Episode 8

July 10, 2024


SE04 EP08 - Saddle Talk

SE04 EP08 - Saddle Talk
Dungeons & Blaggards
SE04 EP08 - Saddle Talk

Jul 10 2024 | 01:11:26


Show Notes

The party reach the tower walls of Iz. Will Kaitoa manage to keep the Kriz-bomb from exploding? Will Rook become steathly? Will Steve honour his promise to Eustace the Gnollish warhorse? Will Beleg ever make a decent perception roll? 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Welcome, friends and adventurers, to another episode of Dungeons and Blackguards. I am your dungeon master, Rob Ulon. Joining me in no particular order are the players. Brandon. [00:00:17] Speaker B: I am Ekaruk unshlay, half orc, level six blood hunter halo. [00:00:24] Speaker A: I am Kaito Otaka. [00:00:27] Speaker C: I have an axe. [00:00:28] Speaker A: I am a warforged barbarian hobo. [00:00:33] Speaker D: Hey, I'm Steve Tedman. I am a level five gloom stalker. [00:00:37] Speaker E: Ranger, level one rogue. And I have a magic hour multiclasser. [00:00:43] Speaker A: I'm antsyden. [00:00:46] Speaker E: I'm Raiden. I am playing bella de garde, level six half elf warlock. [00:00:54] Speaker A: Previously on Dungeons and Blackguards. So you guys got a nice pair of or two pairs of horses? Two brown horses with what? Blue saddles, and two slightly different horses with, like, cream colored saddles. Oh, you make a nice foursome. What a nice stroll through the streets of iz da da da. And so have you decided how you would like to pursue a path towards the outer walls, which are technically really only three neighborhoods away? [00:01:30] Speaker C: Uh, is everyone down with what Belg and I were talking about? What's sticking to those walls? [00:01:37] Speaker D: Yep. Yeah, let's do it. [00:01:38] Speaker C: So I think we're gonna keep going our direction. [00:01:41] Speaker E: Yeah. Use the walls as cover because they're taller than us. [00:01:45] Speaker A: Okay, then. Party in the main road you guys were on. The thundering of hooves and the reverberating of that knoll horn are still in your ears. [00:02:02] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. I think we're sticking to this wall. [00:02:05] Speaker A: Right here, the main roadway. [00:02:09] Speaker C: Robin, I wanted to ask, when I look back and the horses that are following us, roughly compared to the starting numbers, what percentage went down? What percentage are there? [00:02:24] Speaker A: Can you roll perception with advantage, Kaitoa? [00:02:28] Speaker C: Yeah. 17. [00:02:34] Speaker A: So in that moment, Kaito, I remember when you looked over your huge metal shoulder plate and your go go gadget construct eyes zoomed in telescope, like you saw about the first wave go crashing down. Yeah, probably that's a dozen, you know, out of this fight. No. [00:02:59] Speaker C: Yep. I'll communicate that to the party. Just being like, I think we dropped a third of them with those traps. [00:03:05] Speaker E: Nice. [00:03:08] Speaker C: We should probably, at some point, lay another trap. [00:03:14] Speaker E: So wait until after the junction. [00:03:16] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. [00:03:18] Speaker D: I have another pass without trace. [00:03:21] Speaker C: Yeah, we should drop another trap there. [00:03:24] Speaker D: If so, if we want the hooves. [00:03:27] Speaker A: Of reverberating off the buildings, we can't talk while riding. You sure can. Where are you going? [00:03:35] Speaker C: Yeah, we're following that line. [00:03:38] Speaker A: Okay. In a couple of sprints, the party then would be up at the next large intersection between main roads and what we would call a tower road. You know, road that leads to one of these sentry towers. The owl is above you and is alerting you. You are being pursued, guys. You're being pursued by the remaining roughly four score horse riders, and they are now at that position, just leaving the northern courtyard. [00:04:14] Speaker E: Hey, guys, let's idea when we get to the yellow circle here, because Steve was talking about his path to the trace, we'd hop off our horses, we could turn them back towards the cavalry that's chasing us, slap them in the ass, head on towards them, then pass without trace. We could try for the gate, or we could try to sneak over, grappling, hook our way over a wall. [00:04:44] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a tower right there, isn't it? [00:04:47] Speaker D: It's not likely that we're going to get through an open gate at night against. Yeah, we're not. [00:04:55] Speaker C: I say let's ride our horses right towards that southwest gate, but let's go up those buildings. [00:05:04] Speaker E: Okay. [00:05:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:05:08] Speaker C: I mean, yeah, let's go. [00:05:11] Speaker E: All right. [00:05:12] Speaker D: I'm. [00:05:13] Speaker B: Is Stolas still keeping tabs on the cavalry in which direction they're going? [00:05:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I assume so. [00:05:21] Speaker A: He's. [00:05:21] Speaker D: He's up. He's flying high. Just, um, giving me the stolas eye view. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Steve, in this moment, as rook, the, uh, the half orc there, you quickly check in with Steve. What is the birds. Sorry. The owl's eye view. You are being pursued now in four distinct groups. You know, those dozen cavalry each, Steve. And at one of them is the fellow with the yellow shield. They have begun to fan out now, but three of them are along the main road, and one of them seems to be taking a different tack. [00:06:05] Speaker D: And so, Robin, these. In these areas, these are not. These are like little side streets and that kind of thing, right? [00:06:12] Speaker A: That's right, Steve, as you guys are charging atop your steeds, it's the familiar neighborhoods you guys stalked through after you did your grappling hook. You know, infiltration, but it's a bit of a labyrinth in there, let's say. So in some cases, you might make it through. In others, you may hit a dead end or a blind pocket. [00:06:33] Speaker D: Okay, yeah, yeah. Once we break off. Once we break off and have the horses keep running south, then we can. We can go into these little side streets and stealth our way up to the city walls. [00:06:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:45] Speaker C: So, are we hopping off at that yellow circle? [00:06:48] Speaker D: Yep. Uh, we want. Yeah, we want to make sure that we're not being seen, and then we kick the horses off. I think if we just send the horses south and have them run around making a lot, whole lot of noise. Then hopefully that'll pull attention while we stealth into this. Yeah, well, we're going to get to that, that yellow circle. And then that's where we send the horses further south. And I cast past that trace. [00:07:18] Speaker C: So everyone on the circle, dismount. [00:07:21] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, I want to do like a awesome dismount. Like I'm standing on the saddle and then right when I hit the point, I'm gonna jump off. