Episode 10

September 02, 2024


SE04 EP10 - Waiting For Some Blood

SE04 EP10 - Waiting For Some Blood
Dungeons & Blaggards
SE04 EP10 - Waiting For Some Blood

Sep 02 2024 | 01:07:23


Show Notes

At the banks of the River Polba the party are engaged in combat once more!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome, friends and adventurers, to another episode of Dungeons and Blackguards. I am your dungeon master, Robulon. Joining me in no particular order are the players. Brandon. [00:00:17] Speaker B: I am Ekaruk Unshlay, Ap Orc. Level six bloodhunter. [00:00:23] Speaker A: Calo. I am Kaito Ochata. [00:00:27] Speaker C: I have an axe. I am a warforged barbarian. [00:00:33] Speaker D: Hey, I'm Steve Tedman. I am a level five gloom stalker ranger. Level one rogue. And I have a match. [00:00:41] Speaker E: Gal multiclasser. [00:00:43] Speaker D: Fancy. [00:00:46] Speaker E: I'm Raiden. I am playing Bellic de garde. Level six half elf warlock. [00:00:55] Speaker A: Previously on Dungeons and Blackguards. Kaitoa, your tin head and the tip of your gigantic, giant sized axe are just skimming the meniscus of the water here. Yeah. So you're moving upriver, Kaitoa. [00:01:19] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [00:01:20] Speaker A: And so, Pardi, that is it. You see a tiny reflection of moonlight on Kaitoa's tin head. And that is it. Now gone behind the reeds. You can be assured he is not far. Now, Steve, at the top of the order. [00:01:43] Speaker D: Yes. All right, so two are prone. Two have arrived on horseback. [00:01:49] Speaker E: Are they still prone? [00:01:51] Speaker A: One of them is now a very tough shot, Steve. In fact, you'd almost be guessing where he is, slumped amongst the rocks in the creek. The other is clearly 10ft away from his horse. And, Steve, as you look down at your quiver, you are noting a finite number there. [00:02:15] Speaker D: That's cool. All right, well, so these guys, I can see by the moonlight, is this. [00:02:23] Speaker E: Sitting in the moon, right? [00:02:25] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:02:26] Speaker D: Okay, they're illuminated. Um, and so, I mean, even the prone guys with the sharpshooter scale, I'd be able to hit, though, right? [00:02:34] Speaker A: Well, honestly, Steve, I think the one guy's out of view. Yeah. Now, the other fellow, no problem. He is 100% in view. And there's two riders right now, and they are still atop their steeds, and they are silhouetted highly. And the archer further behind them. [00:02:54] Speaker D: Well, okay, this guy's gonna get marked, then. [00:02:57] Speaker A: Your hunter's mark. [00:03:02] Speaker D: Yeah. And then I'm gonna shoot an arrow at him. That is not going to hit, I don't think. Okay, that first arrow is not gonna hit. Yeah. Seven plus three for ten. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Now, I'm afraid what's happened here is you have struck the horse. [00:03:26] Speaker D: Oh, poor horse. [00:03:28] Speaker A: And in a lapse of accuracy, very strange for Steve. You have missed the mark and accidentally shot the steed under the rider. Next we're down to four horses. [00:03:44] Speaker D: Would you like me to roll for damage? [00:03:49] Speaker A: I'll roll for damage here, because you'll kill that horse. If you roll for damage. [00:03:58] Speaker D: I don't think the sharpshooter skill counts. If I'm not hitting the target, you're missing. [00:04:03] Speaker A: I just rolled my trusty d four, and the horse is clearly taken in the neck near the saddle. What's next? [00:04:11] Speaker D: I'm going to shoot again at the same target. [00:04:14] Speaker E: Miss again, hit the horse. [00:04:17] Speaker D: Shoot the horse twice, and kill the horse then? No, I'm hitting the target. 18. I definitely hit him. [00:04:24] Speaker A: Okay, so 18 plus something yet. [00:04:27] Speaker D: So damage 1728 altogether. [00:04:32] Speaker A: Okay. Arcing through the sky. But this knoll is not going to die. He will be terribly bloodied, and along with his steed. Actually, you know what? The horse is falling on top of the rider, and they both fall down in concert together and is ugly. And there's a sort of a thump near the creek. [00:04:56] Speaker D: Sorry, horsey man. I'm fucking lying to them. I'm fucking shooting arrows in them. If the Pulba horse union finds out about this, I'm in a lot of trouble. [00:05:09] Speaker E: Hulba horse Union. It is the strongest horse union in. [00:05:12] Speaker C: All of the area. [00:05:14] Speaker D: Strong equin union. Yeah. [00:05:18] Speaker E: Fighting for equal rights for equine. [00:05:21] Speaker A: Do you have a third shot there, Steve? [00:05:24] Speaker D: No, the third shot is the first 1st round of combat. [00:05:28] Speaker A: So effectively out of combat now this rider and mount. And Stolas is up. Oh. Stolas has been waylaid. And in your mind, you feel something is waylaying your familiar. Now, momentarily where before, he was just soaring through the night sky. What could it be? Uh, bellag, you're up. [00:05:59] Speaker E: All right. Can I see the. The one that's closer to death? That's that I knocked into the river. Or do I have the same view that Steve has? [00:06:09] Speaker A: You have the same view. It's an arrow shaft just kind of sticking up. [00:06:13] Speaker E: All right. [00:06:14] Speaker A: Amongst some rocks. [00:06:15] Speaker E: I'm firing two eldritch blasts at this guy, all right? [00:06:21] Speaker A: And he's still very much in view alongside his horse that you've made riderless. [00:06:31] Speaker E: First blast is a 19 against ac. [00:06:34] Speaker A: This will hit. [00:06:36] Speaker E: Second blast is a 14 against ac, half elfem warlock. [00:06:42] Speaker A: You have connected with the first, but not the second. [00:06:45] Speaker E: Faster. [00:06:47] Speaker A: So roll dimmage, and then we're gonna. [00:06:51] Speaker E: See it's another one. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Well, your blast here is having very little effect. And he's still moving, you know, as you look down. Very badly hurt. [00:07:07] Speaker E: Yemenite. [00:07:08] Speaker D: I have kids, please. [00:07:11] Speaker A: Exactly. He's still moving, and I mean, Bella. Yeah. You're also with. With night vision. You're way out in front of the party. Well, not way out. Kaitoa. Is way out, although you wouldn't know it. And the horses now are starting to realize what has happened with the shrieking of the gnolls. With now the riders receiving a second round, a second volley of attacks from the four adventurers, some of the steeds are beginning to turn and at least move away from the bodies. There. Now we see the half orc up. [00:07:55] Speaker B: How far is the first group from me? [00:07:59] Speaker A: They are 10ft further back than they were before. With bellic pushing them away. You have only one battle worthy mounted knoll, approximately 140ft away from you, rook. [00:08:17] Speaker B: Okay, so there's still a fair ways away. Like, I can just keep working on this. How much of this raft have I gotten done? [00:08:26] Speaker A: You know, it's been 6 seconds. So we would say that you have seen your raft building companion disappear here, Schwarzenegger like, into the reeds. You have maybe an armful of material, plus the kind of the rough framework that Kaitoa had laid out on the ground. And then Steve and Bellog are in your 20 foot range, just popping off e blasts and arrows into the beach and the creek 120ft away. [00:09:07] Speaker B: Well, like I said, I don't have a range weapon currently, and I feel like this is probably the best way to. Well, I mean, I know there's horses coming our way, but they might be scared off here. So I'm gonna continue working away on this raft until I can contribute to the fight and see the horses actually being attainable. [00:09:35] Speaker A: Okay. Well, rook, let's say then, can you roll a good old d four? Spiky d four? [00:09:44] Speaker B: The spikes. [00:09:46] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:09:48] Speaker B: Two. [00:09:49] Speaker A: Two's not so good. As you begin to start putting together these pieces, you are seriously missing some basic materials. You know, with kaitoa gone, can I grab reeds? As you look around, it's now a bunch of sort of damp material. So at the moment, rookie, you're a bit dejected. Although you have progressed a bit, you're starting to note a serious lack of real building materials. Fucking d four. [00:10:22] Speaker B: I know. Son of a bitch. Yeah, I'm gonna grab wet reeds and whatever's in my close proximity to fudge some sort of raft with what I got. I would love to pick up and fight, but I reached for my longbow and I pulled it out and it was snapped in half and was looking pretty sad. So I realized that I just gotta focus on this until I can contribute in a melee range. [00:10:51] Speaker A: If they get that close, rook, we now move along to. Yeah. [00:11:00] Speaker D: Would it be too late for Steve to be able to use his move. [00:11:04] Speaker A: Oh, no. Did you burn any move? [00:11:06] Speaker D: No, no. [00:11:07] Speaker A: If you've remained stationary, I don't see why not. I got to figure out who's next anyways. [00:11:12] Speaker D: And I'm just going to close distance. [00:11:15] Speaker B: To that we conclude. My turn here. Ah, you son of a. Here. He's. He's out of 30ft range for me. Son of a beach. Um, I was gonna use my mage hand to try to get some knitting attire from him, but he's too far. Is there anything within? [00:11:35] Speaker C: And it's all wet. [00:11:36] Speaker A: It's all wet right now. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Is there anything with. Oh, yeah, my mage with a wet needle? Yeah. No, nothing. [00:11:45] Speaker C: I have needle right now. [00:11:48] Speaker A: Never mind. Okay, well, there is activity on the ground. Kaitoa, before you act that archer. Guys, you see him now dashing up to reach his compatriots there. And he now launches himself over the creek. And he seems to be taking control of one of these horses. Oh, he's using that horse as covered. And then charging up along the beachhead. Now, just around that corner. Oh, no, it's another group of those three mounted knolls. That whole ride of twelve now has been in your vicinity now for a long time, and it seems they were alerted. Oh, dear. There's the other three. So then charging towards you, Kaitoa, are you staying sort of at eye level with the water? [00:12:51] Speaker C: I know where I'm going. I actually am trying to stay below water. [00:12:55] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:57] Speaker C: I know where I'm going. I'm low eye level. I'm trying to stay as low as possible undetected, trying to propel myself upstream as quickly as possible. [00:13:10] Speaker A: The. Against the flow of the water. Well, then, as we move into it, is now your move. You are pushing yourself along. And you are now approximately 20ft away from the front of the party. That is Steve, who is now charged up in front of bellic. And you are now boat 80ft away from the creek and the archer and the original group of five horses. What are you doing? [00:13:42] Speaker C: If I'm counting on that, I'm in an eddy. So therefore I have a up turn of the current and it's actually going with me and I'm able to sprint. So I'm gonna take my 80ft. [00:13:56] Speaker A: And you want to still attack? I have a way to deal with this. [00:13:59] Speaker C: No, I'm not gonna attack. I'm. They don't know I'm there. So I'm just taking a full 80ft of movement and I am still underwater. [00:14:07] Speaker A: Okay. [00:14:08] Speaker C: Hopefully no one sees me. [00:14:10] Speaker A: I was going to say at the end of this move. And by the way, this is inspired. I will award you inspiration at the end of this dash, you probably could take an attack at disadvantage. [00:14:27] Speaker D: Yeah, okay. [00:14:29] Speaker C: I I'm gonna hold out, and I'm just gonna. I took my sprint action. I'm gonna save that inspo, and I'm just gonna sit tight, blend in with the boggy deep in these reeds. [00:14:45] Speaker A: All right, then. Unless there's anything else in your move, we are at the top of the order with Steve. Oh, hello. [00:14:57] Speaker B: What do you guys want to do? Keep fighting these suckers, or. [00:15:00] Speaker D: I want a horse. [00:15:03] Speaker C: Yeah, the horses. [00:15:05] Speaker D: Yeah, those horses will help a lot if we can get them. [00:15:10] Speaker E: Not the one you fucking hurt. [00:15:12] Speaker D: No one is dead, or one is not riding anywhere, unfortunately. So this is the last guy that's on a horse. [00:15:21] Speaker B: There's five horses, at least. [00:15:24] Speaker D: There's five. Well, there's four, because one is not in any. So if you can. If you can clear this dude, there's. [00:15:32] Speaker E: This guy who's, uh, he's got a longbow. [00:15:35] Speaker D: Charlie longbow. [00:15:36] Speaker E: Yeah, he's an Archer hiding behind, uh, hiding behind a horse. I think he should be your first priority. [00:15:42] Speaker B: Yeah, that guy with the Longville, those kind of commanding them, too, right? So it's like you get a shot on upright buddy, and probably one on the buddy with the longbow. He seems to be leading the charge. [00:15:59] Speaker A: I don't. [00:15:59] Speaker D: I don't want this guy. I mean, he's still upwardly. This guy's not on the