your move. [00:23:14] Speaker D: Oh, sorry. 1916 plus three. [00:23:20] Speaker C: You're. You're making some display. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a 1916 plus three. [00:23:26] Speaker C: Sweet. Okay, well, as the knoll riders are bearing down on you. Yeah. You're standing your ground now. You've dismounted and we be up to bell egg. You see the scene unfolding before you. Your party now makes a stand. [00:23:46] Speaker F: I have priorities in mind, and Bellag is fucking right off towards full. [00:23:54] Speaker C: Okay. [00:23:59] Speaker D: All right. [00:24:01] Speaker F: You guys are fine. I've seen you fight gnolls before. [00:24:05] Speaker D: I know it's me. And, like, being ruckus, you're like, fuck. [00:24:09] Speaker F: Yeah, you guys are all right. I am. I'm just gonna, like, take the man in the armor to Mickey or to Lieutenant Dorfield's and see if we can revive him more. I know that takes me out of most of what's going on right now, but that's all right. [00:24:31] Speaker B: It's. [00:24:31] Speaker F: That's for the greater good. [00:24:33] Speaker E: Yeah, we're fine. We'll be fine. If we can't take two gnolls a piece, I don't know what we can do here. [00:24:43] Speaker D: No, this is it. [00:24:44] Speaker F: It's kind of where it's like, well, if they can't take two nulls a piece, I don't want to hang out with them anyways. [00:24:51] Speaker D: Full health. [00:24:55] Speaker C: Beleg the wings flop. And again, as you press your knees against this young black dragon's nape of his neck, where you're riding, you exclaim those words you know, you shout down from on high, and you start beating a path westwards. Wait. [00:25:20] Speaker E: Belly. [00:25:20] Speaker B: Coward. [00:25:22] Speaker E: Roll a d six. [00:25:24] Speaker F: Roll a d six. [00:25:26] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:25:27] Speaker F: Okay. It was three. [00:25:29] Speaker B: Ah. [00:25:30] Speaker E: Your dragon doesn't get his. Doesn't get his breath weapon back. [00:25:34] Speaker C: Recharge on that. [00:25:36] Speaker E: Right, you have to roll a five. [00:25:40] Speaker C: Yeah. So having expended your dragon's acid breath, Belly, my understanding is you're taking off. [00:25:49] Speaker F: I'm hardlining it. I'm like, I'm in full talk. We're going as fast as we can to pull. We're sprinting, we're dashing. We're doing all the movement things. [00:26:03] Speaker C: Belik, any final shout down to your party? [00:26:07] Speaker F: Just a quick peace sign. Peace out. See you guys there. [00:26:12] Speaker B: Coward. [00:26:15] Speaker C: Yeah. From down below. [00:26:20] Speaker D: Soldier boy says, fuck you. [00:26:25] Speaker C: From down below. Bell egg, they are receding. Bell egg, the party is receding and becoming smaller. And smaller. And now they're almost out of view. As you look down to your cargo, your passenger, any final pieces of your move, you're taking off. Anything else? [00:26:51] Speaker F: I don't think so. I think we're good. It's full sprint mode. Everything possible to keep the person that's impaled alive. I'm going straight to the medic, going to Dorafil. [00:27:05] Speaker C: Okay, so can you roll a quick intelligence bell egg? [00:27:09] Speaker F: Yes. Okay, I'm gonna roll it live because I fucking hate intelligence. [00:27:15] Speaker C: Oh, shit. [00:27:15] Speaker D: Fuck it. [00:27:16] Speaker C: We'll do it. 20. Nat 20. Whoo. Nat 20. [00:27:23] Speaker F: That was a Nat 20. [00:27:24] Speaker C: Just. [00:27:25] Speaker F: Just so you know. [00:27:27] Speaker E: Was it a Nat 20? Are you sure? [00:27:30] Speaker F: It was Nat 20. [00:27:31] Speaker D: Fake music. [00:27:33] Speaker F: That felt really good. [00:27:35] Speaker C: The fact that you keep on mentioning Dorothyl's place as a place to receive healing strikes you, you know, right in the noggin. Bell egg, in your logical part of your brain, you immediately think, hold on. Dorfils has never been a place to actually heal people. [00:27:59] Speaker D: He's botched us every time we've gone to him out of separation. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Where are you actually going to go to? [00:28:07] Speaker F: Yeah, we're going to the wizard and spear. [00:28:09] Speaker D: Yeah, we're going to mem. [00:28:11] Speaker C: Yeah, we're going to. [00:28:14] Speaker D: Every fucking time. [00:28:16] Speaker F: Leah, she left. Where'd she go to? [00:28:23] Speaker B: You don't know? [00:28:26] Speaker F: Yeah, wizard and spear. [00:28:27] Speaker B: Wizard. [00:28:30] Speaker F: I just nat twenty'd for my player character. That fucking sucks. [00:28:34] Speaker D: He's a fucking ground medic. We're looking for a, like, actual doctor. [00:28:44] Speaker F: Anyways. We're going to the wizard and spear. Yeah, but it's a shittier landing zone. [00:28:50] Speaker C: Okay, so, yeah, right in the roof. Is this the first time, Beleg, that you have piloted a, you know, an airborne beast? [00:29:02] Speaker F: Yes. [00:29:03] Speaker C: Okay. You are absolutely exhausted, Beleg, as you now look down at the tattoo on your arm that was, you know, transformed in front of your eyes into the shape of a crude black dragon. You know, the shape. The outline starts to dematerialize and. And deformity. And underneath you, you know, in your mind, you start thinking about Lionel the horse, and your concentration starts to waver, and you start thinking more and more about Lionel being a horse. Lionel the horse. And you start trying to concentrate on anything but Lionel the horse. Can you roll a concentration? [00:29:49] Speaker F: Your thighs are a chafe at disadvantage. Because I'm exhausted. [00:29:55] Speaker C: I will just take a straight roll. [00:29:58] Speaker F: Okay. [00:30:00] Speaker C: You are flirting with two levels of exhaustion. [00:30:04] Speaker E: Whoa. Really? [00:30:05] Speaker C: Yes. Whoa. [00:30:07] Speaker E: No good. [00:30:08] Speaker C: He has drawn a spell slot and a 7th level skill. [00:30:12] Speaker F: So, Rob, on my character, she says, I have one inspiration, I think have one. Inspiration. [00:30:20] Speaker C: Okay. [00:30:21] Speaker D: Look at my burn back. One of the exhaustion. Like one. [00:30:27] Speaker C: Are you gonna burn that? [00:30:30] Speaker F: I did it. Did nothing. I rolled the two both