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Let's see all four of you then. Steve, you intend to use this? What was it again? You have a small amount of ash that you must consume. [00:07:44] Speaker D: Yeah, a bag of ash. I don't know, it's a little more flavor than anything. I just need to use it on myself. Because as long as these guys are. [00:07:52] Speaker A: Within 30ft and horses as well. [00:07:56] Speaker D: No, no, we're leaving the horses, we're ditching the horses. Much sound as possible, basically. [00:08:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:01] Speaker C: Mid sprint. We're all just kind of like bailing off the horses and letting the horses keep running. I'm giving mine a giant ass slap on the bass. [00:08:12] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, exactly. [00:08:14] Speaker A: Bell leg. You did your artful dismount. And I will. It sounded so flourishy. I'm gonna have you roll on acrobatics. Acrobatics or performance? [00:08:24] Speaker E: That's a 23 acrobatics check. [00:08:28] Speaker A: Oh, then just as you said, it is quite the dismount. [00:08:34] Speaker D: I tell Eustace, you're free, little buddy. You do what you want. Make as much noise as you can. Just run around town. The city is yours. [00:08:49] Speaker E: Find yourself a lady. [00:08:50] Speaker D: Find yourself a good lady. Have some wheel, horse kids. Call one of them. Steve. [00:08:59] Speaker A: Steve. As you look into the inky black eyes of Eustace, the knoll warhorse, you think about the promise you've broken. And he looks back at you. What about those grasses outside the walls? You promised. But nonetheless, you have made yourself clear. No turning back. And Eustace clearly sort of leading these other three horses, all four of them, charge off down the street in the shadows of the buildings and party your loneliness. [00:09:36] Speaker D: Saddle talk, baby. [00:09:39] Speaker A: That's just saddle talk. [00:09:42] Speaker E: Saddle talk. [00:09:43] Speaker D: Say a lot of things are deep in the saddle. [00:09:46] Speaker E: Some jockey room talk. [00:09:48] Speaker A: And there they go, guys. And there they go. [00:09:53] Speaker E: There you go. [00:09:55] Speaker C: That's you. [00:09:58] Speaker D: Let's get this ash on my face. [00:09:59] Speaker E: Here is Steve, like, just like drawing lines under his eyes with ash. [00:10:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:06] Speaker E: Game face ready? [00:10:08] Speaker D: 100%. I'm throwing footballs now. [00:10:12] Speaker E: Dude, you would be such a good quarterback. Steve would be the best fucking quarterback. [00:10:19] Speaker A: Like a shot. [00:10:23] Speaker E: Starting the football league. And pull up when we get back. [00:10:26] Speaker D: Get off the snap. That's for sure. [00:10:28] Speaker A: So, Pardi, you remember the. You know the guidelines, and it's all about adding ten to any, you know, stealth. Check that the environment may be provoking. Can somebody explain to me? Then, with the horses charging off down southwest, are you darting around in the main streets or are you going into the neighborhoods? [00:10:50] Speaker D: We're going into the neighborhoods. [00:10:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:53] Speaker D: Making it harder for large groups of horses to actually chase after us. [00:10:57] Speaker A: Can everybody roll an initial stealth? And this will give me some guidance as to what's gonna happen next on advantage or not on advantage, I'd say this one. On advantage, sure. Stealth plus ten. On advantage. And everybody give me a total. [00:11:15] Speaker E: I still only got 19. [00:11:17] Speaker B: Still plus ten. [00:11:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:19] Speaker D: Oh, well, who 33 for, Steve? [00:11:26] Speaker B: Mine's gonna be pretty fucking good here. [00:11:28] Speaker C: I got 30. [00:11:30] Speaker B: Yeah, it's gonna be 30. [00:11:32] Speaker A: Beleg Dagar, half elf Warlock, 19. Steve Tahuman. What? [00:11:38] Speaker C: 30. [00:11:38] Speaker A: Stuck a ranger boy, 33. Kaitoa ancient construct, 30. Joined by rook, half orc Bloodhunter, 30. So you guys are totaling over hundreds. As the walls come up before you, you can be assured that at the moment, there's nothing giving away where you are right now, but the thundering of hooves is evident. And then, in the meantime, party. Can you indicate to me as you look at this large ur expanse between towers? It's about a 400 foot expanse. Can you indicate to me which of these clusters of buildings has attracted your attention? [00:12:29] Speaker E: Like, this is where we're aiming to try and cross over the wall. [00:12:34] Speaker C: These seem like the tallest buildings. [00:12:36] Speaker D: Yeah, I would tend to agree. [00:12:39] Speaker E: All right. [00:12:39] Speaker C: Yeah, I think we want to make. [00:12:40] Speaker D: Our way over there. [00:12:41] Speaker C: Just because they look like the tallest buildings, we go here. [00:12:44] Speaker E: Are we going to, like that tower? This one here? So we're like, 100ft, 150ft away from the actual tower. [00:12:51] Speaker C: We might be able to gamble, and just that tower might be empty. [00:12:55] Speaker E: I got a polearm, so I'm happy to kill whoever's on top. [00:12:58] Speaker C: Yeah, there's like, say, five dudes. We can take that and be gone and. [00:13:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:13:02] Speaker D: Or I think the city's. [00:13:04] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. This city is, like, running pretty thin on the walls, I believe. [00:13:09] Speaker B: Yeah, from what I remember. [00:13:11] Speaker D: We'll have to find out quite a. [00:13:12] Speaker B: Few of them out there, so we can probably take our chances. I don't think the towers are going to have very many men left on them. [00:13:20] Speaker E: Yeah, do it. [00:13:21] Speaker D: We always get senor Stolas to. [00:13:24] Speaker C: Yeah, scout the Todd. [00:13:26] Speaker A: So you have crept out now very near to these towers, and they are by no means small. You know, these are large city walls that you scaled before, and you are only, what, about 200ft from them. What is the party doing now? As you move out from these low buildings, there's actually a very tall two story building. Are you dashing across the street? [00:13:54] Speaker E: Are you going on trying to build. [00:13:55] Speaker C: Roofs or we're gonna go, yeah, building to building, same side. Okay. From this, like, because we're on that building that's like a j, like beside the street. I want to see if I can just look up to the tower and if I can see anyone milling about. [00:14:12] Speaker A: Kaitoa, can you roll a perception? And Stolas, can you roll a perception? [00:14:21] Speaker C: Do I have advantage on these ones still? [00:14:25] Speaker A: You guys are all rolling with advantage on anything to do with kind of stealth or perception at the moment. You seem to, at the moment, have melted into this neighborhood, but a knoll warhorn is going up from back over your shoulders towards the center of the city. You are not forgotten in any way, despite your ninja powers. [00:14:52] Speaker C: I only got a ton. [00:14:54] Speaker A: Okay, Kaitoa, you see a regular movement along the walls. As rook was reminding the party, there does seem to be knoll guards doing some patrolling on the walls, but it's true. They are thin in terms of the amount of wall. But the towers and the arrow slits, there's light coming out from them. And Stolas, what'd you get? [00:15:19] Speaker D: Oh, absolute crap. Okay, like a one and a two. [00:15:24] Speaker A: Stolas, as you swoop lower down towards the tower, there are arrows flying up into the night. And Steve, you would see these arrows arcing wildly far away from Stolas, the owl familiar. But there's no other target in the sky. And you feel like your compatriot may have been spotted. [00:15:51] Speaker E: Wow, how this track does at the moment? [00:15:54] Speaker A: I mean, it's still very early in the year, and we're getting on to be what's way past dusk. So, 738. So it's fairly dark in the sky, but it's a clear night with the moons I don't think are up yet. There's a ton of torchlight from the walls and the towers and the city itself. So it is definitely well lit. And outside in the fens and in the fields, it would be quite, quite dark. [00:16:22] Speaker E: While we're stealthing around, I gonna butch up my disguise self so that my clothing and complexion resembles, like, the general. [00:16:32] Speaker A: Color scheme of the city be what, the everyman of Isdev? [00:16:37] Speaker E: No, I want, like, my clothing to reflect the colors of the buildings, stuff like that. Basically, I want advantage on all my stealth checks. [00:16:45] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:45] Speaker A: You're using disguise self to do active camouflage. [00:16:49] Speaker E: Basically, yeah. [00:16:50] Speaker A: Okay, I