Episode 6

May 25, 2024


SE04 EP06 - One Of Us

SE04 EP06 - One Of Us
Dungeons & Blaggards
SE04 EP06 - One Of Us

May 25 2024 | 01:05:19


Show Notes

Flames! Dangerous jumps! Owls speaking to horses! This episode has it all. Will the party survive the Battle of Iz?

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Welcome, friends and adventurers, to another episode of Dungeons and Blackguards. I am your dungeon master, Rob Ulan. Joining me in no particular order are the players. Miranda. [00:00:18] Speaker B: I am Ekaruk Hoonshleigh. Half orc, level six bloodhunter. [00:00:24] Speaker A: Halo. I am Kaito Otata. [00:00:28] Speaker C: I have an axe. [00:00:29] Speaker A: I am a warforged barbarian. Tobo. [00:00:34] Speaker D: Hey. [00:00:34] Speaker E: I'm Steve Tedman. I am a level five gloom stalker Ranger. Level one rogue. [00:00:40] Speaker D: And I am a magic hour multiclasser. I'm Raiden. I am playing bellic de garde, level six half elf warlock. [00:00:59] Speaker A: Previously on Dungeons and Blackguards. All of the movement has been expended by these gnolls clambering and jumping up here. You see the figure in blue. He has now moved just beyond where the party can see his metal helm there, but clearly he's still advancing towards you. And now, speaking of movement, how fast does a horse move? You now, see this first? Twelve horses here. And the one that you also hit, rook, there they are charging right towards the party's position. And the eight more of them, they seem to charge to the other side down the street. And there is one figure among them that looks quite unknoll like. Indeed, it looks like a small race atop a similarly sized horse as all of these other fearsome gnolls. [00:02:10] Speaker D: It's tell chains. [00:02:13] Speaker A: They are not within at the moment range of the party in terms of anything other than visual range. But it seems they have seen you silhouetted against the the night sky here, the flame and the fog. And that is all you see on the ground. Guys. These are the actions of all the folks here around you from the north. The cavalry now splitting up. And you are now up, Steve. [00:02:49] Speaker E: All right. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Enemies between you and Kaitoa. Stolas above, rook to the north. [00:02:58] Speaker C: Run. [00:03:01] Speaker E: All right, I'm gonna make my move. Oh. [00:03:10] Speaker A: So, Steve, you have finally made use of the second plank here, this board shield that Kaitoa installed next to the warehouse rooftop. Your choice, Steve, of either strength or acrobatics. [00:03:26] Speaker E: Oh, acrobatics. Okay, 18. [00:03:31] Speaker A: There's fingertips stuff on the edge, Steve. I mean, this is a huge distance you've cleared, but with this, almost like a, you know, seven or eight foot tall, you know, almost like a door you leverage and you spring up. And now you are at equal height to the highest points of the keep of is. And, Steve, has that expended all of your movement? [00:03:56] Speaker E: If I'm just doing a regular move, yes. Just trying to figure out here these guys are gonna close in when? When did those. Sorry, the horsemen go before? They still haven't gone yet. Or have they gone already? [00:04:10] Speaker A: Everything on the ground precedes you, Steve. And it's essentially smack dab in the middle of the party. Archers. And anything from the keep at the end? Anything on the ground at the middle of the party after Kaitoa stole its rookie. [00:04:27] Speaker C: All I know is ice swing and then I get hit. [00:04:31] Speaker E: Alright, so this guy's dead. These three are alive. [00:04:35] Speaker A: Alleyway body must be dead. You can't be sure, but let's assume. Must be dead down there. Oh, there's an x. Yeah, there's an x on there. There's the blood splat prone destitute burning in front of you. Probably only a flick and he's down. And then two panting, exhausted, heavily armored knolls. [00:05:00] Speaker E: Okay, that's fine. This first horseman here is getting marked, okay. For my bonus action. And then after, shortly after being marked, he's gonna eat an arrow. I want to, if at all possible, I'm gonna aim for the top of his body to destabilize and possibly unseat him, if possible. But I'm firing an arrow at his face. All right, that's 22 to hit. That hits 30 points of damage. [00:05:38] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:05:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Go down. How does it happen, Steve? [00:05:45] Speaker E: Well, if. I guess I'm gonna. I want to hit the top part of his. His body, his head. And it's. If he's taken off his horse, he's flying well behind. And the horse, I assume, is just still running. [00:06:05] Speaker D: Horse, I assume, is Steve's. [00:06:08] Speaker B: That's your horse now. [00:06:11] Speaker A: Pink slips. [00:06:12] Speaker E: So that guy was the one that took the 30 damage there. [00:06:15] Speaker A: The right. Most of the four formation that has broken off and is actually charging directly at the party. Versus the eight more with this notable figure amongst them with the yellow insignia or the yellow device on his shield. Okay, so there, as you say, the horse continues, but the rider doth not. [00:06:40] Speaker E: So my idea is that these guys over here really haven't quite gotten a beat on us. This one, this group can probably see Kaitoa, can probably see a couple of us. So this guy is eating the second arrow. [00:06:55] Speaker A: Okay, and the first guy you have bagged here was a archer. So you know, these guys are riding horseback, both with ranged weapons. And the second gnoll you have targeted is armored with a scimitar and a buckler. [00:07:12] Speaker E: So roll on ac 19 to hit. [00:07:17] Speaker A: Oh, that hit. [00:07:20] Speaker E: 3926 damage. [00:07:26] Speaker A: You have caught him right in the face. Although he's not dead, he's close. What next in your move. [00:07:34] Speaker E: So that was move, action and bonus. That's it for me. [00:07:38] Speaker A: Okay, so, Steve, with now a position, you are highest amongst the two legged party members. Steve is above you, you've acted bellig. You are now the last one at advance station Alpha. What's you doing? [00:07:57] Speaker D: My first move is to run up and join Steve. Try and get the retreat going. [00:08:04] Speaker A: Okay. Same thing. Can