times. [00:30:37] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:30:39] Speaker C: Well, so Bellic, I think that's where we're going to leave you in your move at the moment as your spell here is fraying at the seams. [00:30:56] Speaker E: Oh, God. [00:30:58] Speaker C: Rook and Kaitoa and Steve, you know, you guys are all up, but the outline of, you know, Lionel, polymorphed young black dragon, the figure in blue armor and beleg, they are now gone on the horizon westwards. And Steve, you are up. [00:31:16] Speaker E: All right, so this is the setup here. Rook. Rook and Kaitor just over there. I'm gonna move my horse, and if they're stopped, I'm just gonna turn them out. Yeah, just put some more arrows on these knolls as they. As they come in. [00:31:36] Speaker C: Okay. And in this period of time, you have seen these remaining knolls split roughly in two. One of them has dismounted and seems to be a little closer to taking a shot. Three of them are on the kind of the north side of the road. And so now they're with having closed the distance, they're only about 120 to 150ft away. Steve. [00:32:01] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna brace and fire. Fire arrows at theme so this guy, these two guys are injured? [00:32:15] Speaker C: Yeah, that's correct. [00:32:17] Speaker E: Okay. As always, first guy in. So 18 plus 321 to hit. 22 damage to this guy. [00:32:33] Speaker C: 22 damage. Damage, yeah. [00:32:36] Speaker D: Oh. [00:32:36] Speaker C: Can you describe how you have felled the rider atop the steam? [00:32:43] Speaker E: I am going to say that the arrow flies upwards and then lands so that it pins him to the saddle through his abdomen, and it hits himself so hard that it goes through the saddle and hits the damage to the horse. So the horse turns and runs away with the rider stuck to the saddle. Type of dead knoll. Stuck to a horse. [00:33:14] Speaker C: Yeah. You hear the horse whinny at the gruesome impaling of the rider. And so anything else in your move? [00:33:25] Speaker E: Yeah, one more shot. So the second guy here, the injured guy. Okay, 15 plus three for 18 to hit. And that is 23 damage. [00:33:42] Speaker C: This is the guy actually was trying to dismount and was just knocking an arrow. [00:33:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:33:48] Speaker C: You've caught him in the neck. And he staggers backward. A plume of blood. Now he's hit the ground dead. Sweet. [00:34:01] Speaker E: There we go. That's my two. [00:34:03] Speaker C: Rook, you are. Oh, sorry. A Stolas. Quick check in with Stolas. Can you roll perception? [00:34:09] Speaker E: Yes. Using sight? [00:34:13] Speaker C: Yes. [00:34:14] Speaker E: Excellent. That's an at 20. [00:34:20] Speaker C: How far. How far did you dispatch Jolas? [00:34:23] Speaker E: I have basically just sent him. Sent him moving. So he's. He's taking a double action. [00:34:31] Speaker B: Okay, I feel like Robin's gonna have a nice little treat for us here, just from that noise he made. All right, it's gonna be more than two each that we need to take out. [00:34:44] Speaker C: Stolas is in the rough vicinity, still visually in range of beleg atop his dragon. And in this moment, although Stolas is providing a little bit of recon on the road, and surely there are no travelers, there is the silhouette of Bellagan, the dragon, and. And Stolas is having trouble now seeing them. Harder. Harder now to make out in the night sky. Rookie, you are up. [00:35:25] Speaker B: How far away am I from the puddle of ooze? [00:35:32] Speaker C: Dragon ooze, that is only about 80ft away from you guys, where you guys have spun around. And, you know, there is that yellow shield nearby, and there are the white bones. Seem to be the only thing left here in that bubbling puddle. And it has subsided a bit, and now just leaving an icky, sickening stench. [00:36:03] Speaker B: Okay, well, how far away? I know Steve took out a couple. So who's left? And how far away are they? [00:36:14] Speaker C: There are three, perhaps four. You can't quite tell rook at the moment. Gnolls atop their war steeds now that are still alive. [00:36:31] Speaker B: Kitella, you want to go after him? What do you think? [00:36:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:34] Speaker D: Only. Yeah, just run. [00:36:36] Speaker C: Run. [00:36:38] Speaker B: Yeah. All right, I shall. Don't need to tell me twice. I'll run back toward them. [00:36:46] Speaker C: There are a couple of rocks. This little rock formation. Is that where you're going, rook? [00:36:51] Speaker B: Yeah, get the. [00:36:53] Speaker F: Get the yellow shield. Grab it. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll do that. And do a move to swing down and snatch the yellow shield. [00:37:03] Speaker C: Oh, you're charging in with your steed. [00:37:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:06] Speaker C: Oh, no problem. Okay, so you can charge all the way to that shield. No problem, rook. And can you make a. Again, it's your choice of acrobatics. You know, a dexterity based skill or animal handling. [00:37:24] Speaker B: That's. That's gonna be an acrobatics for Rick, as his animal handling is not nearly as good. [00:37:30] Speaker C: Mmm. [00:37:30] Speaker B: 24. [00:37:33] Speaker C: Nice. And I can hear the swoop as you whip up the shield. [00:37:43] Speaker B: So how far can I actually take my horse when I do a full sprint with them? [00:37:48] Speaker C: Well, what's interesting here is because you and the horse are the same. In initiative, you could dismount your horse and then dash another 60ft, but your horse is essentially done. You dashed about 110ft so you'd have maybe ten more feet to another waiting. [00:38:06] Speaker E: Horse, which can also go. [00:38:08] Speaker C: Now, here's the very interesting thing. Well, not quite so far, but Steve is right. You could do the horse railgun. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Ooh. Then I can mount him and take it another 120. Can I? [00:38:21] Speaker C: Yeah. Except this horse, I don't think is going anywhere. [00:38:26] Speaker E: I guess the problem, it would take your action to mount a horse. [00:38:29] Speaker C: Yeah, that is true. [00:38:33] Speaker B: I'll stay on my horse at the 120. [00:38:35] Speaker C: Yeah, rookie. Then your adversaries are within your visual range. Absolutely. But you're not closing the distance. You're standing put. [00:38:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I won't dismount. I'll stay on my horse, and then I'll just put my shield at the well in a defensive mode with my sword at the ready. And what does this shield add to my ac there, sir? [00:39:05] Speaker C: As you glance down at your yellow shield, it has a very simple device on it. It is a traditional heater shield shape, and it has one black line starting in the lower left and going to the upper right. And other than that, it is seemingly painted yellow. And as the moon glints off of your shield. Kaitoa, you are up. [00:39:35] Speaker B: What does it add to my ac? [00:39:38] Speaker A: No. [00:39:42] Speaker C: A typical shield, though you will not identify this shield. But if you're wielding your shield and your voltaic machete. [00:39:51] Speaker B: Yes. [00:39:51] Speaker C: Plus two. [00:39:53] Speaker B: Plus two. [00:39:54] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:39:55] Speaker B: Thank you, sir. [00:39:56] Speaker C: I think so. Let me just double check. [00:39:59] Speaker E: Shield is plus one, isn't it? [00:40:00] Speaker C: One plus two? [00:40:01] Speaker E: I believe it's plus one. [00:40:02] Speaker B: Plus one. Plus. [00:40:03] Speaker C: I've given away too much. [00:40:07] Speaker B: Oh, nice. [00:40:08] Speaker C: No. [00:40:12] Speaker E: It'S plus. No, it's plus two. You're right. [00:40:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:16] Speaker C: Category. [00:40:17] Speaker E: Can you. Can you wield a shield and a weapon and ride a horse at the same time? [00:40:21] Speaker C: That's. [00:40:22] Speaker B: Oh, I can, I can try to. [00:40:26] Speaker C: Well, let's say, look, in this moment. [00:40:28] Speaker B: Well, I'm not really riding them. I'm just sitting on top of them. [00:40:31] Speaker C: In this moment, you have then not expended the last 10ft of movement of your horse. You've swooped down, you picked up the yellow shield. You got your machete at the ready. Yes. [00:40:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:41] Speaker C: Okay. As you look over your shoulder, then, Kaitoa, you have now been left in two ways into the west. Bellic has flown away to the east. Rook has charged back towards the gnolls. [00:40:53] Speaker E: What you doing? [00:40:54] Speaker C: And Steve is at your side. Loosen arrows still. [00:40:57] Speaker D: Oh, geez. Oh, now that, like, rooks on his horse actually gonna hold the ground. Yeah, I'm not gonna move. [00:41:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:10] Speaker E: Rook gets murdered by four. [00:41:12] Speaker B: No. [00:41:14] Speaker D: Well, I. [00:41:16] Speaker B: You tell me to run and then you sit back there, you dirty bass. [00:41:20] Speaker D: No, I. I have no long range action, so it's like, just get to me and I'll save you. But I have. I have no bow action. I don't have a long range attack. [00:41:37] Speaker B: So neither do I. [00:41:40] Speaker E: Get in there, son. You get in there. [00:41:46] Speaker C: Yeah, I love it. I'll save it from back here. You're all right. [00:41:52] Speaker B: He's the one telling me to sprint in there. Run in, run in and I'll stay. It's a classic bell leg move. Bell leg of you. [00:42:04] Speaker E: Fuck you. [00:42:08] Speaker D: Okay, give me 1 second. [00:42:12] Speaker C: Oh, God, that's. No. [00:42:14] Speaker D: No way. No way I can make that distance. [00:42:18] Speaker B: Not with that attitude. [00:42:21] Speaker C: You know, you can go now. Now, prickly Pete is only 10ft away and prickly Pete travels 120, so you can totally reach rook. All you need to do is do your little steam whistle to prickly peak and you could be up beside your halfway orc brethren. [00:42:41] Speaker D: Yeah, I've already lost one animal. [00:42:49] Speaker E: That. [00:42:49] Speaker D: Is, like. [00:42:54] Speaker B: You'Re still recovering from that. [00:42:58] Speaker D: This is my one escaper is this horse who's waiting on the outskirts. Just waiting. [00:43:07] Speaker B: Still sore from Chris? [00:43:08] Speaker E: Bless I. [00:43:09] Speaker D: No, no, I'm sore from Steve leaving me hanging. I. [00:43:16] Speaker C: Guy. [00:43:17] Speaker E: That was like three months ago. [00:43:19] Speaker D: No, that was like a week ago. Like, not three months ago. That was like a week ago. [00:43:26] Speaker E: Come on, baby. [00:43:27] Speaker D: Like, yeah, come on, baby. No, that was like a week ago. [00:43:33] Speaker E: I learned so much since then. [00:43:35] Speaker D: Yeah, we've got two levels. I've. Kaitoa's gone from being, like, neutral to being like, fuck this party. I need my own way out. I need my own way out. [00:43:51] Speaker E: This is fucked. Steven's changed you. [00:43:54] Speaker D: That's why I put prickly Pete on the outskirt. All sprint, all sprint towards rook. [00:44:04] Speaker C: Kaitoa, the camera pans to you and the camera pans to prickly Pete, and the camera pans to rook. And the camera pans to you and the camera pan, but then they, like. [00:44:15] Speaker D: Last minute, and the camera pans and I just sprint towards rook. [00:44:19] Speaker C: Exactly. And then all of a sudden, you know, the camera stops panning and you are booking printing towards ro. [00:44:27] Speaker D: Yeah, fuck it. [00:44:30] Speaker C: Kaitoa, I'm going to give you an extra sort of boost and you will find yourself traveling an extra 20ft. So in addition to your 80ft, you can add another 20ft, which will put you just at that formation of rocks. So you're not quite where Rook is, but you have actually sprinted a tremendous amount. Yeah. [00:44:57] Speaker D: Thank you, DM. Yeah, it was the last minute decision. I was like, fuck this party. [00:45:05] Speaker C: Fucking hate all of you. Steve. [00:45:08] Speaker E: It's Steve. [00:45:11] Speaker D: Fuck this party. [00:45:14] Speaker E: Just let me pick up my giant robotic frame off the side of this building. [00:45:19] Speaker D: Something needs to die. [00:45:23] Speaker E: I still have not finished puberty. [00:45:26] Speaker C: I. [00:45:29] Speaker D: Basically, it was like, I hate every. Everything about this is like, I've been crushed from my party's judgment before, and this fucking sucks. I'm