will give you one point for inspiration. [00:16:55] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:16:57] Speaker A: You guys have mentioned doing this for a couple of episodes. You mentioned it with the boards. You've been talking about doing it with minor illusion, but nobody's actually done it. It's a very clever idea. I don't see why not. In this world of occasional magic bellic, you use disguise self tooth as best you can. Look at the background behind you and project it to your front side. Yeah. [00:17:22] Speaker D: So they're shooting arrows that Stolas. [00:17:25] Speaker A: You feel like the one tower here has eyes on Stolas. And you have seen two arrows kind of fly wildly into the night sky. They're falling far from you guys. But this is within your 200ft. And you guys, I understand it now, are only one move away from whatever you're doing next. [00:17:47] Speaker D: Okay, well, fuck those guys. I'm gonna recall Stolas to the infernal plane. And then, since we're not in combat, just have them drop out of my poncho. [00:18:01] Speaker E: You're just hitting refresh on Stolas. [00:18:04] Speaker D: Pretty much shoot arrows at my owl. [00:18:11] Speaker A: Steve. Yes, there is. A tiny pocket of space has enveloped Stolas out in the night sky. And surely you have withdrawn him from the range of this tower. And for a moment, guys, things are silent. After that last horn blast there, things seemed to be silent. But then the thundering of many hooves is still reaching your ears. It's by no means close, but it seems to be carrying over, at least from where you left the horses and from where you set them away. [00:18:53] Speaker C: Should we step up towards that tower? [00:18:57] Speaker B: Let's do it. [00:18:58] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:18:59] Speaker C: So we want to get on, I think, this building here. [00:19:04] Speaker D: So we've. We've sussed out the. The population of this tower here, roughly. [00:19:10] Speaker C: Except for the inside. Robin, I want to ask, like, is it dark enough that we're. If we're up on a second story building and there's lights within the tower, that their vision out of the tower. [00:19:20] Speaker A: Would be limited, I would say. Well, let's see. Roll a d six based on where you guys are at now. And that'll give me some guidance. [00:19:32] Speaker C: Oh, it's a one. [00:19:33] Speaker A: That's fucking hilarious. I got a one. Two. Okay, roll again. [00:19:38] Speaker D: Five. [00:19:39] Speaker A: I got a five again. Dude, I'm not shitting you, okay. [00:19:42] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [00:19:45] Speaker B: Roll off. [00:19:46] Speaker A: Three. [00:19:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Okay. You feel eyes on you, Kaito, as you are looking at what you're looking at, you begin to feel your position is being compromised. But no, at the moment, you are just a couple of heads peeking out over a very dark area. But it's almost like if you moved. You guys are almost visually pinned down. Kaitoa, you have just confirmed this. [00:20:13] Speaker E: Even with the past without trace at the moment. [00:20:17] Speaker A: You know, I haven't made your roll stealth, yet. Again, we will love to. [00:20:24] Speaker E: Right now, I want to stay stealthy. [00:20:28] Speaker A: Well, you feel like Kaito as you relay this to the party? Yes, certainly. Anything you do now will be making high use of this pass without trace. [00:20:39] Speaker C: No one fart until we get no fart. [00:20:43] Speaker E: No one fart? Kaitoa is the one telling us not to fart. [00:20:47] Speaker D: And, yeah, I think if we're gonna take these guys out quickly, we need to be up close and get up to that tower. [00:20:54] Speaker C: Yeah, everyone's gonna have eyes on a target and we just. [00:20:58] Speaker E: Quick aside, Rob, did you change the lighting on the. [00:21:01] Speaker C: Yeah, Stolas is gone. I think so. We can't. [00:21:04] Speaker E: Okay, I just wanted to double check that my roll 20 wasn't glitching out. [00:21:09] Speaker C: So I guess, can we move and roll the stealth check? Because we need to get up against this tower to be able to hop on it. And assault. [00:21:19] Speaker A: That is right for adventurers. You will all now roll stealth again. And I have your little chart here made out real easy. So can everybody roll stealth? And Steve, do you have any final words of encouragement as Kaitoa indicates the. I would say, the most logical path to you four. [00:21:41] Speaker D: Check those corners. [00:21:43] Speaker E: Okay, roll the 29. [00:21:46] Speaker C: Silent but deadly, boys. [00:21:48] Speaker A: Huge improvement. Half elf. [00:21:50] Speaker D: No advantage on the stealth this time. [00:21:53] Speaker A: This time your advantage is no more. You are no longer sort of the melted into darkness. You are now very much under the watchful eyes. [00:22:08] Speaker E: What about with my active camos? [00:22:11] Speaker A: What did we give you there? We gave you inspiration so that you may use it. [00:22:16] Speaker E: Okay, that works. Cool. [00:22:18] Speaker A: Rook, did you say 29? [00:22:20] Speaker B: Well, I thought we had the plus. [00:22:22] Speaker A: Ten, but without ten, you have the. [00:22:24] Speaker B: Oh, we do. [00:22:25] Speaker A: Just don't have advantage on the plus ten. [00:22:27] Speaker D: You still get to roll twice. [00:22:28] Speaker B: Yeah. So 29 then. [00:22:30] Speaker A: Okay. Both the same. About the same. [00:22:32] Speaker C: 27. [00:22:33] Speaker A: About same. [00:22:35] Speaker D: 38. [00:22:36] Speaker A: Higher. So, Kaitoa and Rook. It's almost like. I see it this way, Steve. You are used to it, your outlander. You've been accustomed now to the city infiltration. You got your urban poncho on and you're feeling good. Rook and Kaitoa are, to the best of your ability. You are coming along with along these rooftops. And beleg with your 29 there as well. You guys are feeling like if you can just make it over the wall now you have escaped that pinning down angle of that most close wall. What are you doing next? As a gap of about 20ft between the last buildings of the neighborhood terminate up to the rather tall walls of is. We're talking about the same height as the walls of polb. 35 to 40ft ending in these towers. [00:23:33] Speaker D: Are we in a place where Steve would be able to sit for a minute? [00:23:40] Speaker A: The thundering of hooves is echoing around you guys. However, Steve, you could consult the party. I mean you can. [00:23:51] Speaker D: Yeah, if we're not. I mean if we're not pressed for time, I can. I can take a look and see what's on those walls through my. Through my Steve o vision. [00:23:59] Speaker C: I mean, right now as long as no one moves. I don't think there's a reason they would know we're up here and we're up high enough away from the thundering curves. [00:24:09] Speaker A: I mean. [00:24:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Steve, see what's ahead of us on that wall. [00:24:14] Speaker A: Steve, as you go into your. You know, concentrate on humanoids. [00:24:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:24:22] Speaker A: Party, you have lost the eyes and ears of Steve for a minute. [00:24:29] Speaker C: No one moved. [00:24:33] Speaker A: A minute is ten rounds of combat. In the first 6 seconds you hear what must be the sound of hooves in that main street. And they seem to be coming very near. In the next 6 seconds they draw nearer still and there are shouts from the tower. Steve, you're kind of swaying back and forth there in your little lotus position. You look like a nice cozy little lump here as the party crowds around. And what did you say before there? Nobody moved. So guys, is anybody doing anything? As another 6 seconds pass. [00:25:23] Speaker E: Are the guys distracted by horses at all? [00:25:28] Speaker A: You would not know, Bella. No, you would be thinking hard though about that. You know, what sort of distraction and what sort of a drawing off effect