somebody google that wall? Run. You know what I'm talking about. The vertical, where they have to run up an incline. It's like you either you either have the height and the power to do it or you don't. Belly. So rolls, strength or acrobatics? [00:08:20] Speaker D: I believe my acrobatics is better. [00:08:23] Speaker A: Preferable. Probably Dex based. [00:08:26] Speaker D: Yep, that is a 15 plus five. That's 20. [00:08:33] Speaker A: Yeah, no problem. And so, in a similar fashion, you are now up at this highest most point. And you've dashed past rook, who has been firing off arrows. And you've now joined Ranger boy. Steve, what's next? [00:08:52] Speaker D: I think I'm gonna say bucket and friend and just keep running. [00:09:01] Speaker A: Okay. This building is approximately, approximately 80ft across. You've covered a 10th of it. So if you wanted to dash and sacrifice everything else in your moving, just would double your move. You want to move your full 60? [00:09:16] Speaker D: You move, you should make it halfway. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Yeah. You would now be at the midpoint and bellic. You see the rooftop fire that you caused has expanded to engulf that building. And it is even beginning to lick up against this building as the flames grow. All right, archers. Hmm. Your fog cloud, you know, inhabits a space now just at the perimeter, of which you'll take a couple of arrows. Not a disadvantage. And this warehouse rooftop is wonderfully tall, but it is flat and silhouetting. You know, bellag and Steve against the sky. The night sky. Oh, so. Lucky bastard. And there's a bunch more coming at disadvantage. Floor one. And that won't do it. You've abandoned all covers. So we're back to 16. But nine plus five. No, I don't have anything for you guys on the rooftop. And Kaitoa a twelve and two is 14. You're 15. You are guys. Arrows fly all about the party. You're dashing. Alternatively, you are standing your ground and taunting. The arrows have not found any purchase. And at the top of the order, rook, the scene has changed a little bit about you. You know, I need not describe it except for one sensory effect. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm. Roast conies. It is wafting in the party's general direction overwhelmingly delicious. Rook, you are up. Oh, your party is scattering. What's up? [00:11:23] Speaker B: It is. Those other two are bodied in front of Kaitoa. [00:11:28] Speaker A: A dismounted horse charges towards the party, correct? [00:11:33] Speaker B: Yeah. And the two in front of Kaitoa are bloodied. [00:11:38] Speaker A: Breathless. Bloodied in their armor. [00:11:41] Speaker B: The top of the roof there. [00:11:43] Speaker A: That's right. And the oil patch is dying down now. I mean, you know, unless the lamp oil has kindling, you know, it dies down fairly quickly, so. [00:11:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:56] Speaker A: Gotta make that rabbit flame grow, though. [00:11:58] Speaker B: Going to move up this wall. So what do I need to roll for that? Strength or acrobatics? [00:12:06] Speaker A: Your choice. You either hit that thing with a raw strength or a more finessed acrobatics. [00:12:14] Speaker B: Oh, Rook's gonna go definitely strength on that. And show his swordness from the gym from the week before. [00:12:23] Speaker E: Pull ups ain't no thing. [00:12:24] Speaker B: Exactly. And that's 16. [00:12:28] Speaker A: You guys are clearing this obstacle. And for the third time, the board has, you know, changed this from a near impossible scramble to just an extremely difficult athletic obstacle. Rook. Europe. And Steve is silhouetted in front of you, just paces away, and there is the cloaked figure of beleg at the midpoint of this building. You look down behind you, flames, disaster, and toa being encroached upon. [00:13:05] Speaker D: Hey, man, we said we're leaving. Yeah, we're leaving. I was also the last person on the way on the roofs, and I am not about to be the last person again. [00:13:17] Speaker B: Before I continue my movement, I'm going to take Shaw or take aim at the center most knoll there, so helps clear the way for Kaitoa and shoot at him. [00:13:32] Speaker A: Oh, okay. You are drawing a bead. And, rook, can you roll with that longbow roll? This would be devastating shot. If you hit, is it 24? Can you roll damage? Because you're hitting these guys in the flank? I mean, this is a prime shot. [00:13:54] Speaker D: Ooh, that's gonna hurt. [00:13:55] Speaker B: That's an eight. [00:13:56] Speaker A: The result is indeed devastating. One of these gnolls just falls over. You've caught him right in the side of the head. [00:14:09] Speaker B: Okay. And for my final, I don't think. [00:14:15] Speaker C: I've got a beat on these other guys. [00:14:16] Speaker A: Do I have you guys? Can I just confirm, did nobody take the gnoll close to death out of his misery? [00:14:25] Speaker B: No, we'll just leave him. [00:14:26] Speaker A: Okay. By the time he comes around, he's gonna be dead because of the flame damage inhalation. Well, he deserves a little d six. [00:14:37] Speaker E: Let's see. [00:14:39] Speaker A: Oh, well, we already know. Yeah, he. Well, it's good you ignored him. So, rook you're now up at this higher position. Anything else? [00:14:47] Speaker B: Can I. I can view this center cavalryman from where I'm at. [00:14:53] Speaker A: You can't. I've removed all the barriers of the dynamic lighting from this neighborhood. You guys are at the same height as the keep, so anything you can target now. Nothing at disadvantage with a longbow. Let's just see here. You're good. Yep. [00:15:08] Speaker B: Yep. I'm gonna take aim at him as well. [00:15:12] Speaker A: Okay. [00:15:14] Speaker B: Oh, that's a. That's another 24. [00:15:19] Speaker A: Okay, so roll damage. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:22] Speaker E: Okay. [00:15:23] Speaker B: And that's a six damage. [00:15:26] Speaker E: Okay, great. [00:15:29] Speaker A: You've now hit all three. [00:15:30] Speaker B: And I'm gonna move to the center, kind of between. Halfway between Belleg and Steve. Finish my movement. [00:15:40] Speaker A: Okay, so you're at the midpoint between them. We've been generous. We've sort of said that. Making it up the board. As long as you pass the. What you put probably guys can figure out is the DC to get up this. As long as you get that up. You guys are now just dashing away. And then, rook, you now pass the baton to Kaitoa. What is up, my construct friend? [00:16:06] Speaker C: I'm gonna move to this front barrier, which is, I think we deemed Alpha. [00:16:13] Speaker A: Yes. [00:16:14] Speaker C: So I'm gonna go to Alpha, try and pick up that barrier and move back to Beta, the northwest following the party. [00:16:27] Speaker A: Okay. Directly. Okay, well, then you would go. Are you going, like, turtle back again? [00:16:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm just gonna, like, bolt through this battle, pick up this one barrier, run back to the other barrier and wait for my party to cross. [00:16:47] Speaker A: I'm surprised. I thought you were gonna take a hit at one of these knolls. But you have taken one board back. Stolas is wheeling above your head. And then where are you intending to end your move? You've used from where you were. You've used half of your movement. Oh, no, sorry. Not even. Cause you have 40ft. So you've used only, you know, say, 15ft of your movement. So you almost have two thirds of it left. And back to the rook's northern retreat there. So how far to get to there? Okay. And you can still make it up to the next level where your party is. [00:17:34] Speaker C: I'm gonna ready in action if I can. [00:17:39] Speaker A: What action are you readying? [00:17:41] Speaker C: Attack. [00:17:43] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. So to confirm Kaitoa, with the end of your move, you have movement left to join your party. But you're staying on this lower level. Yep. Okay. The ground forces are acting next. And indeed, the flame has subdued one of the gnolls, but the other one charges forward Kaitoa and laces into you. And a 15 will do. [00:18:18] Speaker D: It bites and bites. [00:18:21] Speaker A: And he has a, you know, one headed ax. And despite your armor, you're feeling. Boy, it seems very anticlimactic when you have it. A. You're feeling two damage. [00:18:35] Speaker E: And then he gets his attack as well. [00:18:38] Speaker A: It's. [00:18:38] Speaker E: It's like just holding. Holding your. Your action. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Sweet. Okay. Okay, so attack twice, if you so wish, with the weapon of your choice. [00:18:48] Speaker C: Well, my first attack with Vodaga is a 15 plus six, minus five. [00:18:57] Speaker A: Oh, that'll be okay. Still 16 hits on the nose, so deal damage. [00:19:04] Speaker E: Yeah, with, like, great web of mastery. It's like you've got this giant fucking axe, but you can wield it in a way that it is hitting people in the worst possible places. [00:19:15] Speaker A: This axe. I mean, I don't think we've described it. This axe is truly ginormous, even for Kaitoa. In fact, this weapon seems only suited for a person of enormous stature. So deal damage there, Kaitoa? [00:19:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, okay. It's a d eleven. Plus two for damage. Plus my rage. It's like 15. No, that is like 15 all in. [00:19:51] Speaker A: Oh, including the. The Vodog damage. [00:19:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:19:54] Speaker E: So. So when you do damage, though, you're. You're rolling the d twelve would. Yeah. What did you get? So you got eleven. You're also adding your strength bonus, which is three. Three plus your rage. So that's plus five. So that's 16. Then you're adding plus ten. So that's 26. [00:20:15] Speaker C: Oh, so Tom was right. There is the great weapon mastery. On top of that, the plus ten. On top of that. [00:20:24] Speaker E: Plus five for 16. Plus ten for 26. And then whatever happens with Vodog over top of that, a d eight. [00:20:33] Speaker A: If they fail, you've dealt 28. [00:20:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:20:40] Speaker A: Massive. And then. Okay, so then you choose if you want to do the. The extra Vodog concussive thunder damage, and then they roll against your. I think we're rolling against my pond. [00:20:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:20:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:54] Speaker C: Ten plus. [00:20:55] Speaker A: Michael, nobody has ever saved against this ax yet. [00:20:59] Speaker C: No. [00:21:01] Speaker A: Maybe this will be the time they didn't save again. Against it. [00:21:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:07] Speaker E: Okay, so you get an extra d eight. Over top of that. [00:21:13] Speaker C: The six. [00:21:14] Speaker A: So six. Oh, okay, so 2034. [00:21:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:18] Speaker A: Okay, so, Kaitoa, this knoll is gone. Can you describe here how you've taken him across the threshold? [00:21:28] Speaker C: I couldn't possibly know. Gone. I really know how he's gone. He's just gone. [00:21:38] Speaker A: Just like that. The axe is so huge. The force of it. The knoll is just driven into the rooftop. So, Kaitoa, now, there is nobody in the party's 30 foot radius up on the rooftops here. And then everything else on the ground is moving. These damaged horses charge up. They appear to bear, you know, some grievous wounds that the parties also inflicted upon them. The rest of this ride of gnolls, the first dozen led by this figure with the yellow shield, they are charging up the street. At the same time the next twelve of the 60 mounted foes bearing down on the party. Steve, you're up. [00:22:28] Speaker E: Okay. Uh, how high up are we? [00:22:33] Speaker A: So you're 35ft up. [00:22:36] Speaker D: How high is it? [00:22:39] Speaker A: You look northward, Steve, to this long house, this low, long building here. And then beyond to these massively large furnaces. These forges. Yep. They are of equal height to the buildings you're on now. Maybe a bit shorter. You know, maybe these are about 30 foot tall buildings. But they. They certainly stand out. [00:23:10] Speaker E: All right. Boop, doop. That's 10ft to the edge. That's enough for me to make a running long jump. [00:23:17] Speaker A: Holy shit. [00:23:18] Speaker E: Something across to here. [00:23:19] Speaker A: Whoa. You don't want to use a rope or anything. Okay. You can try this. Can you roll an acrobatics, please, Steve? [00:23:28] Speaker E: Yep. 22. [00:23:33] Speaker C: Of course he makes it. [00:23:35] Speaker