gonna put a horse here so I can get away. But then looking and being like, this is the one guy who actually helped me. [00:45:51] Speaker E: Ah, fuck. [00:45:53] Speaker D: Just, like, running into battle, like, yeah, this is the one guy who's helped me. Yeah, I'm gonna, like, haul ass towards battle. But, prickly Pete, I'm not bringing. I'm not gonna lose another animal in this one. [00:46:14] Speaker C: Goddess. [00:46:17] Speaker E: Too many horses today. I'm not burying another one. [00:46:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:46:23] Speaker D: Ruck, dude, I'm here. [00:46:25] Speaker B: Nice. Let's take these final guys out. [00:46:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:46:29] Speaker F: Yeah, you guys can do it. [00:46:33] Speaker C: Yeah. Brooke, you are joined as Deev is now in the back ranks. And you're up. As you see your two mountainous party adventurers there, the Hulk and Kaitoa, and the enormous rook there, challenging just a whack of snarling gnolls and their steeds. What you doing? [00:47:00] Speaker E: Let's shoot some more arrows. [00:47:03] Speaker C: This guy here, you're targeting Noel, wielding a saber and a buckler roll on AC 19 to hit that will pierce his. It looks like sort of a leather jerkin. [00:47:25] Speaker E: 26 damage. [00:47:27] Speaker C: Whoa. And although you've not killed this fellow, clearly got right through his armor. Next, this guy here, a rather fresh looking knoll. Warrior roll on AC. [00:47:49] Speaker E: That is a 13, so I don't think I'm gonna. [00:47:51] Speaker C: Hit in this case. Yeah. Your arrow is now flying wide of both the rider and the horse and clattering against some stones and into the grass as they charge forward. [00:48:07] Speaker E: All right, well, I'm good back here, guys. [00:48:13] Speaker B: Thanks, Steve. [00:48:15] Speaker C: Arrows whistle over your head. Rook and Kaitoa, you as well. You know, you hear these arrows whistling overdose. [00:48:24] Speaker B: Oh, thanks. [00:48:27] Speaker C: Beleg half elf. [00:48:30] Speaker F: Yes. [00:48:32] Speaker C: The steed underneath you, is it a dragon? [00:48:38] Speaker F: If you make me roll a perception check, I'm gonna fail it. So just tell me. [00:48:43] Speaker C: Bellic, half elf, notoriously bad at perception. You are having trouble holding the strands of your spell together. What will you do? [00:49:03] Speaker F: Um. So is it obvious that my dragon is. Yeah, it's like, I know I'm losing the. My grip on the spell. [00:49:15] Speaker C: Absolutely. As your reserves of strength have been. [00:49:18] Speaker F: Tapped, you've made me, like, use all of my scrolls. I'm gonna grab my featherfall scroll so that when my dragon ceases to be a dragon and turns back into the lionel I met, we fall lightly. [00:49:36] Speaker C: All right, so you are in this moment, delving into your adventurers pack with drawing your third and last little scroll at the ready. [00:49:48] Speaker F: Yes. [00:49:50] Speaker C: And are you still then, as much as you can, riding westwards on the wings of Lionel? [00:49:58] Speaker F: Oh, yes. [00:50:01] Speaker C: Okay, so in this moment, you have done really nothing to change your concentration. And in fact, Beleg. As you fumble around in your adventurer's pack and as you turn back around and grasp on to this dragon, you feel a whisper in your mind. And that's where we're gonna leave you at the moment. Who's top of the order when we go back to the party, we start. Steve Rook. [00:50:43] Speaker B: Steve. [00:50:44] Speaker C: Steve was. Yeah. Steve Rook. Yes. Rook, you are up. [00:50:49] Speaker B: Well, I'm going after the gnome who's closest to me with my machete. [00:50:56] Speaker C: The gnome? Is Mickey around or. [00:50:59] Speaker B: Sorry. No. [00:51:03] Speaker C: Rook, two of these riding gnolls have just been assaulted by Steve. A couple of these guys are absolutely. Actually, all four of them are within the charging range of your steed, should you choose to use the full movement of your war horse. And, of course, you can attack with that war horse. Anybody who is dismounted. Or you can always dismount. Or you can attack horseback to horseback. Any of these targets. [00:51:37] Speaker B: Oh, I'm going brokeback horseback here, bud. I'm going straight at him. [00:51:42] Speaker C: Okay, I will make you immediately roll a animal handling to see if young rook paid attention during his equestrian lessons, where you bear a shield and a saber and ride just like that into battle. [00:51:59] Speaker D: Rooks team, like the. The one closest to Kaitoa? [00:52:05] Speaker C: Yeah. There's the two on the north side of the road, and there's the two on the south side of the road. Which are you charging towards? [00:52:15] Speaker B: I'm gonna go for closest to me on the. Well, the guy on the north side of the roads almost dead, isn't he? [00:52:21] Speaker C: This dude looking terrible. [00:52:24] Speaker B: Okay, and then I'll go for the guy directly in front of me on the south side of the road. [00:52:28] Speaker C: Okay. [00:52:29] Speaker B: And I rolled a 16 on my animal handling. [00:52:32] Speaker D: Like, are you left handed or right handed? [00:52:35] Speaker B: Right handed. So I'll be. I'll be coming at him. Yeah, this way. [00:52:41] Speaker C: So, rook, you grab the reins and whip them around your shield arm and fasten the shield to your forearm, and you wield your voltaic machete here. I think in the other hand, you're charging forward, roll on ac against this. [00:53:06] Speaker B: Knoll that is going to hit is going to hit. That is going to be a 22. [00:53:17] Speaker C: You hit. Can you roll? Damage. [00:53:22] Speaker B: The damage on the voltaics. D eight, right? Yeah, d eight. It's a d eight plus it's a piercing one, isn't it? [00:53:32] Speaker C: It is either piercing or slashing. So yeah. D eight plus your strength. [00:53:38] Speaker B: There's gonna be a twelve. [00:53:40] Speaker C: Okay, rook, as you charge forward, you know, you think back to those lessons in mounted combat. In your mind's eye, you see a d six. Can you roll a d six? That represents the mannequin two. And in the ragdoll, mannequin, as you guys all know, two is an arm. And you chop an arm and it flies off. Yes. [00:54:14] Speaker B: Was it his sword wielding arm? [00:54:15] Speaker C: It