did that have? [00:25:38] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm not doing anything with my group. I hold my breath. [00:25:44] Speaker A: What's your wisdom, Bell? Like? Your passive wisdom? [00:25:47] Speaker E: Oh, it's. Let's see. No, my wisdom's plus one. Yeah. [00:25:53] Speaker A: Okay. [00:25:54] Speaker E: Eleven. [00:25:55] Speaker C: Robin, I. From my point, I believe I can see down the street and the tower. [00:26:02] Speaker A: That is correct, Kaitoa. In this 6 seconds we are now. What is that? I've rolled four times. Five times. Okay. We're very, very close to halfway through the minute. Ten rounds. Kaitoa, you see the torchlight indicating to you very clearly where these four groups, these four score of knoll cavalry are. And in fact, you can just spy. The group leads by the fellow with the yellow shield insignia. [00:26:37] Speaker E: Fellow yellow. [00:26:39] Speaker A: Some of the gnolls have dismounted in the area Kaitoa, that you can see all the way back to where you let your four war horses go, your rental horses, where you returned them to the city. You are seeing one of the groups has sort of dismounted, and two are really approaching the street, Tower street here, near to the party. And they keep on moving up towards the tower. Oh, wow. And now there, yes, there does seem to be some communication going on between the tower and down at the street. There are shouts coming out of the arrow slits of this tower, and there are only about 12 seconds left. Party, anything? As Steve here, you are just beginning to sort of feel in your mind's eye, like you have that sensation that gives you body counts. [00:27:40] Speaker E: Remaining still. [00:27:41] Speaker A: Okay. And finally, yes, in the final moment here, there is a. A torchlight going on. And now coming along the battlements from the northeast, and it seems like that tower, too, has been alerted. And party. Steve, you are now out of your trance, and you have a good sense that in this tower are roughly five guards. In the very top, there's a long, winding staircase that terminates at the wall level and then down at the bottom, and there are two guard knolls charging down the staircase, and they seem all to be armed with, you know, both short bows and the occasional longbow in the tower and also sidearms, you know, short swords along the walls, though, there is nobody around this tower. And between you and this tower and the wall directly around it, that one. [00:28:55] Speaker D: All right, let's go where they ain't. [00:28:56] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:29:01] Speaker D: Quickly, quickly, quickly. Let's go. [00:29:03] Speaker B: Let's roll. [00:29:05] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [00:29:06] Speaker C: Lead the way to you. [00:29:09] Speaker D: I take my grappling hook and I rip. I guess I like if I have a bedroll, I am ripping my bedroll, and I am wrapping that, the cloth around the forks of the grappling hook. [00:29:33] Speaker C: Oh, to make it silent. [00:29:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Steve, you're inventing a grappling muffler. [00:29:41] Speaker D: Yes. [00:29:41] Speaker E: I like that. [00:29:43] Speaker A: That's inspired, Steve, I will give you inspiration. Oh, this is working out great. So, essentially, now it's either in the pocket or you can apply it to when you do have to, when you are forced to make your next grappling or stealth based move. But, yeah, that is not bad, because at the moment, there certainly is only seconds to act. So, Pardi, anything else as you guys prepare to do a fairly challenging scale? [00:30:15] Speaker E: Oh, Bel egg is inspired in a very real way. And tries to find anything that he's got to wrap around his grappling hook as well. [00:30:26] Speaker D: I mean, my bed roll is probably big enough for a bunch of grappling. [00:30:29] Speaker A: Hooks, so it's just crafting time. [00:30:33] Speaker D: Crafting time. [00:30:34] Speaker A: Okay. Really fast. [00:30:36] Speaker E: We gotta get the frock out of here. This is like slash things with my glaive repeated. Like, I slashed that bed roll in four pieces. [00:30:48] Speaker A: Then the four of you all. If you're all taking cues here, can I have you guys all make your grappling hook rolls? Which typically for me, is either athletics or, you know, slash your strength modifier just to account for how hard it is to haul your ass up there. Or it's the more finessed, you know, acrobatics, a dexterity based skill. Acro. [00:31:12] Speaker D: Yeah, that is an acrobatics. [00:31:14] Speaker A: And rook and Kaitoa probably going with the raw strength athletics for sure. [00:31:19] Speaker E: I am using an inspo on my acrobatics for me. [00:31:25] Speaker D: Kaito again. [00:31:26] Speaker C: Matt, 20. [00:31:28] Speaker D: Yeah, that is an inspiration for me as well, so I'm glad I got that one. [00:31:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:31:33] Speaker A: Kaitoa, not 20 other people are burning. Inspo. [00:31:37] Speaker D: 19 for Steve. [00:31:38] Speaker E: Okay, that's a 16 for Bellic. [00:31:41] Speaker A: Okay. [00:31:43] Speaker B: That's a 22 for rookie Jen. [00:31:48] Speaker A: I guess you guys trying to find just the most expensive, obedient way. [00:31:53] Speaker D: Yeah. The path of least resistance. [00:31:55] Speaker A: Okay. [00:31:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:56] Speaker A: And you guys, you know, have made it across to, you know, the position where you could realistically throw your grappling hooks without even having to leave the adjacent rooftop. And then from this northeastern tower, Kaitoa, as you are getting up and over the edge, first you see silhouetted against the tower light charging towards you is a shadow. A shadow of what can only be a nol guard. But he's still some 300ft away. [00:32:31] Speaker C: I guess there's no way I can. Is Rook still atop of the wall? [00:32:36] Speaker A: So let's see. Rook 22 and Kaitoa. You guys are the first up there. And you have grown your grappling hooks, and you have made quick work getting up. So, you know, we're 45% of the way there. As you guys are getting up to the battlements, the battlements are roughly 10ft across. And it is a very strong, ancient construction. The walls of this city, there are only palisades on one side. So as you come up along the back, it's quite easy to haul yourself up. Beleg and Steve, you are trailing just behind, just ever so slightly. But you guys are all virtually up there. [00:33:20] Speaker C: Can I look at Steve? And can I do, like some military hand signals gesturing towards the shadow coming towards us. [00:33:29] Speaker D: I can. If I can take a couple. If I can definitely put him down with a bow. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Yeah, just. Just so you know, he's there because I got nothing to take him down. [00:33:37] Speaker D: Yeah, he's already in range for me. [00:33:39] Speaker E: I just want you to know I pictured baseball pitch signals as opposed to military hand signals. And it was a lot more fun. [00:33:46] Speaker C: Totally. Like tugging at my earlobe, grabs, earlobe. [00:33:50] Speaker D: Nose hat, little elbow hat here and there. [00:33:53] Speaker C: My head. [00:33:55] Speaker D: What's my nostril? A nod and a nod. [00:33:58] Speaker E: No. Yeah. [00:34:00] Speaker A: Kaitoa, as you tug at your ear ring totems, you know, your construct frame barely has ears, let alone nostrils, but you're making these motions indicating certainly the approach of this one. Or perhaps, you know, silhouetted. It's hard to tell because how narrow it is. Right. Your vantage point, it's just a couple of clustered shadowy figures charging at you. It could be one or two, but Steve and Bellog. So you guys with modifiers were under 20. [00:34:31] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [00:34:34] Speaker A: Steven Bellog, I would say in this moment, you know, your legs and your knees are just up at the edge, whereas Kaitoa and rook are