horse. [00:16:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:05] Speaker A: Okay, so, Steve, you are at the top of the order. [00:16:09] Speaker D: All right, so I've moved up. Caleb, you're. If I go for the orchards. Archers back there. You okay? Yeah, but I'm shooting. Yeah, I'm gonna move my. As a bonus action, I'm going to move my hunter's mark to this guy. These guys are illuminated, I assume, as well? [00:16:29] Speaker A: Oh, very well. So unless we have a big patch of cloud come over, and you will still always have some of the ambient light from the city of Iz, which is still well silhouetted. And the towers are often the ones in range here. Often they are still glinting if you look back towards the city, Steve. So does that describe the sort of the lighting? Yep. Okay. Yeah. [00:16:58] Speaker D: Okay, so this guy gets the mark. [00:17:03] Speaker A: Oh, your mark now is transferred to, we'd call it, the first charging mounted knoll in this first ride of three. Are you taking the eager short bow for a spin? Yep. [00:17:18] Speaker D: Just as a quick look at the quiver. How many arrows do I have left? 18 okay, good. All right, he gets the first arrow then. [00:17:28] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:29] Speaker D: I mean, I pulled the, the arrows for the. From the Noel quiver as well though, right? [00:17:36] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Do you have another unopened bushel of 20? [00:17:40] Speaker D: Yeah. So I had the, the nice quiver. I had the, which was, uh. You said double was 40 arrows. [00:17:47] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:17:48] Speaker D: I had a bale of arrows in my pack and then the null quiver that, from the horse got me another 24. [00:17:54] Speaker A: 42. Uh, what was your role on ac there, buddy? [00:17:58] Speaker D: Uh, 18 plus three for 21. [00:18:01] Speaker A: Yep. That is connecting and roll damage. [00:18:06] Speaker D: 1013. 720. 30 points. [00:18:11] Speaker A: Wow. This is a one shot, one kill. And the forward momentum of this gnoll connecting with your streaking arrow is gruesome. How would you say you take him out of. [00:18:28] Speaker D: I guess if I hit him that hard, I get the right angle and it just shears through the spine. His head is hanging by. Just bits of meat. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Oh, you know, like Ashitaka. [00:18:44] Speaker D: Yeah, pretty much like what his arm, like, does the weird. [00:18:48] Speaker A: Yeah. So the power of your arrows, Steve here is staggering and in fact, it's a little frightening. And you behead this rider dead. [00:19:00] Speaker D: Dead. [00:19:01] Speaker C: Fuck. [00:19:02] Speaker A: In this moment, Steve, as the head flies off and a plume of crimson drops, Stolas is swooping down towards you. Yeah, he has come, it seems like, up the creek roughly. [00:19:25] Speaker C: He was waiting for some blood. [00:19:28] Speaker D: Stolas sick balls. [00:19:32] Speaker A: It's Steve. What else? In your turn. But then it is Stolas sequentially after you. [00:19:38] Speaker D: Yeah, I get one more shot. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:41] Speaker D: So, yeah, I guess this guy next to him, it's good. 19 plus 322 to hit. And you've hit this one not as spectacular because I don't have the mark. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Twain 20 damage, Steve. Yeah. You've taken him right where his collarbone was exposed and he is now screaming and yapping in the moonlight and clutching at the arrow where you've struck him. Steve, anything else in your move? [00:20:20] Speaker D: Nope, that's it for me. [00:20:21] Speaker A: Now Stolas is up. And you see Stolas is now swooping to within about 90ft away from you right here at the mouth of the creek. [00:20:32] Speaker D: Yay. Welcome back, buddy. Yeah, I got him my body. [00:20:39] Speaker A: So Stolas rejoined and certainly under your command. [00:20:44] Speaker D: All right, I'm going to move him over here. He's gonna just bother the archer guy. [00:20:53] Speaker A: Okay. Is that the familiar swoop and screech? [00:20:59] Speaker D: Yeah, and help. [00:21:00] Speaker E: Yo swoop and screech. [00:21:02] Speaker D: So this, this next, this guy had next attack on him. Got advantage. [00:21:07] Speaker A: Okay, so we'll put the yellow, the stola's yellow mark and then the owl key. Yeah, he has swooped away and in fact he's swooped just over, you know, the reeds there, not too far from submerged Kaitoa. Although it's a little while before we talk to you, my friend. Belik, you are up. [00:21:33] Speaker E: Fuck this guy. He's getting two more eldritch blasts. I'm gonna fucking kill somebody. Nope. Wow. I rolled a two and an eight, so. An eight and a 14. Fucking fuck. Fuck. [00:21:53] Speaker A: Let it out, buddy. We are friends here. Now, is there anything you can add to that? Is there any magical bag of inspiration or. No, no. Bullshit, half elf warlock. There is something missing in the air tonight and at the moment you're flying wide of the mark, you're not dealing damage and not connecting well, just as. [00:22:22] Speaker E: Yeah, Bellic is want to do, he's pissed off and is just going to run forward. Fuck y'all. If I have to glaive people down, I'm glaving people down. And if I have to reroll a character tomorrow, I'm rerolling a character tomorrow. [00:22:38] Speaker A: Charging forward, the half elf warlock. And Steve, you're now almost joined by Bellag. He's just paces away from you and anything else in your move, Bella, or. That was movement. That was attack. That was an exclamation of frustration and yet confidence. [00:22:58] Speaker E: Yeah. Oh, he's got a look of determination on his face. He's pulling out the clutch move. [00:23:07] Speaker A: Okay, well, you guys are facing the moon light as it is rising, you know, roughly towards the east. And the city of is. Is still indeed burning just slightly in the center. And now you see, rook, your party, moving away from you as you look down at the pieces of your raft. [00:23:40] Speaker C: Something about pieces of a raft. [00:23:44] Speaker D: Piece of a raft. [00:23:45] Speaker B: Kaitoa and Punjlei moving, I guess. Well, I've seen everybody else move towards the group, so I'll draw what I'm doing and pull out me machete and short sword and start moving. [00:24:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I think the raft start moving up is on hold. [00:24:10] Speaker A: Indeed, the raft is on hold. Well within. If you dash rook, you are within 60ft and it'll put you roughly between Steve and Bellice. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Ooh, sure. Little dash give you dash. [00:24:23] Speaker A: There you go. So a double dash. You know, it leaves you with no attack. Anything else? [00:24:28] Speaker E: No. [00:24:30] Speaker B: Well, my free actions might weapons. So my machete unsheath the sword. Unsheathing the sword and being at the retay. [00:24:42] Speaker A: Hey now, dude, do you still have. Are you still wielding? Not wielding, but do you still bear Bergen's blade, that long sword. [00:24:51] Speaker B: Oh yes. [00:24:52] Speaker A: Okay. You've concluded your move. And then everything on the ground is acting. And then Kaitoa, you are acting this gnoll huddling behind a horse and he's taking a shot at the party. I don't think that's going to hit anybody. I've totaled 13 so that is far. And I think somebody has been struck right in the breastplate. But that armor is doing you well. And let's see who it was. Yeah, so it was the second person back. Oh, rook, it's you. As you charge up, you take an arrow. [00:25:37] Speaker B: Katunk Sana beach. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Like an arrow just rips right through your outer tunic. But it has bounced off your breastplate so your royal breastplate is serving you well. And now all of these horses far back are charging up to join their group of twelve that came from the west gate river. So I suppose you would say this is all that complement of twelve there. And they are upon the creek and they seem to have not hesitated at all even though one of their number was taken down in a immediate hail of arrows. They are all dismounting at the creek as this first knoll is popping off an arrow and there are a couple that look virtually dead in the creek itself that have been e blasted and shot by the party's arrows. And then finally this first, I guess, or last gnoll from the second wave. He takes about 15ft back on his horse, turns him around and he is jumping clear over the creek and charging towards the party. Kaitoa, you are up. [00:27:08] Speaker C: Alright, so I'm gonna take the old hunter's mark. That gives me advantage on that guy. Correct. [00:27:16] Speaker D: The stolas. The stolas help. [00:27:18] Speaker C: Yeah, the. [00:27:20] Speaker A: Yes. The poop and swoop gives you advantage. [00:27:23] Speaker C: So I. I am going to. Yeah, I'm going to move. What is that? 10ft between the two parties, mid river, still submerged. [00:27:36] Speaker A: You would be wading up the little creek delta here and roll on ac. [00:27:45] Speaker C: I get an advantage on that guy, right? [00:27:47] Speaker A: Oh, the archer you have advantage on. Yes. [00:27:51] Speaker C: So 18 on him that is. Okay. Oh, okay. [00:27:59] Speaker A: Swiping the vodog. [00:28:01] Speaker C: Yeah, this is Vodog. So I have six. Of course I'm enraged. So that's 679 1011. [00:28:15] Speaker A: Oh, 13. [00:28:18] Speaker C: So first attack is 13 for damage. [00:28:22] Speaker A: Okay. Plus ten or no? Plus ten. [00:28:26] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. So that would be plus ten. So sorry, 23 and then are you. [00:28:34] Speaker A: Dealing the plus eight? Is it thunder or lightning on this thing? [00:28:39] Speaker C: It's thunder. So I'm about to roll for about it right now. [00:28:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:42] Speaker C: It's the. The taser button. So that's 23 class four, so 27. And I guess that's. Yeah, my first attack. [00:28:57] Speaker A: The archer that you have selected here for death is gone with this single strike. Kaitoa, you have cloven him in half, but not in a pretty way. Not at all up and down. It sort of. It is all zigzag through him and about half of the way through him as you engage your thunder damage, he just ruptures halfway through. And Kaitoa, as you look at the fellow in the creek, you realize now he's been dead for about the last couple of heartbeats. You know, his head has been in the water. He has bled out. You notice as well this, this guy that Steve shot, he's been slumped forward. He slumps off his horse. But although around you, you have a couple of foes, be wary, for there are still about five in your 50 foot range dismounting their horses or making. [00:30:04] Speaker C: Two to my right. [00:30:06] Speaker A: He is dead. He's dead. [00:30:08] Speaker C: Okay, so there is the one guy here. [00:30:12] Speaker A: Yeah. Bloodied and e blasted. But actually now standing up and no longer prone, he's like, what, 15, 20ft away? So you're. You're well within your ability to do it? Yeah. [00:30:24] Speaker C: Okay. So this asshole, I'm gonna move within 5ft and pop my second attack. But now that I'm enraged, I'm going to smash the fuck out of this dude if I can. So for attack. [00:30:46] Speaker A: Eleven oh to hit is not going to do it. [00:30:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:51] Speaker A: Yeah. And it looks like you cleave his buckler in half. But behind his buckler, you know, his hand and his forearm have been spared. And so unfortunately, you deal no damage. But let's say that buckler has seen better days. And, Kaicho, is there anything else in your movie? You shove, like, probably five of movement. You have an interaction. [00:31:19] Speaker C: This knoll, I just swung it and missed. [00:31:23] Speaker D: He would get an opportunity. [00:31:24] Speaker C: He would. He would get an opportunity attack. Yeah, I guess. What is this horse within 5ft? [00:31:33] Speaker A: I guess you want to get alongside it. [00:31:38] Speaker C: No, I can't. Or else I'm going to take a. [00:31:41] Speaker A: Well, you could chance it. He still has to roll. [00:31:44] Speaker C: Yeah, he does. [00:31:46] Speaker D: You know, you are raging dudes. You're taking like half down and he's. [00:31:49] Speaker A: Taking a half damage. So the worst that'll happen is you take a damage slice, but you could be beside the horse. [00:31:57] Speaker C: So I'm gonna, I'm gonna commandeer. I'm gonna try and, like, just run out, swing and hopefully evade an attack. But I'm gonna hop. I'm gonna hop on this middle horse here. [00:32:10] Speaker A: As you conclude your move, Kaitoa, you are essentially, you're running right beside it. You've grabbed the. The bridle, and you're leaping on to it. And I'll probably make you roll an animal handling at the very beginning of the next move. [00:32:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I can't wait. [00:32:28] Speaker A: And you've left a trail of destruction, and the creek is just in your. Your rear view mirror. You are up, Steve. [00:32:39] Speaker D: Okay, let's get clever. And there's five more guys. [00:32:43] Speaker A: Fuck. [00:32:44] Speaker D: And these guys are, like, full tilt riding towards us. [00:32:47] Speaker A: The guy immediately in front of you is riding full tilt towards you. But the five on the opposite side of