is his right arm. As you charge towards him now, he only bears a buckler and you have crossed paths. You and your steed now charge back into the ranks of the gnolls. Do you have a second attack? Because there is another gnoll right in front of you? [00:54:32] Speaker B: I do. I'm gonna continue forward with my movement. And go right that extra 25ft and go after second null. [00:54:44] Speaker C: Roll on ac 18. You are slicing into this knoll. Roll damage eleven. You take aim. Roll the d six, four. And that's a leg. As you charge through now, you manage to, on the downswipe with your machete, free this leg from its owner. [00:55:12] Speaker B: And I guess, well, I'm. I'm going to continue, I guess, an extra 20ft and then turn around and be at the ready and face them back and wait to see what Kaitoa does and wait for my turn. [00:55:34] Speaker C: As you turn around, your war horse champs at the bit and you see the destruction you have wrought. Two gnolls now spurting blood from their missing appendages. And you are up, Kaitoa. Rook has now almost been lost in the fraye, but there are still three damaged gnolls and one rather fresh looking gnoll rider. [00:56:06] Speaker D: I will definitely sprint. [00:56:10] Speaker C: You'll be able to engage both of those gnolls, although, be warned, they are both still mounted. Although one's missing an arm and one's missing a leg. [00:56:23] Speaker D: All right, I'm gonna take 40ft of action and also ready myself. [00:56:32] Speaker C: Dodge your reaction. [00:56:34] Speaker D: I'm gonna read a reaction. [00:56:37] Speaker C: Ready? [00:56:37] Speaker D: Ready. And action. Yeah. [00:56:39] Speaker C: Okay, so you're gonna probably negate the advantage that a mounted rider might have on you. Plus, these guys are missing some limbs. They're spurting blood. [00:56:48] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:49] Speaker C: And they are up next in initiative. Kaitoa. Is there anything else in this moment. [00:56:55] Speaker D: Other than, like, using my vision to scout ahead to see that they are crippled and they're not gonna have the best attack on me, and that's why I'm readying in action. [00:57:09] Speaker C: Well, then, with the remainder of your action here, as you zoom in on these riders, you do not need to zoom in far because they are bearing down on you. Now, they are 60ft away. Now they are 40ft away, and you see every fine detail in their frothing mouths and their rusty blades, and they are now upon you. [00:57:34] Speaker D: I must see those heads, and I'm teeing up on them. [00:57:38] Speaker C: What are you wielding right now? You have several weapons. What do you wield? Oh, dog. Okay, okay. At the very moment that they enter your ten foot range, your readied action is taking place. What are you doing? [00:57:52] Speaker D: Uh, soon as he comes in, assuming that, I don't know, do I have first attack on them? [00:58:00] Speaker C: At the moment, both simultaneously entered your ten foot range. One is bearing down on your left, one is buried down on your right. I mean, I would say you have two attacks. [00:58:14] Speaker D: I'd say the guy on my right, because I'm right handed, he's getting the first swing and I'm chopping at his head. [00:58:23] Speaker C: Okay, are you using any of your great weapon mastery or any of those things built into this readied action that you have here? I don't want to deprive you of anything you would have. [00:58:33] Speaker D: I'm in remove, and I'm using it all. I'm enraged and great weapon mastery. [00:58:41] Speaker C: Okay, then. Can you roll on ac. [00:58:47] Speaker D: Eleven? [00:58:49] Speaker C: You've taken your minuses and your pluses there. [00:58:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:58:54] Speaker C: Well, as you've been battling these gnolls, you know, you know that their armor is formidable. [00:59:01] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:59:02] Speaker C: But now he rides past you, Kaitoa, the one that you have just swung at. Yeah. You have another attack. [00:59:12] Speaker E: Nope. [00:59:16] Speaker D: It doesn't hurt. It's less than it was before. [00:59:20] Speaker C: Kaitoa, do you have any bag of inspiration? [00:59:25] Speaker D: I'm nothing going to use it now. [00:59:26] Speaker C: Okay. In this moment, both of your. It's almost like a simultaneous swing. You kind of windmill, and both of these guys just miss your axe blade as one is a little too close and the others are a little too far in terms of timing. Both have passed you by, and in this moment, they are now going to take their actions. Yeah. And you see them circle around and one of them can barely muster a bite because he has no weapon. [01:00:04] Speaker D: Bring it. [01:00:05] Speaker C: It is a nat 20. [01:00:08] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:00:10] Speaker C: And this hyena like, monstrous humanoid lunges off of their mount and sinks their jaws right onto your arm, Kaitoa. Yep. You're gonna take some damage. I mean, ten damage. [01:00:32] Speaker D: But did you half it? [01:00:34] Speaker C: You may halve it. [01:00:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:00:37] Speaker C: Down to five. The second gnoll that has lost a leg, bleeding profusely. Rightly. So does a floor roll, and he misses completely. In fact, his horse is now, you know, spinning and turning around and stomping. As the rider seems to be losing control and losing consciousness, he begins to slump forward. Kaitoa, as he charges at you, he is now fallen off his steed. So his head's getting crushed at your feet, then, Kaitoa. [01:01:15] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:01:16] Speaker C: You see these gnolls? Destitute, but still kicking. And, Steve, you are up. [01:01:26] Speaker E: All right, so the standard move of my horse is, what, 60? [01:01:31] Speaker C: Your 60 is a standard move. 120 is a charge. [01:01:36] Speaker E: All right, so there's still a freshie here. This guy's out of the fight. Next to Kaitoa, one guy's tumbled off his horse. [01:01:47] Speaker C: Oh, prone. Yeah. Let's throw the one on the two. Yeah. [01:01:52] Speaker D: Okay. [01:01:52] Speaker E: Okay, so the one that's biting Kaitoa. Currently, yes. [01:01:56] Speaker C: The one that has latched onto Kaitoa. [01:01:59] Speaker E: Okay. [01:02:00] Speaker