A: You got a real knack for this, Steve, because although your knees shudder and ache as you slam into the rooftop here, you have navigated this huge jump. [00:23:51] Speaker E: I'm gonna do like that parkour roll out of it. And then as I finish the roll, my bonus action is to mark this dude here. [00:23:59] Speaker A: All right. Entering this small clearing, in between the longhouse and the burning rabbit hutch are the three riding. Knowles and Steve. You have marked the closest of them. [00:24:13] Speaker B: Yep. [00:24:14] Speaker A: Okay. That's your bonus action. Yep. [00:24:18] Speaker E: That's the bonus action. Okay. And now my attack action. He needs an arrow. So 20 non natural. [00:24:26] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, that'll do it. [00:24:30] Speaker E: That's not a great roll. 21 damage. [00:24:37] Speaker A: This Noel is dead. Steve, you have taken him mid clippity clop. And although the horse, I mean, obviously you guys here are sparing the horses in your strategy. You are taking out the riders. And Steve, how does he go down? [00:24:55] Speaker E: I guess they can see him jumping. So I think he pauses for a moment as he sees the boy jump across. And that's enough to be able to put an arrow in his neck. [00:25:05] Speaker A: And he is kind of strapped in. And he is still slumped against this horse. But you have taken him out. What else? [00:25:14] Speaker E: Second arrow goes to the middle guy. [00:25:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:25:16] Speaker E: He is not marked. [00:25:19] Speaker A: This is a ranged knoll. One of these hooded knoll archers, already damaged, already sporting an arrow from the party. [00:25:30] Speaker E: I'm gonna ask another one for him, hopefully. Oh, fuck. [00:25:35] Speaker A: Quit 90 to roll the damage dice twice. [00:25:40] Speaker E: Yeah. Two d, four. And I get two d six for the sneak attack as well. One five. He takes 30 damage. [00:25:54] Speaker A: Wow. He has fallen right off his steed here. And similarly to that first steed, kind of charging, charging up behind here. There is a gnoll on the ground. And now the steed is moving away. [00:26:12] Speaker E: Sweet. That's it for me. [00:26:14] Speaker A: All right. After Steve. The half elf warlock is a plague. [00:26:23] Speaker D: All right. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Yeah. You are furthest most along the rooftop that one of your party members has just done Yamakazi off of. [00:26:35] Speaker D: I know Peleg's very tempted to try the same. Looks like a fun challenge. [00:26:41] Speaker E: Do it. Do it. [00:26:43] Speaker C: One of us. [00:26:44] Speaker E: One of us. [00:26:46] Speaker D: Where? Where are our horses. [00:26:52] Speaker A: Bellag? I mean, I don't think I want to have you make your roll history, but since you want to take a guess where they are. [00:27:01] Speaker D: Well, the entrance we came in, which is the far south one, right? [00:27:06] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So you left them in a glade in the southwest, away from the walls of is before you made your grappling hook approach. [00:27:18] Speaker D: All right, cool. [00:27:21] Speaker A: You're up there thinking about your horse. [00:27:23] Speaker D: Ah, briefly. Now, I'm going to jump over to this roof. Or try to. [00:27:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:27:30] Speaker D: Acromobatics. [00:27:32] Speaker A: Yes, Bellag, as you note, where Steve launched himself from and where he landed. [00:27:40] Speaker D: All right, I rolled a night. [00:27:47] Speaker A: Okay. And you're going from where you are to where Steve is. [00:27:52] Speaker D: Uh, Steve. Pic place. That was the shortest. [00:27:58] Speaker A: And Bella, you have a miraculous insight. A change of heart. And remember. Oh, I should definitely run off the closest part of this building. [00:28:10] Speaker D: Yes. [00:28:11] Speaker A: And now, what did you roll? [00:28:13] Speaker D: 19. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Your 19 will see you across. [00:28:17] Speaker D: Huzzah. [00:28:18] Speaker A: But it would not have before. [00:28:22] Speaker E: The. [00:28:22] Speaker A: 28 foot jump would not have worked. No, that would have been huge. If we sort of imagine how far down it is, too. Anyways, bellog, you slam into to the rooftop undamaged. What's next? [00:28:39] Speaker E: For the sake of long jumps, you have 10ft of running space. You can jump equal to your strength. [00:28:48] Speaker D: Yeah, I've read it. [00:28:51] Speaker E: All right. [00:28:53] Speaker A: I thought it was double. I guess that's a lot there. [00:28:57] Speaker D: Well, there's like the jump. [00:28:59] Speaker A: Jump is spell and stuff. [00:29:02] Speaker D: Which is. Yeah. [00:29:03] Speaker A: Okay, okay. [00:29:04] Speaker D: With the ability is. [00:29:06] Speaker A: Well, anyways, even. Even in the absence of jump spells, the party is literally throwing themselves from the rooftops. [00:29:16] Speaker E: Yes. [00:29:18] Speaker D: And I guess all we've got is. Well, yeah, this guy right here. That's still alive because Steve. [00:29:23] Speaker A: Correct. There are two deceased, one still atop a horse, a couple charging horses, one null alive. Bell egg, just in your 60 foot range. [00:29:36] Speaker D: Oh, buddy. Eldrick's blast is, like, 120 foot range. Yeah. So that motherfucker is getting two beam. I'm gonna hit the singular surviving knoll a little. In our little. Little area, a little hideout here. [00:29:56] Speaker E: Is that. Is that a good one? [00:29:58] Speaker A: Roll it up. [00:29:58] Speaker E: Nope. [00:30:02] Speaker D: That was a twelve. I'm gonna burn my last duration there. [00:30:07] Speaker A: Yeah, man. Twelve plus what? No mods? [00:30:10] Speaker D: No, no. Oh, no, rob, no. It was a five plus seven. [00:30:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, no. Maybe an unarmored teenage gnoll, but no. [00:30:21] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, so that's an Inspo burn. [00:30:24] Speaker A: Okay. [00:30:29] Speaker D: Yeah. So I'm down to zero. All right, so actual roll number one is a 19 plus 726. And then a 15. [00:30:41] Speaker A: You have taken this final, immediate foe down. [00:30:49] Speaker D: Oh, he was that close. [00:30:51] Speaker A: Close to dying, eh, Bellag, your most