the creek where it feeds into the river Pulba, there, they're dismounting, and they're beginning to charge across the creek. And it looks like to investigate what has happened here at the Creekside massacre. [00:33:12] Speaker D: Okay, I will mark this thing right there. I am actually going to run and keep running. I'm going to sprint for my. From my action, and I am going to get up to this horse and secure it. [00:33:30] Speaker A: Wow. Well, so for the third time today, you are taking a mount, Steve. Or at least trying to. I think we'll just have you roll with advantage on animal handling. [00:33:43] Speaker B: Okay? [00:33:43] Speaker A: Because as Kaitoa has burst this gnoll that was taking cover behind this war stallion, he is quite jittery and moving at quite a speed. And in fact, his hooves are in some of the boggy area. [00:34:00] Speaker D: Okay, so animal handling. [00:34:02] Speaker A: Yeah. So you're trying to kind of get on him, get control of him, turn him away from the swampy bog area, please. [00:34:09] Speaker D: Okay. It's an at 20. I rolled on advantage. The first one was eleven, the second one was a 20. I shit you not, you're bad. [00:34:27] Speaker E: Like, 50 50. [00:34:29] Speaker C: Well, look, Steve, I've actually had a couple twenties tonight, so I can't complain. [00:34:33] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. [00:34:34] Speaker D: The van and shelter, I've only had. [00:34:35] Speaker E: Like, parties two rolls above ten tonight. [00:34:39] Speaker C: Yeah, I've been doing okay. [00:34:41] Speaker D: Not a good. [00:34:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Bellag, you are taking the dregs of the dice rolls tonight. You know, your e blast, and, in fact, your effectiveness here, your magic. What is it exactly, Bella, you are starting to question? Right here on the beachhead near the mouth of the creek. As you know, the slaughter proceeds. Why has your magic not delivered for you tonight? Hmm. Curious. [00:35:12] Speaker E: Because I should have had a long rest a long ass time ago to level up with my patron, and she's getting all salty because I'm not there. We had a scheduled date, and I've been stuck fighting gnolls for three weeks. [00:35:27] Speaker C: Maybe you haven't walked 1000 miles. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Steve and I could just twisted the neck of this horse abruptly away from this last precipitous step it was about to take that might have waylayed you. So at the moment, you have the horse under your command, and you're directing him back towards safe footing. [00:35:54] Speaker D: Sweet. [00:35:55] Speaker A: And is there anything else you'd like to conduct in your move? I feel like the horse certainly has some movement. [00:36:03] Speaker D: Well, I'm going to use whatever I can to move away from these five guys. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Okay. The horse has half of their movement left. So where you aiming to ride him or direct him to see for 30, you said? Yeah. Okay. And this steed is under your control. What's this steed's name? [00:36:33] Speaker D: I don't have time for that yet. We got to get out of here. [00:36:36] Speaker A: Right into the saddle. No introductions. Look how the courtesy degrades. [00:36:44] Speaker D: Got a lot going on right now. [00:36:46] Speaker A: It's cold. It's a cold rider now. It stole us stolas. [00:36:53] Speaker D: This guy is pretty. Please swing over, clip the. Like a. Was it a starling or those real shitty australian birds? Yeah, just clip the guy at the back of his helmet. [00:37:07] Speaker A: Oh, mean. And anybody who is targeting this fellow, the guy, the gnoll bearing down on the party on horseback who charged over the creek, will have advantage. [00:37:23] Speaker D: There we go. [00:37:35] Speaker A: Yeah. And Bell egg, you are up in. [00:37:39] Speaker E: Pole position trying to do something that my dice rolling tonight would not allow me to do. But Bell egg's got his concentration face on and he's feeling clutch. And Stolas just did exactly what I hoped. I'm throwing both eldritch blasts at the guy riding towards us that Stolas fucked with. [00:37:59] Speaker C: Say the line. [00:38:01] Speaker E: No, I'm not your monkey. [00:38:05] Speaker C: Damn. [00:38:06] Speaker A: Say it. Warlocks. Say the line. Okay, so you're targeting this guy? [00:38:11] Speaker E: Yeah, with both my eldritch blasts. And last time we did this, we established that I got both Eldritch blast at advantage because I'm firing in them at the exact same time. At the same target, yet. [00:38:21] Speaker A: Four d. Twenty. [00:38:23] Speaker B: Sweet. [00:38:24] Speaker E: Let's say 22 with the first roll. 24 with a second, though. So 24 and a 20. Oh, and a two. There we go. So I hit him twice. I hit him with both. [00:38:37] Speaker A: Nice roll. Damage as now. Eight point blank. Your blasts are connecting. [00:38:45] Speaker E: It's an eight and a three. All right, so now I'm going to describe what I want to do. So I've hit him with eleven damage. I'm blowing him back 20ft. I would like to lobby for one d six bludgeoning damage for the fall. Okay, so it's 10ft per blast. So if I hit him with both blasts, he's flying back 20ft off his horse. And I want to use all my movement to run towards the horse and prepare to jump on it when it runs past because it's going to continue to only make it to about here. Yeah, that horse is going to keep going forward and I want to prepare to jump on top of it as it's running. [00:39:26] Speaker A: What's very cinematic. [00:39:28] Speaker E: Oh, we know how I like them. Cinematic. [00:39:30] Speaker A: Are they gonna smash their head against some of the large rocks here? Let's find out. [00:39:37] Speaker E: So he takes three damage to the dome and flies back 20ft. [00:39:50] Speaker A: Although he is now half submerged, you feel like he is connected underwater with something, you know, solid. And he does. [00:40:01] Speaker E: He should also be prone. [00:40:02] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. He does not seem to be in any shape of coming up. So his head is actually submerged. He is stunked against something under the water just at the edge here. Bellic, anything else in your move? And I will give you one inspiration. [00:40:21] Speaker E: Yay. Nope, I'm just. All my focus is on passing that acrobatics check to try and jump on. [00:40:29] Speaker C: Top of the horse. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Well, this steed is charging towards you and it has barely remarked the fact that its rider has now been ejected. Um. Rook, you are up, my friend. [00:40:46] Speaker B: Yes, sir. So all four of these horses must see and. [00:40:54] Speaker A: Yeah, three of them. [00:40:56] Speaker B: Three of them are. No. No rider. No rider. [00:41:00] Speaker C: I got one. Steve's got the other. And two are free. [00:41:06] Speaker B: The one that you've got to. Directly behind you there, Kaitoa. [00:41:10] Speaker C: I'm beside one about to mount it. Steve's on one. There's one. I'm looking at that someone's pointing to the 53. Yeah, that guy's free. And another one in front of Belug. [00:41:24] Speaker B: I'm gonna dash up to the one that Kaito is looking at 50ft away. [00:41:32] Speaker A: Rook, as you dash forward, Kaito is there, like, you know, flagger guiding you into the right horse. And you have got yet around the neck and the bridle. And you are halfway up into the saddle of this horse, Rook, as you charge actually towards the creek past Steve. Can you roll animal handling? [00:41:59] Speaker B: See here. [00:42:01] Speaker D: Oh, where's my. [00:42:02] Speaker B: I hardly ever roll this. I don't even know what my adder is. [00:42:08] Speaker D: Wisdom, check. [00:42:10] Speaker C: Oh, wisdom. [00:42:11] Speaker A: Yeah, 18. [00:42:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:42:13] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Well, rook, those equestrian and horse handling and horseback archery apprentices that you took as a young noble half orc have paid off. And immediately you saw swing up into the saddle and you just steer away from the small embankment here. And you've now kind of corrected this horse's course to roughly fall in line with. It looks like Steve kind of circling back towards beleg. And then Kaitoa, who kind of guided you on to this mount, is just in your rearview mirror. [00:42:55] Speaker B: Tip of the captain Kaitoa following Steve. [00:43:00] Speaker A: And this steed is under your control. [00:43:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:08] Speaker A: And this steed would again have half of its movement left. So you can actually take it about 30ft along to where you wish. And then, as you conclude your move. [00:43:22] Speaker B: I'll move it up my 30. [00:43:28] Speaker A: So, rook, charging forward, you guys, as always, you are prone to do in the heat of battle, you know, starting up with your little, like, your theme for this adventurer party with no name. You know, you have traveled together for almost on two months now and engaged in all kinds of interesting battles together. And in this moment, you know, Kaitoa, as you stand back amongst the bodies and this last stallion in the creek, you are absolutely surrounded. I mean, the first. Most of these gnolls, you just had to dash up to you over the creek. A couple of them are not going to be able to draw their scimitars and their rusty blades in time. But they have one purpose, and their purpose right now is to connect. And they will. Not with a total of 14, but with a 19. I do not even need to add anything. Kaitoa, a long handled axe is burying itself into your mud covered shoulder plate. [00:44:58] Speaker E: Man. [00:44:58] Speaker A: All. [00:44:59] Speaker E: All the floor rolls. [00:45:00] Speaker C: Frog. [00:45:01] Speaker A: My rolling pad is this, like, elevated mouse pad. It's pretty dangerous. I got. Should I find it. [00:45:09] Speaker C: You're killing me. [00:45:10] Speaker A: Oh, there it is. It's an eight half. Yeah. So haft for you. So, Kaitoa, the very first gnoll warrior here, has been able to charge up and take a piece of you. There are four more that are encircling you. And you see them raising their weapons up and dashing through the waters of the creek here. And now you are up. [00:45:44] Speaker C: Okay, what am I rolling like an animal handling to get on this beast. [00:45:51] Speaker A: Where we left you was you sort of just coming alongside this horse. And right now you have taken a slice and roll. Animal handling. If your intention is still to haul yourself up, that does suck. [00:46:11] Speaker C: But, yep, animal handling. I'm gonna use that inspo. [00:46:19] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:46:20] Speaker C: Oh, it's not any better. Five. [00:46:23] Speaker A: What was the first roll? [00:46:26] Speaker C: It was a three. The second was a four. [00:46:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, as you're trying to get onto one side and you've taken a hit just on the other side, another knoll seems to be trying to, you know, take control of the horse and sort of in this moment you are held back and you are not quite mounting on to the horse and everything seems to slow down to a sluggish pace. Kaitoa. [00:46:58] Speaker C: That was my action. [00:47:00] Speaker A: Yep. [00:47:01] Speaker C: Will I have a move? [00:47:03] Speaker A: I certainly. [00:47:05] Speaker C: But if I move, I'm gonna take a action against me. Right. [00:47:10] Speaker D: Whatever. Whatever. You're leaving. If anything's within 5ft, whatever you're leaving gets in the. [00:47:16] Speaker C: So they all. Yeah. [00:47:19] Speaker A: Two of them for certain would. Would take a slice. [00:47:26] Speaker C: But I could sprint and take my full movement. Right? [00:47:30] Speaker A: That is true. You have not used any of your own movement. [00:47:34] Speaker C: If I slap this horse on the ass and get it to move, is that my bonus action? [00:47:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:47:41] Speaker C: So there's five around me, correct? [00:47:44] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:47:45] Speaker C: So my action being hopping on the horse, my bonus. I slapped this horse on the ass. [00:47:53] Speaker A: Okay. [00:47:54] Speaker C: And I sprint away. [00:47:58] Speaker A: Okay. You will take the. [00:48:03] Speaker C: But I'm running easy and I hope this horse moves with me double. [00:48:11] Speaker A: Okay. So you are going to feel five damage haft. Five damage haft. Which is two. [00:48:20] Speaker C: Two. Yeah. [00:48:22] Speaker A: And that same Noel who took a piece of you is winding up again. And it actually, you and the horse are roughly taking off in the same direction. It's taken off more towards the. The boggy sort of shore there. [00:48:42] Speaker C: Fuck you, bum. And I'm just gonna run 80ft of shore. I just like run away and hopefully catch this horse as. Yeah, hopefully this horse will catch up. [00:48:56] Speaker A: To me as you leave these guys in the dust. Kaitoa. [00:49:02] Speaker C: Yeah. Fuck you, bum. Taking it. [00:49:08] Speaker A: Are shrieking behind you. And it is now the party, you know, up at the top of the order that would be seeing Kaitoa just booking it and this horse breaking right with him. And they're running beside each other and it looks like shields and axes and fangs are