D: Cause he knew I'm a marshal. [01:02:04] Speaker E: Does a 716 hit? [01:02:07] Speaker C: A 16 will hit. [01:02:09] Speaker E: All right, so that's the bow damage plus sneak attack as 5ft. That is 22. [01:02:22] Speaker C: Well, look, gentlemen, we don't pull out the arrow bullet cam very much, but in this case, we are going to do it. You see the arrow's point of view as it travels from Steve's bow, flashing through the moonlight right into the back of his. And, Kaitoa, you have been momentarily released. You know, the pressure is off of your arm, and the knoll is in rigor mortis. It is still attached to your arm, and the pressure has been released a little bit, but its jaw has been sort of frozen in fierce rigor mortis. And Steve, next, how many guys are left? [01:03:09] Speaker E: Is it this guy and the fresh guy back here? [01:03:13] Speaker C: There is the legless, prone knoll right next to Kaitoa. There is a rather fresh looking knoll in the rear ranks. There is a very damaged knoll that's been sort of ignored for the last half minute or so. And there's poon schlay in the background. [01:03:33] Speaker E: I'm gonna leave the freshie and then try to put this injured guy. I'm gonna put an arrow through the arrow through his chest. [01:03:44] Speaker C: This is the one who is pinned to the horse. [01:03:48] Speaker E: Oh, is he still alive yet? [01:03:50] Speaker C: That's the one. [01:03:51] Speaker E: Oh, okay. [01:03:54] Speaker C: Okay. [01:03:55] Speaker E: Well, then I'll just take his head off. [01:03:57] Speaker C: Then roll on ac. [01:04:01] Speaker E: Man, that sucks. I am definitely missing. I rolled double ones. [01:04:08] Speaker C: Pardon me? [01:04:08] Speaker E: Double ones. Double ones. That's the first. [01:04:13] Speaker C: Uh oh. Double ones. Snake eyes. [01:04:18] Speaker E: Two blood, you know? Yeah, right. [01:04:21] Speaker C: With your, um. With your eager shortbow. Yep. Don't roll snake eyes on the eager short bow. Steve, you'll spend the time to sit down with this weapon. Like, sit down with the hour specifically to attune to it. Because remember, it doesn't need attunement. Anybody can just pick it up and use its wonderful properties. Mm hmm. [01:04:46] Speaker E: Did I spend an hour or two attuned with it? I don't know. [01:04:51] Speaker D: You did not. [01:04:53] Speaker C: I think that answers our question, Steve. The string breaks. [01:05:00] Speaker E: Aw. [01:05:02] Speaker C: And this golden, sinewy flaxen thread has twanged this sad little note. Anything else in your move? [01:05:14] Speaker E: All right, guys, I gotta go. [01:05:16] Speaker C: No, that's it. [01:05:18] Speaker D: You shot short. [01:05:20] Speaker C: That was your second shot, so you would still have. How far did you move? Only 60. I move. [01:05:25] Speaker E: I move 60. Yeah. [01:05:26] Speaker C: Okay. [01:05:28] Speaker E: And then shot the two shots. [01:05:29] Speaker C: Okay, so following this, your horse has movement. You have movement. And Stolas is up next. [01:05:35] Speaker E: As far as Stolas is concerned, like, yeah, I'm just. I'm just more interested in. In what's to come with him. [01:05:44] Speaker C: Okay. Would you like to roll anything specifically with Stolas or just move? Do more of a passive perception? [01:05:55] Speaker E: Well, I mean, his. His eyesight is pretty keen, so I'm just. I just wanted to make sure we're not riding into anything. Any traps, any any other groups that were ahead of us. [01:06:07] Speaker C: Okay. Why don't we roll a perception on Stolas with advantage? Just a pure visual reconnaissance. [01:06:18] Speaker E: That is not as good as the natural. Funny. Last turn, I think. Eleven. [01:06:25] Speaker C: Okay. Well, at the moment, Stolas has full view of the road towards Pol. And there seems to be nobody blocking your way. There are no signs of pursuit either. Behind the party back towards the Polba plains. As Stolis sores fairly high here up in the air. He has, however, lost sight of Beleg and Beleg's dragon. Where did they go? They are gone. They have disappeared from Stolas view up here. And Beleg, you are up. [01:07:11] Speaker F: Give me a quick scope. What's going on? Cause, like, I'm. Am I falling from the sky? [01:07:18] Speaker C: Right, Peleg, you seem disoriented. [01:07:25] Speaker F: Shit. [01:07:27] Speaker C: We can't help you now. [01:07:30] Speaker D: Falling. [01:07:32] Speaker C: Falling. [01:07:34] Speaker F: Don't abandon me. [01:07:37] Speaker C: Bring us with you. [01:07:40] Speaker F: Bell leg looks to his tattoo. [01:07:42] Speaker C: Belg, as you look to your tattoo. Indeed, the dragon shape is morphing. In front of your eyes, and all of a sudden you wake up. You have blacked out atop your airborne steed, but all of a sudden you wake up, but you are hurtling towards the ground. It seems that Lionel as well, is mid shape shift. Lionel is half turned back into a horse. The wings have sort of retracted, and you are hurtling towards the ground from about 300ft up. What do you do? [01:08:32] Speaker F: For self preservation sake, I wait until right before Lionel would hit the ground, and I try to push off to counteract the downward momentum and not kill myself. [01:08:50] Speaker C: You're taking no proactive action in this moment other than to hold your scroll of featherfalls. Yeah. [01:08:59] Speaker F: Wait, I should be feather falling. Life should be easy right now. [01:09:02] Speaker C: What the fuck? [01:09:03] Speaker F: What's happening? [01:09:04] Speaker C: What do you need to do to read that scroll? And does it only. What does it say? Does it only help you? [01:09:13] Speaker F: So once I start to notice that my. Like, once I realize my concentration has failed, I clue in, I pull the scroll, I read it, and the whole idea with featherfall is that me and Lionel, instead of just crashing to the ground, we go from dragon to horse, just float lightly, like a feather, all the way down to the ground. [01:09:42] Speaker C: Yeah. I will ask you one thing. Where have you kept this small feather or piece of down? What is it? As you pull it out and it is consumed to slow your fall? [01:09:58] Speaker F: Give me a sec. [01:10:00] Speaker E: Bell. I never collected a feather. Steve never tuned his weapon. [01:10:08] Speaker C: Actually, this one is a gimme, gimme for