slinking across to the edge. Oh. [00:34:48] Speaker E: Melody gets running across with a grappling hook to rappel down, ditching that shit. [00:34:53] Speaker C: Okay, I need to get office legend, not be seen. [00:34:57] Speaker D: I, from my Steve concentration. Know how many people are running, how many knolls are running down that pathway? [00:35:04] Speaker A: Well, these guys would have made your radar before because they're well within a mile, right? [00:35:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:35:10] Speaker A: And you were specifically concentrating on sort of walls and towers and guards. So, yeah, you feel these are the five that were manning that tower and they're kind of charging towards you single file. [00:35:24] Speaker E: Like, are they charging towards us because we've been seen or are they just running to the tower? [00:35:29] Speaker A: You cannot tell. I mean, it would be a. I guess it would be a stretch to roll in sight, but I mean, at the moment you cannot tell. But beleg, you know, you're showing that glimmer of intelligence and wisdom indicated by your eleven, your plus one there and. Yeah, no, you are wondering that is it simply that the towers have been alerted to what's going down on the ground here, or are you directly identified in this moment? Guys, are you taking the time to collect your grappling hooks? [00:36:03] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm collecting my grappling hook and throwing it on the other side and pelling down as fast as I can. [00:36:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:09] Speaker D: How far could I toss a chunk of caltrops towards these these guys quarterback Steve. [00:36:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:19] Speaker A: You still got a couple of bag caltrops? Then certainly you could toss them towards them along the, along the battlements. [00:36:27] Speaker D: I'm just gonna like. As. As we're pulling up our grappling hooks, I am chucking a chunk of caltrops down to slow these guys down, and then doing the same thing. We're going down across the other side. [00:36:40] Speaker C: Reeling in the lure. [00:36:41] Speaker A: Okay. A terrible cry has gone up from the streets below. It sounds like the voices of almost a hundred cackling and screaming in unison. And amongst them you hear a voice ring out clear into the night, an echo off the walls. [00:37:11] Speaker E: Bring me the vessel. Oh shit. [00:37:16] Speaker D: Kaitoa, drop the bomb on them. Kaitoa. [00:37:22] Speaker A: And I peer over the battlements. There are the fields and the fens, and away about what, a half mile or so is the river polbe. And there is the eastern western road back towards Polb and the glade where you left your horses earlier, slightly more to the southe. What you guys doing? [00:37:51] Speaker E: Head to the horses. [00:37:53] Speaker A: I. [00:37:53] Speaker D: Are we, are we off the wall? Are we going? [00:37:57] Speaker A: In this moment, you guys will look down at the 40 foot and you'll roll the grappling hook challenge again. [00:38:09] Speaker C: Yep. [00:38:10] Speaker D: Yep. [00:38:10] Speaker C: Let's get down. [00:38:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:12] Speaker E: It's 16 for Bel egg. [00:38:16] Speaker D: 19 1st eve again. [00:38:18] Speaker A: Fuck, that's the same twice. 16 and 1913. [00:38:22] Speaker B: Plus 616 for rook. [00:38:26] Speaker A: You are beginning to lose your stamina. [00:38:29] Speaker C: And Kaitoa, you're gonna burn my one inspiration. Oh, fuck, that sucks. Nine or. Sorry. [00:38:40] Speaker A: Ten with modifiers. [00:38:42] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, yeah. [00:38:43] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, you only rolled like a four. [00:38:47] Speaker C: It's a six plus four. [00:38:48] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:50] Speaker C: The first one was like a two. [00:38:52] Speaker A: So I don't see any, any twenties here, guys. [00:38:55] Speaker C: No. [00:38:56] Speaker A: Where is the magic of your escape from lot morrow? Well, guys, the night has been taxing. The day, as you remember, it included a half day's ride, included a reconnaissance of the city, the walled city, that you have done battle and bloodshed in for the last roughly hour now, including your escape by horseback. And it is not pretty at the bottom of this wall, because although no one takes damage except for Kaitoa. Can you roll one d? Four? [00:39:39] Speaker C: Three. [00:39:39] Speaker A: Okay, you take three, damage the combined weight of you, and you really make an effort here to sort of use your knees to ease in to the, you know, the impact so as not to make your backpack shudder. Yeah, but. Party as you guys collect your things, like some of your shit has fallen all over, a couple of you have dropped your. Your weapons. And rook, your longbow has snapped. [00:40:13] Speaker E: Oh, shit, I didn't roll that bad. [00:40:15] Speaker A: In this huge descent here. Your longbow has snapped. And Beleg, your floppy wizard hat lies about 10ft away from you. [00:40:28] Speaker E: I'm going for that. [00:40:29] Speaker A: Steve, your poncho has been torn all the way up the back. You landed kind of ass backwards a little bit. You were a little bit too excited as you. As you launched yourself down here. So your poncho now has been torn a bit, and it's all a bit of a mess here on the ground. [00:40:50] Speaker E: Guys, I run for my wizard's hat. [00:40:55] Speaker A: It's well within your reach. [00:40:57] Speaker D: Beleg, can you roll 30 foot? [00:41:00] Speaker E: Can I roll what? [00:41:01] Speaker A: Can you roll? Perception bell egg, as you kind of wander just 10ft away to the, sort of to the north to pick up your hipster wizards hat. [00:41:12] Speaker E: All right, Bellig, this is the time. This is the time. You just need one good perception roll. You've never had it in your entire life. Just need. Holy shit, it's in that one. [00:41:26] Speaker C: That hat was vintage. [00:41:28] Speaker D: Pure. [00:41:32] Speaker C: Bellag. [00:41:33] Speaker A: Bellag. Bellag. Okay, party. [00:41:35] Speaker E: I have an inspiration, but I don't even want to burn it because it's so fucking bellic. [00:41:42] Speaker A: Oh, guys. Okay, well, Bella, as you bend over, you get your. You're searching around. You can't find it, man. It's dark out here, and it's sort of a brown color and it's hard. So you're kind of looking there. And rest of the party, what are you doing? [00:42:00] Speaker C: Fucking dead sprint for the woods. [00:42:03] Speaker A: Okay, so you guys mentioned you would go out southwards towards the horse position, or where you left them in that glade. But do you intend to go, you know, along the walls, you know, creep along, or are you making directly away way, like sprint, like Kaitoa said? [00:42:22] Speaker C: I don't know. Steve, what do you think? I think they know we're here. [00:42:28] Speaker D: Does the wall present itself a nice shadowy sort of? [00:42:32] Speaker A: It absolutely does. Right here and right now in this moment. And yet only about 150ft away are pockets of trees and the ground begins to give way, you know, to little shoulders and even a little creek. Actually, that creek leads directly back to the horses and the road to pole. So I just want to run to the trees. Okay, then it's decided. Cato and Beleg, you are breaking for the trees. And Beleg, you are just now finding your hat. [00:43:06] Speaker E: Yes, thank goodness. [00:43:09] Speaker D: So my poncho has just been ruined. I'm not missing anything. [00:43:14] Speaker A: Steve, can you make a check on your personal effects? [00:43:19] Speaker D: Like a perception? [00:43:20] Speaker A: Yeah, I'd say a perception, that is. [00:43:23] Speaker D: Geez, that's not great. Well, actually, my perception is really high, so it's a 19. [00:43:29] Speaker A: Well, you do keep things in this poncho. And you feel like several of your throwing spikes might have been dislodged. It is dark, and you