latest casualty here. Two now riderless horses, and two with dead, slumped, armored knolls atop them. Bell leg. Anything else in your move? [00:31:10] Speaker D: High five, Steve. [00:31:13] Speaker E: Hell, yeah. [00:31:17] Speaker D: And that's it. [00:31:21] Speaker A: Hmm. You will find now that there is still a much reduced quantity of arrows, though, coming at you. Rook and Kaitoa, you are virtually sheltered from all possible arrows coming from the keep. But Rook certainly, you know, you have maintained a bit of a presence here. And you'll have a couple coming dis and a couple no dis. Eight. Ah, you. Ah. I don't want to move to get that. Guys. [00:31:58] Speaker E: Game'S over. [00:31:59] Speaker A: It's over. It's. I'm gonna roll. New D 20. Oh, God. I have to get it eventually. Here we go, then. 14 plus two is 16, which will hit rook with a breastplate. So, Rook, you have felled seven arrows, and the 7th of them has hit you. And you have six damage coming your way. Hmm. If only, you know, you were down and off this rooftop, you would now be out of the range of the keep. But as it is, you are not the rook. So I feel you've probably been pierced somewhere. Not critical. And as this barbed shaft probably. Maybe it sticks into your wrist. As this deals this damage, you are up. No, last on the. On the rooftop. [00:32:56] Speaker B: Last on the rooftop. Let's see here. Well, shit. Are we making our way west out of town? Are we making my way downtown? [00:33:10] Speaker D: Watching back? [00:33:12] Speaker A: I'm home. [00:33:13] Speaker B: Now. [00:33:18] Speaker D: What? [00:33:19] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. We're very least, we're moving so that we don't get pinched between two sets of attackers. [00:33:30] Speaker B: You guys are on like a lonely island. Over there. [00:33:34] Speaker D: It's not lonely. We have each other. Yeah, dog. It's good times over here. Come and join. [00:33:44] Speaker E: The water's just fine. [00:33:49] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:33:51] Speaker B: Well, let me just take a quick peek here. [00:33:56] Speaker E: Fuck. [00:33:59] Speaker D: Into this guy. [00:34:01] Speaker E: Jesus. [00:34:01] Speaker A: Fuck you. [00:34:13] Speaker E: Bellic has a brain aneurysm. [00:34:17] Speaker D: Hey, man, we already discussed my next character. Keep Bellic alive, or else you guys are gonna get so annoyed by my jewish. My jewish healer. Show Mershaman the necromancer idea. They want the healing. [00:34:38] Speaker C: 1000 miles. [00:34:41] Speaker B: Okay, I'll run and leap into Bell leg's arms as he's singing to me. [00:34:48] Speaker A: Okay, now, Brooke, if you have noticed, there is a. What would you call it? Outcropping. There is an extension of the building here which gives you the same angle. And if you're doing it, you will come crashing in to Steve and Bellog. So roll. Athletics or strength? [00:35:18] Speaker B: Strength is a 19. [00:35:20] Speaker C: Your love. Crashing into each other. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Into each other. [00:35:26] Speaker E: Like, I just have a vision of rook cannonballing through the fucking roof. [00:35:32] Speaker C: It's like a D and D. Dave Matthews fan. [00:35:36] Speaker E: Yeah, man. [00:35:38] Speaker D: They crash into each other to me. [00:35:42] Speaker B: So I'm aiming right for, like, his. [00:35:46] Speaker A: Singing voices as a beacon. Yeah. Zabeac, you are heading right into Steve and Belegg's little rooftop position here. And can you roll a quick, like reaction? Dexterity saving throw. Both Steve and beleg. [00:36:05] Speaker E: A Dex saving throw. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Yeah, deck saving throw. And remember, Bell, I give a plus one throw. [00:36:12] Speaker D: Oh, I remember. I remember. [00:36:14] Speaker B: It's like you guys are the mosh pit, not jumping. [00:36:19] Speaker D: So that is a non nat 2017 for Steve. [00:36:24] Speaker A: All right, and both of you guys, note the incoming. Rook, are they going. [00:36:34] Speaker B: Are they going to lift me up? [00:36:35] Speaker D: Like, we might. Get out of the way. [00:36:42] Speaker E: I would like to make an announcement. [00:36:50] Speaker A: So, Rook, you smash into the roof. Not ungracefully. You take no damage, and neither do your party members. Three of you now are on this long house. And Rook, is there anything else in your move? [00:37:10] Speaker B: I'm gonna yell at Kaitoa. Come hither, my friend. And then. [00:37:17] Speaker D: Oh, God. Oh, no. [00:37:22] Speaker E: It's foreboding, Conan. [00:37:26] Speaker B: And then I'm going to. Oh, I think I got a sight line on one of these suckers. Oh, is that the oh. [00:37:37] Speaker A: Half orc marksman? You have drawn a bead on the ride of eight gnolls. Plus, this figure in front, who, you know, bears resemblance to a, you know, a half height or a three quarters height race figure with a yellow shield well within your range. [00:37:58] Speaker B: Is that yellow shield buddy, there that I'm aiming at? I'm taking aim at his punk ass. [00:38:05] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:07] Speaker D: Punk ass bitch. [00:38:09] Speaker B: That one's not good. That's a nine. [00:38:12] Speaker A: Ah. There is an arrow loosed, but it is far short of the mark. You know what, rook? You're fucking distracted by the goddamn burning. [00:38:24] Speaker B: Bunny smell and Bellic's serenading of music. [00:38:30] Speaker A: It's all too much. [00:38:32] Speaker B: I can do one more shot at him. Okay, that one's a 14 again. [00:38:43] Speaker A: Although much closer this time. Your arrow has missed the mark. Dang it. [00:38:51] Speaker B: All right, then. I think that's all I got. [00:38:53] Speaker A: All right, Kaitoa, you're up. And you hear above the cacophony of. No shrieks and clattering hooves. You do hear what Rook said. You hear just over the ruckus. Come hither. And your party just over this clearing, about 60ft away, 50ft away. [00:39:23] Speaker D: Come to us. [00:39:25] Speaker C: Okay. I'll make the run and the jump. [00:39:29] Speaker A: Okay. Your choice. Athletics. Acrobatics. [00:39:36] Speaker E: Right. [00:39:36] Speaker A: 40Ft of movement, it's like 50 being generous. If you dashed, you can 100% do this. [00:39:46] Speaker C: Oh, you're right. I have. Yeah. Gesture. I can