flashing in the moonlight. Steve, as I described Kaitoa booking it, the horse he was trying to mount, book in it. They are being hacked and splashed at. Kaito has taken damage. So is the horse your top of steed rooks atop a steed. You have a third steed with which Belik has obviously lined up and you are up. [00:50:06] Speaker D: Okay. This horse here is running. [00:50:10] Speaker A: It is sort of bolting and staggering away beside Kaitoa and these gnolls are just trying to get a handle on it and they're almost grasping at its tail. [00:50:24] Speaker D: And my horse movement is what, 60. [00:50:27] Speaker A: 60 or 120? [00:50:30] Speaker E: Move the 120. [00:50:32] Speaker D: No, no, 60. And I'm going to mark this guy. Oh, yeah, you're not here. [00:50:43] Speaker A: I'm going to shoot him grasping at the tail of the horse that Kaitoa has tried commandeer. Yeah. Okay. So you cast your hunter's mark on him. [00:50:54] Speaker D: Oh, he's gonna get a face. Full arrow. [00:50:58] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:51:00] Speaker D: Fuck. For advantage. Okay, that's good. 16 that hits. [00:51:06] Speaker A: Is that the advantage from the all shots at advantage on the short bow? [00:51:11] Speaker D: Yep, it was. Otherwise it was, you know what? So arrow advantage shot and Hunter's mark altogether, that's eight. Seven for 15 plus ten is 25. [00:51:33] Speaker A: He is not dead, but he is severely impaired. How would you say, or where would you say hit him, Steve? [00:51:42] Speaker D: I like he was reaching out for the horse. He was one of the gnolls. [00:51:47] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:51:48] Speaker D: Don't think I want to shoot him in the face. Actually. I want to shoot him so that like, as he's reaching out, like it makes it as painful as possible if that arm. So maybe like right in the crook of the. The underarm kind of thing. Oh, reaching out, sure. [00:52:04] Speaker A: And he is definitely thrown off in his stride. He seems to stumble away and this horse is gonna have less difficulty now sprinting away. [00:52:16] Speaker D: And then. Is this guy also within 5ft of the horse? [00:52:22] Speaker A: Yes, certainly. This was the one who is trying to take him from the front. [00:52:27] Speaker D: I also want to shoot him. [00:52:29] Speaker A: And so you're now targeting second null roll on ac. [00:52:35] Speaker D: It's 18 to hit. That'll hit 219 points. [00:52:42] Speaker A: 19 total. Yeah. Okay. Again, you're sinking an arrow into your foe here. Probably between armor plates. They're mostly armored with kind of sparse plate or chainmail. So you, you penetrate that. And anything else in your move, Steve? [00:53:03] Speaker D: No, that was it. [00:53:04] Speaker A: Stolas now is up. [00:53:07] Speaker D: Um, I'm going to. Yeah, no, Stolas just joins rank and file. Closes in. [00:53:16] Speaker A: Okay. Closing in Europe. [00:53:20] Speaker E: Bellig, that horse didn't move towards me like I'm assuming it would though. [00:53:26] Speaker A: Oh yes. Certainly the ste charging towards Eu Beleg would have in the moments where Kaitoa was fending off his attackers, it would now be roughly passing your position. [00:53:42] Speaker E: Well, I'm gonna roll. That would be acrobatics. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Yeah, it depends. Animal handling or acrobatics. Acrobatics to me is a probably slightly higher DC. [00:53:55] Speaker E: Well, it's a significantly higher go for it. Plus five to acrobatics. [00:54:03] Speaker A: Ignore the horse. Just jump on him. [00:54:05] Speaker E: That's the idea. That's an 18 plus five. So a 23. [00:54:12] Speaker A: And you sort of nimbly, slightly mount into the saddle and the horse gives a bit of a neigh and a whinny. And he'll also have essentially full move. Well, no, he'll have about 75% of his movement. [00:54:31] Speaker E: Well, my first order of business would be to attack whoever looked close to being dead. Can't remember off the top of my head who looked. Who took the most damage. [00:54:44] Speaker A: Oh, well, the. The first two that the party has been launching attacks into are the ones that were closest to Kaitoa. The one with the long handled axe taking swipes. And there's a guy with a scimitar there. So both, you can tell, are bloodied. [00:55:01] Speaker E: That one? [00:55:03] Speaker A: Yes. The one closest to the horse. Yeah. [00:55:06] Speaker E: All right, I'm throwing. Throwing two. [00:55:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:55:11] Speaker E: Yeah. I'm throwing two eldritch blasts at him. It's a 21. [00:55:15] Speaker A: That is. [00:55:16] Speaker E: That's not a 21. The one hit I'm gonna save my inspiration for if I really. All right, fuck. [00:55:26] Speaker B: Please roll. [00:55:29] Speaker E: That's a six. Six total. [00:55:33] Speaker A: Okay. Well, it's not resulting in any immediate casualty. This six. [00:55:39] Speaker E: Yeah. No, nor fatality. This is fucking killing me. [00:55:43] Speaker A: It's what? You're turning around on horseback and just shooting one off. [00:55:47] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, I get that. Like this makes sense logic. [00:55:52] Speaker A: It does. [00:55:52] Speaker E: I wouldn't kill someone. I'm all right with that. I just want to kill somebody so badly. [00:56:00] Speaker A: Your. Your attempt here has failed, unfortunately, Bell. But your top, this horse and you are charging away in the direction along with your party westwards along the beachhead, this boggy sort of lowlands here and behind you, leaving many knolls pursuing you and their horses, four of which you have common. [00:56:31] Speaker E: If that guy that I hit could be sent back 10ft, that'd be great. [00:56:36] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Repelling blast. Yeah. So he's blasted away and you are up, rook. [00:56:46] Speaker B: I'm going. Move forward with me, steed. Me Steedy. Steedy. [00:56:55] Speaker A: Have you christened your steed there, Rook? Are you being more, at least somewhat more appreciative of your transportation than the recalcitrant Steve? [00:57:08] Speaker B: I am. I haven't peed on his feet yet. But maybe at one point, maybe one day. [00:57:15] Speaker D: Maybe one day. [00:57:16] Speaker A: I think he's under your control there. Okay, well, so your maximum movement, uh, you're eclipsing the party and, uh, you're certainly able to, you know, dash well away from the carnage you've left behind. [00:57:31] Speaker B: Um, it's very rare that rook is not a part of the carnage. Uh, it's 60ft with a horse. Right? [00:57:41] Speaker A: 60 and 120 on a dash. [00:57:44] Speaker B: I just do mean normal move of 60. [00:57:48] Speaker A: Okay. [00:57:49] Speaker B: That'll get me well within where I'm at, and I will race past everybody else and keep on moving. Ah, you guys. [00:58:03] Speaker A: Well, so anything else in your move? Uh, rook? [00:58:08] Speaker B: Um, don't. No. No. [00:58:12] Speaker A: All right. Okay, so you see these gnolls? A couple of them have whistled towards their horses. And all of the surviving ones, it looks like three of them seem to be able to call their steeds and mount, and one of them has ridden off into the opposite direction. They are riding away from the party, and the two of them have mounted their. Their steeds and have jumped across the creek in pursuit of the party. And Kaitoa, as you run alongside your three companions who have found four legged transportation, the moon now begins to be covered by a large swath of cloud. And in the distance, not for the first time tonight, goes up that terrifying gnoll war horn. So, Kaitoa, as you are scrambling along the ground here besides your compatriots, what are you doing in your move? [00:59:38] Speaker C: Uh, I'm gonna give a whistle, like, toot. And I'm gonna hope that this horse. This. This. I'm gonna give it like. And hopefully, this fucking horse, I hope, runs up. [00:59:57] Speaker A: Oh, the straggler. [00:59:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:00] Speaker A: Yes. [01:00:01] Speaker C: The one that laughed on the ass and fucking ran by. [01:00:05] Speaker A: Yeah. And who has been waylaid? Okay, so, Kaitoa, that is a very inspired move. And so, in this case, I think, let's roll the old. We're gonna roll d four with advantage. Oh, glad you didn't get that. Hey, it's a four. Kaitoa. There is a connection. As you look down the beachhead towards this horse, all of a sudden, it is breaking towards you. Anything else in your move? [01:00:43] Speaker C: So I'm gonna throw up my arm, and I'm gonna be like, prickly Pete, and I'm just swinging up on old prickly Pete there. [01:00:56] Speaker A: Can you roll a. Can you definitely roll an animal handling? [01:01:00] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess so. [01:01:04] Speaker A: This prickly beet stamped. [01:01:07] Speaker C: Oh, 18. [01:01:08] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. As prickly Pete stampedes forward, and you, hulking construct, as you lurch up upon this horse, gives a wheeze. [01:01:23] Speaker C: Yeah, it definitely buckles it. And he's a bit of. And then, like, regains stride and keeps running. [01:01:33] Speaker A: Party. You are all now on some sort of escape course. And that, friends and adventurers, is where we'll have to leave you tonight on dungeons and blackguards. [01:01:51] Speaker D: Hey, Rob. [01:01:53] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:01:55] Speaker D: My horse's name is Augustus of the. [01:01:59] Speaker E: Augustus Fossen's cashew company. [01:02:58] Speaker A: Rook, I don't think you've swung a sword tonight. [01:03:02] Speaker B: I have not. Craft building the name of the game. [01:03:05] Speaker C: Welcome to Kaito's world where you don't. [01:03:08] Speaker A: Have arranged weapons and peeing on people. That was fun. [01:03:12] Speaker B: Good. Yeah. [01:03:16] Speaker E: I would like to. To point out that it didn't help. I got pissed on for no good reason. [01:03:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:03:23] Speaker B: I took pleasure in undoing it. [01:03:25] Speaker C: You know, you're bold and you smell like this. [01:03:28] Speaker D: Or piss, no doubt. [01:03:31] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Grog. [01:03:34] Speaker D: Piss smells like hot garbage. [01:03:37] Speaker E: I want to kill something so bad. [01:03:40] Speaker D: Well, you're just being terrible at it. I know you're going to roll more than once. [01:03:46] Speaker E: I want to salt test my dice as much as I want to salt test your D 20. [01:03:51] Speaker D: It's almost as bad as me critting the bed. [01:03:56] Speaker E: You're definitely a bed critter. [01:03:57] Speaker D: You're just drawing it out. [01:04:01] Speaker A: Very quiet indeed. [01:04:05] Speaker E: Well, I was expecting the Michael Caine. [01:04:07] Speaker C: Accent to come out there very quiet. [01:04:11] Speaker A: I had to bury 14 batmen. [01:04:16] Speaker B: I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. [01:04:20] Speaker A: I'm not going to bury another Batman. [01:04:23] Speaker B: Mount M and M or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. [01:04:32] Speaker A: The grassy knolls. Oh, I shouldn't say knoll. Sorry. The grassy area and the trees and the water. [01:04:42] Speaker E: Oh, God. [01:04:44] Speaker D: He went through his. [01:04:46] Speaker C: Hey, I remember this place. [01:04:48] Speaker D: That was the scary place. [01:04:51] Speaker E: This is scary. Scary place. [01:04:53] Speaker A: I think that is where we're going to leave you tonight on this episode of the black art. [01:05:00] Speaker C: I just want to jump on this horse, and we are all gone. [01:05:03] Speaker E: Oh. [01:05:07] Speaker C: Yeah. We're so close. [01:05:09] Speaker E: I still have to get on my horse. [01:05:11] Speaker D: So when you. When you attempted to get on the horse, you just couldn't. You just couldn't get up on top of it. [01:05:16] Speaker C: I failed the animal handling. Even with an inspo, I rolled a three and then I rolled a four. [01:05:23] Speaker A: Hmm. Like, and under the hacking slashes of the gnolls, it sort of realistic. [01:05:30] Speaker C: It's so realistic that even, like, with an inspiration. I mean, stabbed at by, like, five gnolls. And I still failed to get on that horse. And so I just was like, slapped it on the ass and fucking ran. [01:05:45] Speaker A: Take an item from your backpack. Put on or remove some jewelry. Eat some food, drink some liquid. Take some coins from a pouche. Pull up or down your pants. Turn a key in a lock. Oh, free actions. [01:06:00] Speaker D: Dude, this eye is fucking amazing. I love it. It's my fucking yellow dye so much, I object. [01:06:11] Speaker E: I'm, like, coming off of two terrible rolling sessions for both sets of die. It's making me so sad. [01:06:19] Speaker A: I like that. Poop and swoop. [01:06:28] Speaker E: The snowless goes flying through the night, chasing the nose and feeling fine. Steve yells. I need a classic help action. Those dollars give us all satisfaction. Pump and swoop. Purpose rope. Purp and swoop. Boom and swoop. Stolen. His drops opens up his legs, ready to pop like a powder cake. Just then he opens his mouth and the no lets out a swipe and swipe and swipe and swipe and swipe. [01:07:15] Speaker D: Poop and swim. Swoon, swoop.

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