did hit some rocks, so you probably maybe lost one of your daggers. [00:43:46] Speaker D: Not the nice one, though. Not Steve's fancy dagger. [00:43:50] Speaker A: Oh, not the. Not the one with the little s in the corner. No. [00:43:54] Speaker D: Okay, good. That one's important to me. Okay, I guess if we've still got this sort of stealth field around, I gotta keep everyone within 30ft, so. [00:44:07] Speaker A: I am. You did hear the construct say, you know, I'm dashing. Bel egg, I heard you say I'm dashing, too. Yeah, and I feel like that's exactly what has happened. Steve. And then, rook, you and Steve are probably keeping within 30ft, but it's like Kaitoa in the heat, in the hot oil, adrenaline of the moment. And beleg, after finding his hat and kind of forgetting to stay super near Steve, you're actually having to catch up with Kaitoa, who runs faster than all of you. [00:44:42] Speaker D: Damn that barbarian. Can I ask Stolas to fetch the horses you would summon? [00:44:51] Speaker A: You would resummon Stolas from the poncho vortex? Yep, yep. [00:44:56] Speaker D: That's fine. [00:44:57] Speaker C: Horses. [00:44:58] Speaker D: I just recall them and tell them to bring the horses to us. [00:45:03] Speaker A: That would mean that while you guys do whatever you're doing, Stolas is assured to make it there as the crow flies, or as the owl flies. Rather quickly. A third of a mile. [00:45:15] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:45:15] Speaker A: Okay, Steve, what sort of, you know, two way radio? Can you keep going with Stolas, or are you just sending this off and it's like a hope and a prayer to the Prince Stolas. [00:45:25] Speaker D: Yeah, because it's like. I mean, we're going to be moving. He's going to be moving down. Okay. It's just hoping to shorten the distance that those horses are going to be there. [00:45:36] Speaker A: Okay, indulge me then. Quickly, Steve, astolas emerges from the inside of your ripped poncho, and you give him this command and send him off. [00:45:50] Speaker D: Well, we need those horses to get out of here. Go fetch the horses in the glade and we'll meet you there. We'll meet you as quickly as we can get to you. [00:46:02] Speaker A: As you look into Stolas eyes and you see that. That shimmering blue star field, Steve, that you've seen now more prominent when you look deep into this owl and you kind of see that nighttime reflection against the back of this owl's huge eyes, he immediately gives you kind of a head cock to the side and he's all off into the air. And before you know it, he has disappeared into the darkness of the night sky beyond the walls of iz. And with that party, you have now dashed. You are dashing. And Kaitoa, are you running at a full clip? [00:46:44] Speaker E: I am. [00:46:45] Speaker C: Was that 80ft? [00:46:46] Speaker A: Okay, and beleg, how far are you going in your move? [00:46:50] Speaker E: All 60, baby. [00:46:52] Speaker A: Okay, and rook, how far are you going in your move? [00:46:56] Speaker B: I will go all 60. [00:46:59] Speaker A: And Steve, how far are you going in your move? [00:47:02] Speaker D: I've got to keep up, so I'm going 60 as well. [00:47:04] Speaker A: Okay, everybody make a stealth check. Still with the plus ten, say 29. [00:47:13] Speaker B: 20. 218. [00:47:16] Speaker D: 33. [00:47:17] Speaker A: Okay, you know, Kaitoa, just at the front, front here and party, all of your ears are alerted to again a sound, the horn blast from inside the walls. Now that you're outside the walls, it is clearer. You know, it sounds like a concert blasting a note up into the sky. And in this moment, I mean, there's nothing, nothing alerting the party that they have been seen in any way. So next move, and I'm kind of just looking at where everybody is right now. Are you guys still dashing? Kaitoa, how far are you moving? [00:47:59] Speaker C: All 80? [00:48:00] Speaker A: And rest of the party, you're beginning to see Kaitoa. Put some distance now. He is now 20ft away from the front of the party. [00:48:07] Speaker D: And Steve, I'm going my entire 60 and I'm throwing a message to Kaitoa to slow it down a bit. [00:48:16] Speaker E: Oh yeah, you have message. Thank fuck. [00:48:18] Speaker A: Steve, what are you saying in Kaitoa's tin head? [00:48:23] Speaker D: He's up there, big guy, if you go too far, I can't keep you hidden. [00:48:27] Speaker A: And can everybody roll still again, you have reached a small glade of trees and opening up before you. Now that you're reaching this, this ridge, Kaitoa, you are the first to make it to this ridge. You gain a little bit more perspective and you hear Steve's voice in your head. [00:48:49] Speaker D: He's up there. Big guy, if you go too far, I can't keep you hidden. [00:48:53] Speaker C: Yep, I know. I'm at this ridge and not panicking. [00:48:56] Speaker D: I'm like, oh, right, forgot about that. [00:48:59] Speaker C: And stop dead. [00:49:01] Speaker A: Okay party, can everybody roll for our stealth check? [00:49:07] Speaker E: Yeah, I already rolled. [00:49:07] Speaker D: I rolled a 2327-2136. [00:49:16] Speaker A: Okay, can everybody roll perception? Kaitoa, you will roll on advantage. Actually, sorry, everybody has dark vision, yeah? Yes, except for Kaitoa, who has his Eagle vision. [00:49:31] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:32] Speaker A: Yeah. Everybody then roll perception with advantage. [00:49:39] Speaker E: My first roll was a three. My second roll is a twelve plus one, so that's a 13. [00:49:48] Speaker B: Both my rolls were an 18, so. [00:49:51] Speaker D: 19 total, 23 for Steve. [00:49:54] Speaker E: Do we want to go back to Pullbird? Are we looking to like, long rest in the forest somewhere? [00:50:00] Speaker B: I think we end the forest and get the situation figured out. Or calm down before we decide. [00:50:07] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, if. Well, let's. Let's get to a point where we can start talking about stuff and not worry about shit trying to kill us. [00:50:14] Speaker E: Yeah. Oh, shit. [00:50:19] Speaker A: There are a dozen riders making for the party across the low, swampy fields. They have clearly come around the front, the west river gate. At the southwest gate are two rides of twelve. So a complement of 24 cavalry led by the fellow with the yellow shield. And then down, you can see now past the road to pole, the location where you have dispatched Stolas to. [00:50:56] Speaker E: Fuck. Should you call Stolas off? I think we leave our horses there for now. [00:51:02] Speaker C: If those horses come up here, it's gonna lead them right to us. [00:51:06] Speaker E: Yeah, call stole us off, Steve, unless you. Unless you think better of it. [00:51:14] Speaker C: How stealthy can those horses be? [00:51:17] Speaker E: I think we continue marching northwest here. [00:51:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:51:23] Speaker D: Like west along this ridge. [00:51:26] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, that works. As stealthily as possible. [00:51:30] Speaker C: Let's move. [00:51:31] Speaker A: In these couple of moments, as you guys edge along the low ridge here, the cavalry from the west river gate has moved just another, you know, maybe 120ft towards the tower. And there seems to be some communication going on between the outer towers. The two between which you extracted yourselves and the riders below. And Steve, what would you be doing to recall Stolas having dispatched him into the night with, you know, a small. A small mission? [00:52:07] Speaker D: I would just call back to him and ask him to come back. The. The road is not safe, baby. [00:52:18] Speaker C: Come back. [00:52:20] Speaker A: The road is not safe. [00:52:24] Speaker C: You can blame it all on Steve. [00:52:30] Speaker A: Can you roll, you move in with the. In the astral plane with your intelligence score, right? Is that. Can you make an intelligence roll, Steve? [00:52:43] Speaker D: That's not a good rule. [00:52:44] Speaker A: No. [00:52:47] Speaker