belly. He just needs to think real careful and he'll. He'll think about it right away. Something that is stuffed. [01:10:18] Speaker F: Stuffed. Did I take the feather from the doll? [01:10:21] Speaker C: Bel. Egg, I will give you inspiration. It is the feather from the stuffing from the doll. [01:10:28] Speaker F: Oh, fuck. [01:10:29] Speaker E: Goodness gracious. [01:10:30] Speaker F: Thank God. [01:10:32] Speaker C: That was a lucky guess. But yes, you can perform this. And you have slowed the fall. And Lionel, in this moment, is now reverting back into his normal shape. And thank goodness that you have slowed your rate of descent, because the trees are appearing before you. The boughs of the trees. Bellag. And can you roll a d four? [01:10:56] Speaker F: It's a three. [01:10:58] Speaker C: That's not a bad condition. You have narrowly avoided getting hung up in some of these leafless trees and potentially getting, you know, impaled on some branches. But you and the figure in blue armor and Lionel just reverted into a horse form, have crashed into a little ridge of bushes and trees. [01:11:24] Speaker F: Basically, I want to, like, put all of my attention to the man in the armor. If we fall, I want to make sure that he's on the horse behind me, if possible. [01:11:38] Speaker C: Okay, well, you know what's happened here, though. Although Lionel and you are mostly intact, this man seems to have been through, you know, two sort of strange events. Impaled by the dragon talon, healed while still on the dragon talon, then let down onto the ground as the dragon talon retracts into being, I guess, like a horse hoof. And now you guys are all in a lump on the ground. So I would say in this moment, you are careful to note that he is intact. And beleg it seems like he is not dead. There is some movement. [01:12:25] Speaker F: All right, well, I want to get him on the horse if I possibly. [01:12:28] Speaker E: Can, but we cut nafri version two. [01:12:32] Speaker C: Oh, Lionel looks like shit. [01:12:35] Speaker F: Yeah, but he looks like my shit. [01:12:37] Speaker C: Yeah, Lionel looks absolutely exhausted. And as you try and load both you and the figure in blue armor and get all of you in some sort of state of trying to move, Bellic, you two are exhausted, and you and Lionel and the man in blue armor here, who is just making some signs of breathing, it seems, beneath his helm. This is where you end your movement. [01:13:10] Speaker F: Unless there's anything else, like, is Lionel done for a movement? Is he, like, collapsed and I. [01:13:18] Speaker C: He's absolutely exhausted. He can barely stand. You've sort of encouraged him to stand, and he can barely do that. He's used 100% of his movement just to get up. [01:13:33] Speaker F: Okay, if that's the case, then I'd like to take the man in the armor, throw his arm around my shoulder and carry him and just start walking towards bulb and. And, you know, give Lionel a wink, but let him lie down and maybe die. [01:13:56] Speaker E: I'll let you die alone. [01:13:58] Speaker C: Beleg your shadow is in front of you. The moon is behind you as you walk westwards. And you have just managed to stand up and take one or two steps before you realize that this armor suit is monstrously heavy. And as you walk 2ft forward, you know, assuming that you'll carry him, he falls right out of your grasp and clatters and crashes on the ground, you know, 2ft behind you. [01:14:34] Speaker F: Interesting. [01:14:35] Speaker C: All right, so you know that was your attempt. And now you're looking backwards back towards your party, back eastwards towards Iz and the one rising moon and the other moon tracing a different path across the sky. And you see a small black dot in front of the moon. Bellag. [01:15:01] Speaker E: Oh, ro. [01:15:02] Speaker C: Yeah, it is Stolas. And gradually the flapping wings of stolas are coming nearer to you. And you see Stolas now, yes, circling, you know, about three or 4500ft away from you to the east and party, we are back to you. And similarly, you know, Steve, Rook and Kaitoa, you know, the clouds are very, very sparse now and have almost dissipated completely tonight as the night has worn on. And you as well, Steve, you can look out to the west and see a tiny impression in your mind travels out to Stolis and, yes, roughly west by northwest is where the road leads. But yet, Beleg, you are far, I mean, you are rather far from the party indeed in. And you've crashed into the bushes here. And where do we leave you guys? I mean, it kind of feels like it's rook up and then Kaitoa and then Steve. [01:16:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I think so. [01:16:10] Speaker C: Go for it, buddy. You have reached the rear ranks. You have circled around. One is fresh, one is pinned. [01:16:18] Speaker B: Where's the freshie? [01:16:21] Speaker C: He is still within your 25 foot range, just to the north side of the road. [01:16:27] Speaker B: Okay, that's who I'm gonna go after. Charge at that freshie and go for a hit. Voltaic smash. [01:16:39] Speaker C: Can you roll on ac. [01:16:44] Speaker B: 18? [01:16:45] Speaker C: Okay, you come around this, guys, right flank. A little unsuspecting and deal damage. [01:16:55] Speaker B: Maximum dam on that one. It's gonna be a 14. [01:16:58] Speaker C: Are you dealing extra damage with your voltaic machete? [01:17:03] Speaker B: I'm not. I didn't do it on the previous two, but I'm gonna deal it to this guy 14 if I'm doing my bludgeoning lightning charge equal to damage that has been dealt, plus one. [01:17:20] Speaker C: Right? [01:17:22] Speaker B: So that's gonna be an extra third. That's gonna be an extra 13. [01:17:25] Speaker C: Okay, so are you dealing this all on the fresh fellow, or have you moved on to the guy who was pinned to his horse, essentially? Are you dealing at all in the fresh guy, or are you splitting it between the two? [01:17:39] Speaker B: I'm dealing with all the freshie. [01:17:41] Speaker C: Well, he is not fresh at all anymore. [01:17:44] Speaker B: So be what? 25 total damage? [01:17:48] Speaker C: Yes. You have pierced right into the unsuspecting back armor of this knoll that has been riding and pursuing you guys for what, like, four, 5 hours? And he's done with a sicken slice. [01:18:11] Speaker B: Nice. [01:18:12] Speaker C: There is one more in your range, rook. Only 7ft away. [01:18:17] Speaker B: Okay, let's go for him. [01:18:18] Speaker C: 12Ft away. [01:18:20] Speaker B: He's up next. Ooh, I don't think that one's gonna do. That's an eleven. [01:18:25] Speaker C: And your blade clangs right off of his shoulder armor. [01:18:32] Speaker B: Okay, and I will just carry on and an extra couple feet and turn back and be at the ready. [01:18:42] Speaker C: All right, you charge out of the fray, Rook. You've now kind of button hooked in here, and you're escaping and charging back towards Kaitoa and Steve with your yellow shield. [01:18:54] Speaker B: It's in a yellow. Kaitoa, you're up. [01:18:59] Speaker C: And you are construct, you are up. One of these gnolls is still snarling and brandishing a weapon at your feet. And then Rook and Steve are sort of each in completely opposite directions of your position. [01:19:19] Speaker B: He's gone. [01:19:24] Speaker F: Am I waiting for a dice roll? [01:19:29] Speaker C: Oh, the construct is having a malfunction, guys. In this moment, blue, if you see Kaitoa, the ancient, warforged construct, all of a sudden looking down into the palm of his giant metal hands. Rook, you know, you. [01:19:55] Speaker B: You're. [01:19:56] Speaker C: You're exiting the fray. You're charging back towards him, and as you say, you know, hey, you're up. He is motionless. He's frozen on the battlefield. Steve, you're up. [01:20:09] Speaker E: All right, so there is what is left here. There's no gnolls around Kaitoa right now. [01:20:19] Speaker C: Right there is the one. Oh, they take their turn before you go up, Steve, because you're the top of the order. [01:20:26] Speaker E: Whoops. [01:20:27] Speaker C: Somebody's gonna take an attack on Kaitoa. They're gonna have a wild advantage, because Kaitoa is essentially in the condition. [01:20:37] Speaker E: Oh, coup de grace. [01:20:41] Speaker C: Dear. This gnoll, right, who's lost his leg, who still has a saber, slices down right across Kaitoa's back. And Kris Blick's chamber begins to rupture. No, no, no. [01:21:08] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:21:11] Speaker B: It's a time bomb. Get out of here. [01:21:15] Speaker C: For the record, Caleb has taken eight. Damage halved. Steve, now you're up. [01:21:30] Speaker E: What am I seeing? From my vantage point, you would have. [01:21:34] Speaker C: Seen the strike on Kaitoa and sort of a eruption of, like, a blue steam coming out of this small fissure in his cryogenic backpack. [01:21:47] Speaker E: Jesus. Down to go, rook? [01:21:51] Speaker B: Yeah, we gotta get out of here. [01:21:53] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. I wanted to collect a gnoll. Damn it. What does. God. Okay, I'm just trying to figure out if Steve understands the. The seriousness of that. Of that backpack blowing up or not. I don't know if it's really in his wheelhouse. [01:22:17] Speaker C: Well, what would you like to roll? Wisdom? Intelligence. [01:22:21] Speaker E: I mean, if I can roll perception, that's my best. My best hack at it. [01:22:24] Speaker C: That would be you just squinting your eyes and looking real close. You want to try that? [01:22:31] Speaker E: Yeah. I mean, that gives me the best chance of success. [01:22:34] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, go for it. [01:22:37] Speaker E: Okay, that is a 22, Steve, as. [01:22:45] Speaker C: Your sharp eyes zoom in. It's not catastrophic there's simply been a blade that has sort of cut and ruptured and created a fissure in the seal, you know, that goes around the sort of the lid and the. The base of this backpack sarcophagus. [01:23:10] Speaker E: Okay. Okay, well, that's the case, then, and it's still safe. Going to approach and take out the last null that just hacked it. Kaitoa? [01:23:29] Speaker C: Yeah. His back is turned to you, and so roll on AC. [01:23:33] Speaker E: Okay, so I'm going to be using my. My shortbow is now useless. I'm going to be throwing spikes. [01:23:40] Speaker C: So. Back to spikes. Was that 60 foot range? [01:23:43] Speaker E: Yep. [01:23:44] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, no problem. [01:23:48] Speaker E: 20 to hit. [01:23:50] Speaker C: Blasting through, no ac. [01:23:53] Speaker E: That's nine damage. [01:23:56] Speaker C: And you're spike here. Steve, can you describe how you have beat this guy into oblivion? [01:24:06] Speaker E: Well, I just casually, they toss the dagger and, like, catch him in the side of the neck as he's, like, readying another attack on Kaitoa and. Yeah, that's it. [01:24:24] Speaker C: All right. Very nonchalant. And you have taken him into the ground with that last hit. And at the feet of Kaitoa, there is now a motionless gnoll, as motionless as Kaitoa himself. And that is where we will have to leave you. Until the next time on dungeons and blackguards. Can you hear me, Major Caleb? Can you hear me, Major Caleb, can you hear. What do you guys want to do? Is Caleb back? [01:26:19] Speaker B: I don't think he is. [01:26:21] Speaker E: I thought I heard his. Like, his mic. Like, I heard, like, someone. [01:26:26] Speaker F: He did just drop a message to us that says, and I quote, fuck this. I hear this all I hear. [01:26:37] Speaker E: Yeah, I thought I could hear someone's voice, so, like, almost, like just. Yeah. Ambient noise in the background. [01:26:48] Speaker B: Caleb, if you can hear this, go into your settings and, like, do a hard reset of your voice and video. [01:27:01] Speaker E: I kind of almost want to take a null alive, too, though. [01:27:05] Speaker B: Take him alive? [01:27:07] Speaker F: Yeah, Robin's an asshole if he doesn't let us have mister, I'm in armor alive. I burned a scroll on that shit. [01:27:22] Speaker E: I want to, uh. Yeah, I want to see what these null. If these are actual gnolls or. Because they certainly aren't living the way gnolls usually are, and they don't really. They don't really seem like they're the standard type of gnoll. I want to see if there's something up with them, if they're, like, wearing olds or something. If we can't get one alive, that's fine. I'll still take a dead one, but I think alive one might be. [01:28:03] Speaker C: Bubbles. [01:28:05] Speaker F: Plus your spell counter.

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