make it. [00:39:53] Speaker E: Yeah, you'd have to. You'd have to sprint. Use a sprint action to be able to get them movement right. [00:39:58] Speaker C: I have one. Inspiration? I believe so. Yeah. Let me go for it. [00:40:04] Speaker A: Okay, so one inspiration in the pocket. So roll the first one first. As you charge up this board, you still have one board strapped to your back. Ninja turtle style. [00:40:16] Speaker E: Oh. [00:40:18] Speaker C: Inspiration. [00:40:20] Speaker D: Yes. [00:40:23] Speaker C: Oh, brutal. Yeah. [00:40:26] Speaker D: What, a roller coaster? [00:40:28] Speaker C: Yeah. A veil? Yeah. [00:40:30] Speaker D: Would you raw. [00:40:32] Speaker C: Oh, you like a ten? Yeah. [00:40:34] Speaker A: A ten? [00:40:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Like a nine plus one. What's your. [00:40:40] Speaker E: What's your athletics? [00:40:42] Speaker D: Athletics is like plus six. [00:40:44] Speaker E: Yeah. That would be like 15, wouldn't it? [00:40:47] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry, yeah. [00:40:53] Speaker A: Remember to add your modifiers on the next one because it's harder. Okay. You are. You are up to the edge of this highest warehouse building. But now, still in front of you is a roughly 15 to 20 foot dash and then a huge launch out into thin air. [00:41:23] Speaker D: What's the rule? Don't make me start singing again. [00:41:31] Speaker A: I'll do it. I hear dead air, but. Caleb. I can't hear you. [00:41:39] Speaker E: Caleb, if you've swallowed your tongue, knock twice. [00:41:44] Speaker D: I'm on my way. [00:41:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:46] Speaker D: Heimlich mover prepared. [00:41:52] Speaker A: Ladies and gentlemen, where the. The construct is having a glitch. [00:41:57] Speaker D: Construct is glitching hard. This is not the best time to glitch. [00:42:03] Speaker A: Stolas. Where did Stolas come into the mix? [00:42:06] Speaker E: This here. [00:42:11] Speaker A: Like, while we're getting Caleb back, maybe. Tell me what Stolas is doing. [00:42:15] Speaker E: Okay, so this lot is fucking dead. [00:42:19] Speaker A: Correct. You have two riderless steeds and two with slumped dead riders. [00:42:28] Speaker D: If we can hop on those. On those steeds, that could expedite our escape. [00:42:38] Speaker E: 0123-4123 perhaps Caleb, if he's not. Hey, man. Hey, man. [00:42:50] Speaker B: Could we entice them with some badger meat to get him over there? [00:42:58] Speaker A: Don't, don't. [00:43:00] Speaker D: You know what? We're using crisply to call them over. [00:43:04] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. Can stole this, Mister Pickles one of these horses? [00:43:14] Speaker A: You can try, buddy. [00:43:16] Speaker E: You have do it. [00:43:18] Speaker A: Let's see. You have one horse here that has, like. It looks like a blue saddle, a light colored horse, and then a dark colored horse with a cream colored saddle. [00:43:30] Speaker E: Yep. [00:43:32] Speaker A: Okay. And then, Stolas, can you roll animal handling? [00:43:36] Speaker E: Oh, God. Okay. [00:43:48] Speaker A: And in this moment, you know, the owl familiar is trying to, in some way, command the horse. [00:43:58] Speaker E: It looks like the owl is fucking riding the horse with the. With the. Like it's basically flown down and is perched on the saddle, and it almost looks like he's whispering into the horse's ear and. Oh, fuck. [00:44:20] Speaker A: What picture? [00:44:22] Speaker E: Incoming. Good fucking Christ. Are you kidding me? I love stillness, so that is a critical fucking role, Steve. [00:44:34] Speaker A: There's a deep sort of uttering here. It almost sounds like abyssal. And whatever has happened here, you now have your owl familiar, your summoned owl familiar, and this horse both at your command. [00:44:55] Speaker E: Now, I'm hoping possibly that this horse that could be the. The horse that would have these other riderless horses come with it. But I want Stolas to tell the horse to come to the party and we're gonna fucking princess bride. [00:45:14] Speaker A: Okay? So come to the edge of the building, get ready to receive some. Some riders, some asses falling down on you. [00:45:23] Speaker E: Yeah. They need riders again because the ones they just had been lost and they need. They need purpose in life. [00:45:29] Speaker A: Okay. These are no shy nellies. So let's say this is within the realm of possibility. Steve, I get your plan. And so far stole us with that Nat 20. Dude definitely taken charge of the lead horse. [00:45:47] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, he literally landed on the saddle and leaned in. And if an owl could look like he was whispering, he was whispering into the horse's ear. Well, I know that the way it's set up, we are fucking getting out of here like Princess Bride. [00:46:04] Speaker D: That I'd love to see us get out of here. I'd love to get there. I'd love for all of us to have butts on saddles and be rushing out of the city. [00:46:16] Speaker E: Yeah, man. One, I love this. Die. Two. Fucking stole us as clutch as fuck. [00:46:22] Speaker D: Clutches. Fuck, man. [00:46:24] Speaker E: Dude. [00:46:24] Speaker B: Clutches. [00:46:25] Speaker D: Fuck. Yeah. Caleb still online and in the chat party. Just is not talking. Still. [00:46:34] Speaker C: Hello? [00:46:35] Speaker A: Oh, hey. [00:46:39] Speaker D: Caleb. Did you die? [00:46:42] Speaker A: So what we did is we just had Stolas move right after you got up onto the warehouse roof. [00:46:53] Speaker D: Pulled the most clutch move ever. [00:46:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Stolas is down there messing with horses, and you are one third of the way through. Your move. Movement wise, what you doing? [00:47:08] Speaker D: Could Kaitoa see the movement of the horses and, like, run to the edge of the building and prepare to jump onto a back? [00:47:17] Speaker E: Oh, God, don't do that to the horse. That's a. That's a haul to land on horse. [00:47:26] Speaker C: And behind me, who's dead behind you? [00:47:31] Speaker A: Down in the street, there appears to be only the figure in blue armor now alone, save for it. Looks like one destitute straggler. [00:47:42] Speaker D: God, that's so tempting. [00:47:44] Speaker C: Yeah. I will move to the most narrow point of the street, preparing to jump down on a horse. I will go with athletics for sure. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Okay. And this roof has already received three of the party members without damage or incident. And here comes the fourth. [00:48:10] Speaker C: Oh, that does suck. Eleven. [00:48:17] Speaker A: Okay, you got anything to add to that? That is, with the addition Kaitoa and party members, there is a gap of about 2ft. The kaitoa is not clearing, and as he smashes into the corner of this rooftop, the whole thing gives way under him. And now, you know, the brickwork and the lumber has all been destroyed by the incoming missile of Kaitoa. And so, Kaitoa, you're. You're now finding yourself slipping down the wall. I mean, you probably haven't incurred too much damage, and now you have slipped down, and then here you are, thud on to the gravel and the. The ground beneath the party's position and the brickwork and the timbers clattering above your head. But you have rejoined the party. [00:49:25] Speaker D: Oh, fuck. Thank goodness. I thought you like the way you were describing that. I thought all of us were going to have to make some crazy deck saves as the building collapsed. [00:49:37] Speaker A: I got to give you a narrative twist every once in a while. I mean, however, the implication is, was that board. Was Max Planck on your back there? Yeah, not anymore. As you smashed into this building, Max Planck is no more. [00:50:00] Speaker C: Did the rubble from it fall down? [00:50:03] Speaker A: Oh, you're surrounded by rubble. You're. You're absolutely surrounded by beams, brickwork and stuff. And the party stares down at you. [00:50:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:50:13] Speaker A: Kaitoa, is. Is there anything left. You probably have an interaction. Anything you showed to the party? [00:50:17] Speaker C: Uh, nailed it. I need a light. [00:50:24] Speaker E: Steve gives Kaito a thumbs up from the roof. [00:50:28] Speaker D: Oh, nice, Rob. Pre prepared. Pre prepared. Exploded board graphic. [00:50:33] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. There's Max. The pieces of Max Planck. [00:50:40] Speaker E: Goodbye, Max Planck. [00:50:42] Speaker D: The Max plosion. [00:50:43] Speaker C: All I need is, like, someone to light this on fire so I can make it escape, create a smoke show. Yeah. [00:50:51] Speaker A: Then we have everything on the ground to act. So, party, you know, you have cleared the foes. And what I will do is I will include, by convenience, the fact that those dismounted steeds are on the ground. And you will now see them parties start to just change their course. And the one in the rear here seems a little unsure. He is startled by the squealing of the rabbits. However, the gnoll bodies are now, you know, rolling off those steeds. And, guys, it looks like you have, you know, three or so of these steeds. The first, most of them is absolutely transfixed by this little owl clutching to his mane. And. And the second one as well. It's coming along. However, the third and the fourth, they are sort of a little started and kind of falling behind a little bit. Guys, out in the street there, the eight, plus this fellow in the armor with the yellow shield, they have dashed past your view, and it looks like the fellow in yellow is carrying a lantern or a torch. They have now dashed down towards, it looks like where the figure in blue armor is. And the party can be assured, you know, though they're just passing out of your view, that they have bypassed you, at least momentarily. And now, Steve, you are a. [00:52:30] Speaker E: Okay, let's see here. I'm going to try something. Okay, so this. This horse is. This guy here is just lost, right? [00:52:49] Speaker A: Correct. [00:52:50] Speaker E: Okay, I'm going to sprint. First off, are we in combat? [00:52:56] Speaker A: We are still in that same initiative, Steve. So you will note there are twelve more mounted knolls, you know, coming bearing quickly upon you. They also moved up during that last move, and behind them, 40 more. [00:53:20] Speaker D: Okay, 40 more. Well, Jesus, fuck. [00:53:25] Speaker E: I am sprinting to this horse. [00:53:31] Speaker A: The one who is fleeing will. Steve. Just. Just at the perimeter. My word. 59.8ft 60. [00:53:39] Speaker E: Exactly. [00:53:41] Speaker A: So a dash will get you there. And you would vault over a couple of crates and I suppose I would roll an animal handling at the end if you so wish to take this beast or reroll up on this control. [00:53:59] Speaker E: I don't need animal handling because I have primeval awareness, which is my innate ability to communicate with beasts. [00:54:05] Speaker A: So you have surpassed the fear of this horse. You have overcome the flight response that it was under. And do you wish to just hop right up in the saddle? [00:54:21] Speaker E: Yep. And I'm going to. As I hop up, I'm gonna be talking like, come on, buddy. I got friends in a glade somewhere. They're. They're just gonna be so happy to meet you. You're free now. We can go. Let's get out of here. There's sweet grasses that await you outside of this city. [00:54:39] Speaker A: Okay, sweet grass. Steve, this horse is now under control. I put the icon under your control as well. In this moment. Is there anything else you would do? [00:54:52] Speaker E: I have done all my moves. Um, I guess, action. [00:55:02] Speaker A: This horse also just had his move, so. [00:55:06] Speaker E: And so now I am riding that horse. I wish I could do a separate move again. I did the sprint, which is my full move. Bonus action. Oh, shit. No. Minor illusion is an action, isn't it? [00:55:30] Speaker D: Fuck, yeah. Full action. [00:55:33] Speaker E: Yeah, it's full action. [00:55:34] Speaker A: Shit. [00:55:37] Speaker E: I only have the bonus action now, right? [00:55:40] Speaker A: Yeah. You seem to have exhausted everything but bonus. And then, I mean, we're pretty liberal here with leveraging other parts of your move, so depending what you want to do, just tell me. [00:55:54] Speaker E: Well, both of my spells. All of my spells, pretty much the ones that would be somewhat useful, I think, are actions. Actions. So I. That's it. I think that's it. Okay. You did my move. Okay. Action. I basically hopped on the horse. That's pretty much me. [00:56:14] Speaker A: You have tamed this one