E: It'S not all of our dumpster. [00:52:50] Speaker A: It is, I guess I'm trying to determine. Are you calling out to Stolas with your mind, with your spirit, or like the arguably best power in the planeteers, your heart? [00:53:03] Speaker D: My heart? Well, there's a lot of heart in Steve. [00:53:07] Speaker A: I guess mind is intelligence. I'll say charisma is your heart. And I'll say soul is your wisdom. [00:53:16] Speaker D: Well, I'm gonna go with my soul because my mind is my heart is. I guess I have no heart, so. Yeah. [00:53:27] Speaker A: Four sizes too small. [00:53:29] Speaker C: I was gonna say, last time I encountered Steve's heart, it was pretty fucking cold. [00:53:38] Speaker D: Yeah. Steve's got no heart for nothing. [00:53:40] Speaker A: Well, leverage. Leverage wisdom, then. [00:53:42] Speaker C: No. [00:53:43] Speaker D: Okay. All right, 15. [00:53:46] Speaker A: Well, I think in this moment, you feel like you may have, like, in your mind's eye, you feel like you see a vision of Stolas in that very glade, the location of the horses. And you feel, again, his head sort of twist and cock and turn around. In your mind's eye. You cannot be sure. Steve, you feel like you might have interrupted the mission that you gave Stolas, and he is only a half mile away. [00:54:15] Speaker D: Okay. [00:54:17] Speaker A: Rest of the party, you see Steve momentarily look off into the night sky. And in that moment, the cavalry and the horses, they have turned around. They are starting to fan out of towards the fens and towards the ridges and the clusters of glades. You know, they're about. What would it be 300ft away from the first glades and about, you know, six or 700ft away from the party. [00:54:48] Speaker E: Yeah, I'd love to find a spot where we could, like, if we can sit for an hour, I can regain all my spell slots. [00:54:54] Speaker C: Yeah. Hey, rook, do you think bell egg looks good with his haircut? [00:55:07] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. No more hat hiding your half mullet. Sort of really awful side cut, just. [00:55:14] Speaker C: Gleaming in the moonlight. [00:55:16] Speaker B: I think it looks wonderful. I wish I had a haircut like that. Where'd you get it? [00:55:23] Speaker E: Fuck you guys. [00:55:26] Speaker A: Yeah, well, you did get that from the shaming Chris, didn't you? And it was an instant loss of hair across the hemisphere, and it was still very recently, so it hasn't grown at all. And now that you don't have your hipster tam on, rook, can you roll deception. That was clearly not a genuine statement. [00:55:46] Speaker B: Oh, I hope I nat 20 on. [00:55:49] Speaker E: What is happening right now. [00:55:52] Speaker A: We're gonna get over the team 100. [00:55:55] Speaker C: A sign from above. [00:55:56] Speaker E: Oh, God. We're still waiting for that. [00:55:59] Speaker B: 1515. I had a better one. I was gonna tell Bel egg that I messed around with Leah. [00:56:11] Speaker E: I'm rolling insight. I'm rolling insight. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Well, I think probably in this moment, rook, I almost guarantee you do. Tack that on. So after making the quip about his hair, he probably is like, hey, Anna banged Leah. [00:56:26] Speaker D: Yeah. You know, who else knows about giant nuts but that. [00:56:33] Speaker A: Friends, you have completed the team 100 challenge. As far as I can tell, every saving throw, every skill. And I really want to call this complete. It spanned, like, ages. Yeah, tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't. I don't think anybody's missing anything. Bellic and, Steve, you've been done for three or four episodes. [00:56:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:56] Speaker E: You're done for a long time. [00:56:58] Speaker C: Yeah. And I definitely wasn't, like, trying to knock them all off. I was just like, as they're naturally coming up. [00:57:03] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. You did it organically, dude. [00:57:07] Speaker C: Totally organic. [00:57:09] Speaker A: So, guys, in this moment, again, to the south, I mean, everybody's passive perception. Yeah. [00:57:15] Speaker C: You would. [00:57:15] Speaker A: You would notice there are archers fanning out amongst the glades near the eastern road and towards you. Now, those riders have all separated into roughly groups of three. And they are, you know, fanning out as if, fingers on a hand, towards the fields and the fens. [00:57:38] Speaker E: So you say this is pretty, like, it's dunes and, like, desert and weird shrubbery. Is that how you've described the. [00:57:47] Speaker C: Yeah, there's a. [00:57:48] Speaker A: There's sort of a lowland patch here. And this is a fairly. A fairly unchanging geography all the way to the Polba plains, which are about a day away. And then the geography starts changing, you know, a little bit. Now, this is just between the road and the river. If you go southwards along the south side of the road there, well, then actually, you do get into some rolling hills, into some legitimate forests, but otherwise, no, it's a bit of a low. A low, barren land in the winter, but obviously very fertile in the spring and the summer. [00:58:27] Speaker E: But, yeah, there's not much that we can grab, foliage wise, to, like, we can't lie down and bury ourselves and rush. [00:58:35] Speaker C: No, I think we got to keep moving. Yeah, let's keep heading west. [00:58:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:58:41] Speaker C: And then I guess we could work our way south eventually and cross the road and get into, like, the hills. [00:58:47] Speaker E: I think we should just find a place to camp out. As soon as we think we're outside of the search region, I have a. [00:58:54] Speaker C: Feeling we're going to be. They're going to come after us for a while. [00:58:58] Speaker D: Rob, as a ranger, as an outlander, do I know when we are being tracked? I understand, like, by seeing how these guys are fanning out, like, they know where we are, or are they actually tracking us? [00:59:18] Speaker A: These gnolls seem to be well trained, and amongst them, Steve, there do seem to be a few literally sniffing the night air. And they do seem, Steve, to have a purpose and may be on the party's trail directly and perhaps using biological functions such as clean smell. It is a partially cloudy night, but it's fairly well lit. So Kaitoi you would have no problem seeing across from the position. And just like I was describing to Steve, these guys are on the hunt. They seem to be moving in your rough direction but still fanning outwards. Fanning outwards from, from where you guys hit the ground outside the walls. So fanning out into the glades. Torches. Archers fanning out towards you from where you dropped out of the city. There a dozen in little groups of three fanning out in kind of four, four directions roughly towards the party. [01:00:22] Speaker D: Okay, let's get in the water. [01:00:25] Speaker A: Okay, so Steve, you're, you're looking northwards to the rushing river pulbae. [01:00:29] Speaker D: We need, we need to get off the ground. They're tracking us. Yeah, we need, we need to get to the river. [01:00:36] Speaker B: The. [01:00:37] Speaker D: They're going to be able to follow us by the way that we're, by the way we're going. If we stick to the. Yeah, six just walking across ground. Right, let's get to that river. [01:00:48] Speaker A: The river is directly northwards. Would be the shortest path. But there you are backtracking slightly towards the advancing hunting, searching knolls. Now sniffing the night air. Now starting to look in the party's direction as you guys make to move. [01:01:06] Speaker D: I'm gonna do my best now that I'm in a natural, natural setting again, to blend in stealth and get to that river without being seen. [01:01:16] Speaker B: Let's get to that river. Follow Steve and Kaitoa. [01:01:20] Speaker E: Yeah, going to the river. I'm following them. [01:01:22] Speaker A: Yep. [01:01:23] Speaker D: I flip my poncho to natural. [01:01:27] Speaker A: The forest mode engaged. And as you flip your poncho there. Oh, yeah, man, it's been torn all the way like halfway up the seam of the back. Okay, guys, as you make to run here, the maximum running speed of the party without Kaitoa getting too far ahead of you is 60ft. And as you leave the shoulder of that, you know, small ridge there every roughly, what is it, 150ft or so would be a small glade or a small low shrubbery. And behind you you see these knolls fanning out. There are a couple that have dismounted, sniffing the night air, but there are some still riding. [01:02:14] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:02:15] Speaker C: So we need to like just move. [01:02:17] Speaker E: Best to go straight west. [01:02:21] Speaker B: Let's see, northwest because then we'll still hit the. [01:02:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I think we should. And be moving away from kind of go this way. [01:02:29] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. Okay. [01:02:31] Speaker A: As the party is running, you guys are adjusting your course now. Putting all of the pursuing knolls behind you. [01:02:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:02:40] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. So as you've departed kind of initially northwards, now you've corrected a little bit. And in this way, within about 200ft, you will find yourself in sort of a swampy glade with shrubbery up to your knees and a small trickling creek leading down to the river Pulba. [01:03:02] Speaker C: Robin, which way is the wind blowing? [01:03:05] Speaker A: It would be coming, let's say from maybe just a slight wind from the north. And you'll remember the sensory experience you had only about 25 minutes ago when the wafting wind from the river Pulba sent smells of roast coni that you never got to taste into your nostrils. Even you, Kaitoa, who have no nostrils. [01:03:31] Speaker D: Rob, I'm going to try to make use of the environment like our group with me in the lead, isn't slowed by difficult terrain. [01:03:43] Speaker A: That is true. So as you cross the fens and some swampy boggy spots, you guys are unimpeded. This applies to the whole group. [01:03:51] Speaker D: Yeah. And so I want to make use of that natural setting to make it difficult for people that are in tracking and or following us. I want them to get bogged down. [01:04:02] Speaker A: And Steve, how long does your pass without trace? Is it an hour. And then I'm going to have everybody with my little sheet here as you guys are escaping. Rook and Kaitoa, who were slowly slipping on the last stealth checks, and beleg and Steve were kind of maintaining it. Can I have everybody roll a stealth and then tell me, is it still plus ten? [01:04:27] Speaker D: Yep, it's up to an hour. [01:04:30] Speaker A: Okay. [01:04:33] Speaker B: 25. [01:04:35] Speaker C: 29. [01:04:36] Speaker E: Okay, I burned an insto. Oh, and now it's 30. [01:04:44] Speaker D: Great, Steve, 36. [01:04:49] Speaker A: And so you've made it 200ft away. You have done one fifth of the dash away from your position. You are closing the distance between the river Pulba and this next kind of ridge leading up where that might gain you a little bit, a little bit of COVID But to get up to that ridge. Shit, guys, your backs are going to be exposed to the cavalry cresting the ridge right where you guys were moments ago. And it seems like two groups of three. You see the horses champing and breath coming from both the horses and their riders in the night sky. They are silhouetted against the city of Iz. That seems to be burning, burning in the center as one thin black tendril of smoke rises into the sky. And that, friends and adventurers, is where we'll have to leave you tonight. Until the next time on dungeons and blaggards. [01:06:54] Speaker E: Just wanted a long rest. [01:06:58] Speaker C: So close. [01:06:59] Speaker D: We made another is though, right? [01:07:01] Speaker C: Yeah. We didn't blow it up. [01:07:05] Speaker D: Not yet. [01:07:06] Speaker A: Wow, you guys are extracting yourself? Well, actually, the metropolitan area of is extends around it. So technically you're still in. [01:07:13] Speaker E: Is the greater, the greater is regional district. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Yes, exactly. The G I R D. We've just. [01:07:22] Speaker C: The gurge. [01:07:23] Speaker E: We've taken. [01:07:27] Speaker B: We've taken the subway as far as it will go. [01:07:32] Speaker A: Yeah. You're in the cracked in of Gerd. [01:07:34] Speaker E: In the burbs of the gerd. [01:07:37] Speaker A: The bird, the gerd burbs. I feel like a gerb. Is the gerb song coming up belly? Yeah. [01:07:54] Speaker C: We're now level seven when we short rest and then we get the long rest. [01:08:00] Speaker A: Yeah. When you long rest, you get level seven and then your thousand now essentially because everybody gets a thousand xp. [01:08:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:08:09] Speaker A: For team 100. But essentially it goes into your bank right now. [01:08:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:08:16] Speaker A: So you're already several thousand towards level eight if you survive. [01:08:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:08:23] Speaker A: Caveat. [01:08:25] Speaker C: I just keep thinking that bell eggs, like hipster toque has stitched inside. If found, please return to bell egg at the white cheese. They'll just pick it up and be like, oh, these guys are idiots. [01:08:39] Speaker E: No, no, I picked it up. [01:08:41] Speaker C: Oh, did you find it? [01:08:43] Speaker E: Yeah, I did pick it up. [01:08:44] Speaker C: Right. Okay. I thought. I thought you couldn't find it. [01:08:48] Speaker A: And Steve, it was a good thing. You look back to, you know, determine the nature of your pursuers. These are hunters. Oh, yeah, by nature. [01:09:02] Speaker E: Well, maybe that means they're not fighters. [01:09:07] Speaker D: Knowles, Noel, patrol, the null patrol. [01:09:13] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Love that show. [01:09:14] Speaker B: No patrol. [01:09:16] Speaker D: No. [01:09:16] Speaker B: Be there around the double. [01:09:30] Speaker A: Oh, nice. A couple of you listening to it. [01:09:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:09:39] Speaker A: That was good. [01:09:41] Speaker C: So you're saying he gets 60ft of movement, but then if I jump to another horse, I'd get another 60ft of movement. [01:09:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Precise. Well, so there's this odd thing. If you look at how the horse handling the animal trait or whatever, it provides, this weird thing that you could totally exploit. [01:10:00] Speaker C: So if my whole party was ahead of me, everyone's 60ft apart. I could then again get like a head 60ft and then the guy at the back could do the exact same thing. Yeah. We'd just be doing a relay race. Yeah. [01:10:13] Speaker E: Steel, scottish mile. [01:10:15] Speaker A: Cool. Peasant. It's kind of like peasant railgun. [01:10:20] Speaker B: Uh, do I have enough map to do that? [01:10:24] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Okay. [01:10:27] Speaker E: I'm all of a map. [01:10:29] Speaker D: I'm all. [01:10:32] Speaker E: After. [01:10:38] Speaker C: When you did the one like, buh buh buh, it sounded like you're doing the Game of Thrones again. Like, but it sounded like old Gil from the Simpsons. [01:10:54] Speaker A: Gil. [01:10:57] Speaker C: Truly inspiring. [01:10:59] Speaker E: Yeah. Super inspiring. [01:11:02] Speaker C: So inspiring. Oh, yeah. [01:11:05] Speaker A: That's our new rule. You can't beg for it, but other people can beg for it. [01:11:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Let's get stolas to drop Chris, like, right in the middle of the city. [01:11:18] Speaker D: Just fly up really hard to tie fucking Chris, like, doing all.

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