who was fleeing, and in this moment, Steve, you know, that one who was kind of on the. On the border. Now he's no longer fleeing. Now he's joining those first two who are going towards the party. Kaitoa in the ruined, crumbling corner. And the two, the half elf and the half orc, they're up on the roof. So, in fact, your move here has almost tamed both who were on the verge of fleeing and routing. So beleg, you know, complete the party's order of initiative. And what are you doing? [00:56:59] Speaker D: What am I doing? I'm jumping on a fucking horse. [00:57:02] Speaker A: All right. Stolas leads the first most among them. And at the moment, along the rooftop, there's a, you know, there's a very navigable jump. [00:57:14] Speaker D: So Stolas leads them. But I could jump on the Stolis horse. [00:57:20] Speaker A: Absolutely with advantage. [00:57:23] Speaker E: He's just a little owl, right? [00:57:24] Speaker A: There's clearly a horse that has Steve's owl commanding it. So if you should choose to jump on it, I would say yes. It is the most docile and easiest to jump on. There is a second horse that it seems like is sidecar to Stolas's horse. They're virtually in tandem. There is a third horse just trailing 5ft behind. And then there's Steve. [00:57:53] Speaker D: I'm going for Stolas horse. What kind of check am I making? [00:57:57] Speaker A: You will make one of acrobatics or athletics. [00:58:04] Speaker D: Acrobatics it is. That is a twelve. 1517. [00:58:15] Speaker A: Okay, you are into the magic zone, and you'll find yourself on top of this steed bell egg. [00:58:25] Speaker D: I give it a real good pat on the neck. [00:58:30] Speaker A: Party. At the conclusion of Beleg's jump on to the horses, there is no longer the clatter of arrows and the ranged assault that the party was thwarting for so long. Instead, there's simply the nose blistering but deliciously satiating smell coming from the flame around you. [00:59:02] Speaker E: Barbecue rabbit, some hyena and rabbit barbecue. [00:59:10] Speaker A: And that is where we'll have to leave you tonight, friends and adventurers, until the next time on dungeons and blackguards. [01:00:17] Speaker D: Which will be next Monday. Nobody is opposed to that, right? Yeah. Nobody's got any weird shit going on. No house sitting. There's no. I need to know because I look forward to this so much every week. [01:00:37] Speaker E: It completes me. I don't know what to say. Something that is like, he's either going to do it on a crit or probably fail. He's fucking gotten a crit two episodes in a row, man. I don't even fucking need Steve to crit. I don't give a shit right now. It's all still. Yeah, man. [01:01:07] Speaker D: Stolas is the most clutch owl of all time. [01:01:10] Speaker E: Yeah, Steve can do damage. That's cool. I can hit shit with him, but he's. That's what he's made for. Stolas has just done some fucking wild ass shit with, like, insane rules. I don't know what to say. I fucking love this demon owl. [01:01:26] Speaker D: Yes. Stolas is living up to the demon. Like, there are some dark ass magic surround that owl. [01:01:37] Speaker E: Yeah, man, it's fucking really, really bad or really, really good juju. [01:01:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:01:44] Speaker E: And we've got horses. Yeah, that was a fucking great call. I wasn't even thinking about those fucking horses. [01:01:52] Speaker D: Fuck. Thank you. They're like, they're right there. [01:01:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:59] Speaker E: And there's four of them. And there's four of us. [01:02:02] Speaker D: Yeah, it's. It's so it's just set up for us. We need to land on them and ride them out of this fucking city. Yeah, man. [01:02:12] Speaker E: We're fucking the next. The next game session, if we're not finishing this. Well, actually, I guess the next game session is a fucking. Is a chase scene. [01:02:22] Speaker D: Oh, I hope so. [01:02:25] Speaker B: Nobody's in a white bronco, are they? [01:02:27] Speaker E: Well, there is a white Bronco, though. I think one of them is white. Someone gets to be OJ. [01:02:34] Speaker B: Just don't go like 40 km an hour. [01:02:38] Speaker E: Who gets the El Camino? Oh, yeah. I can recall, like, a few sessions ago how bloodthirsty we were. We need to fight. [01:02:49] Speaker D: We were so bloodthirsty. Like three sessions ago, I was setting up a drama plan like a theater group. [01:03:05] Speaker E: This is true. I was costuming. [01:03:13] Speaker D: Things have changed and it's wonderful. We're on the heart of it right now. Fuck, I love D and D. Oh, man. I have this resounding feeling that once all of us die with our next generation of players, Stolas is going to be a main enemy. And he's going to be awesome. [01:03:41] Speaker E: It's terrifying. [01:03:43] Speaker D: But, like, I can see Stolas being a main enemy in our world so vividly once we die. This is like levels and levels and levels. [01:03:56] Speaker B: Did you see that beer I sent you? When I saw that in the beer. [01:04:00] Speaker D: Store, I had to buy it. [01:04:02] Speaker B: I had to buy this one. It's from Raven brewing. But the name is Rook. [01:04:08] Speaker E: Oh, nice. [01:04:09] Speaker A: Oh, I saw that. Like a pink, pink label, eh? [01:04:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:14] Speaker A: Rook. So you're drinking the ravens, rookie, they got the whole naming thing down. All right, what are you drinking there, tomo? [01:04:21] Speaker E: I'll raise my walls right now. It is delicious. [01:04:25] Speaker B: Classic driftwood. [01:04:27] Speaker A: No surprise there. And then Kaitoa. [01:04:30] Speaker B: It's like somebody works at drink and the couture. [01:04:34] Speaker A: Who, though you wouldn't know it, is who is up. What are you drinking? [01:04:39] Speaker C: Fast. Arguing. Cake. [01:04:41] Speaker A: I had a fat tug earlier this evening. Oh, what are we drinking? Well, I'm drinking. Actually, I already drank that Hoppin cretin from Tofino. I got thirsty on the weekend, so instead I'm drinking kindling cannery. Right. Is breakfast out? It's all right. [01:05:03] Speaker D: How much are your hydroflask growler? [01:05:08] Speaker E: 60 1616. That's a great price. That's not as good. [01:05:14] Speaker D: Oh, never mind. Okay, cool.

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